Spotlight + Giveaway with Author Nancy I. Sanders!!!

Hi friends! I hope you are enjoying a great start to your week! I’m excited for today’s post as it is a spotlight for a very unique type of book! I love the idea of sharing all about Jane Austen’s life, world, and novels with young readers. Whether it is the adorable BabyLit primer series, a Pride and Prejudice themed reprisal of the classic – Goodnight  Moon, or a youthful Jane Austen biography – I don’t think it is ever too early to introduce children to this great author! And new on the scene is a book that not only introduces Jane Austen to young audiences, but also provides some hands-on activities for them to enjoy as well!

Jane Austen for Kids: Her Life, Writings, and World, with 21 Activities

by Nancy I. Sanders

~ Book Description ~

Jane Austen is one of the most influential and best-loved novelists in English literature. Austen’s genius was her cast of characters—so timeless and real that readers today recognize them in their own families and neighborhoods. Her book’s universal themes—love and hate, hope and disappointment, pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility—still tug at heartstrings today in cultures spanning the globe.

Austen wrote about daily life in England as she knew it, growing up a clergyman’s daughter among the upper class of landowners, providing readers with a window into the soul of a lively, imaginative, and industrious woman in an age when most women were often obscured. Jane Austen for Kids includes a time line, resources for further study, places to visit, and 21 enriching activities.

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~ About the Author ~

Nancy I. Sanders is the author of many books, including Frederick Douglass for Kids, America’s Black Founders, A Kid’s Guide to African American History, and Old Testament Days.


What do you think, friends?

Doesn’t that sound like such a fun idea – mixing some history, literature, and hands-on activities!

Who would you explore this book with?


Guess what? The kind people at Independent Publishers Group are offering 2 lovely copies of Jane Austen for Kids for me to give away to 2 lucky readers!! Woot woot!!

To enter this giveaway leave a comment below!

  • This giveaway is open to residents in the US. Thank you Independent Publishing Group.
  • This giveaway will end March 18th.


  1. My daughter has been quoting P & P for a couple of years now. We started to read it together on and off. I think she would love this book.

  2. Oh, this sounds so fun! I love the concept of introducing JA to the younger crowd. Looking forward to seeing this book and sharing it with my nieces.

  3. I am an elementary school librarian and always recommend our Jane Austen Illustrated Classics to my young readers. And, I am not opposed to persuade anyone who reads one of her books with candy (with a correct summery of the book, of course). I think it is so important to have children read the classics! I would love to share this book with my students.

  4. I bought my grandchildren kid lit versions of JA’s stories. For some time my granddaughter, Mae’s favorite was Goodnight Mr. Darcy: A BabyLit® Parody Board Book (BabyLit Books) . She wore it out. I would love this book for her/one of them but I think they might have to grow into it as she is only 3 years old.

  5. I have a great-granddaughter who is about ready for Jane Austen. This will be a wonderful read-together story. She is very interested in biographies, among other genres, of course. Thank you.

  6. I have a new grandson (yea:)) first one) and I will be teaching him about STRONG women. I would love to put this book on his book shelf. Thank you for concentrating on our young readers!

  7. Hi Meredith, Thanks so much for spotlighting my new book about Jane Austen here on your amazing blog!!!! I’m so excited about what you’re doing to encourage all-things-Jane. It’s a thrill to be here with your followers.

  8. My granddaughters would enjoy this treasure. They love reading and biographies greatly. Thanks for this lovely feature.

  9. This is such a great topic and I can’t wait to read about all the activities! that are included! And so much fun to share with young readers — very excited about this!

  10. I have added this book to my wish list! I have collected children’s books based on Jane Austen and her stories for sometime now. I have also given my granddaughter her own Babylit with cardboard paperdolls of Pride & Prejudice as a gift when she was born. It is never too early start! Thank you so much for a chance at the giveaway!

  11. Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors, so I’m really glad to have this new book available to introduce her to kids. I’ve got granddaughters who will soon be old enough to enjoy Nancy’s book, so I hope I win the drawing.

  12. This is a truly wonderful thing for children and I know one
    little girl especially who would love it! Thank you for the

  13. My daughter and I are huge fans of Jane Austen. We never tire of reading her books. We look forward to reading your new book about Ms. Austen. Congratulations!

  14. How informative and fun. This looks so enjoyable. I would enjoy reading it myself to motivate creativity however I think my grandkids I babysit for would love it just as much. Sounds like a great giveaway.

  15. Thanks for the peek inside and the giveaway. I have been a fan of Nancy’s writing skills and am over the moon about her newest book. Wait until my daughter sees it!

  16. This looks so cute. I’m in love with the Babylit books, the Wang board books, etc. I can’t wait to see it in person. Don’t enter me into the giveaway, since I don’t have anyone to share it with. But I wish Nancy Sanders the best of luck with this book.

  17. I have a Baby-Lit of P&P saved for my first granddaughter and love the concept of reaching them early. This looks like another fun way to share Jane.

  18. This would be a wonderful way to introduce Jane Austen to my class. When I did a unit on medieval history my students made their own coat of arms.

  19. What an interesting concept! I would do these myself, he he. I hope that my niece loves reading as much as I do, most especially Jane Austen so I would share this with her.

    Many thanks to you, Meredith, to Nancy and to the publisher for the giveaway opportunity!

  20. I have loved the baby lit books of P&P and Good Night, Mr. Darcy. I bought them for my grandsons and one for me, too. I think the adult kids will also love Jane Austen for Kids. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

  21. What a wonderful means of introducing my great-granddaughter to Jane Austen. She loves doing crafts as I read to her, as well as just reading me, . .if that’s the only option. And she is a sponge for information.

    I wish you very well in your sales of this book, although I’d really like to win one.:)

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