Cover Reveal + Giveaway of To Conquer Pride!!!

Happy Monday, friends!! What better way to start your week than meeting a brand new Austenesque author and learning about her new Pride and Prejudice inspired release!?! I am so excited to welcome Jennifer Altman to Austenesque Reviews today! She is here to share about her debut novel, To Conquer Pride – which sounds fantastic and is available for preorder now! We hope you enjoy this special reveal and introduction to Jennifer and her debut release!

Hi Meredith! Thanks so much for hosting the cover reveal for my debut novel, To Conquer Pride.

I stumbled across my first Pride and Prejudice retelling several years ago when I was browsing through a bookstore—and while I don’t remember the title, I know that once I read it, I was immediately hooked. After purchasing everything I could find in print form, I got myself an e-reader and was soon devouring Austen-related fiction at the rate of a couple of books per week. I still remember the thrill of discovering a great debut, or the rush of happy anticipation when a favorite author released a new book. But all too soon, I began to run out of variations to read. The authors writing in the genre simply weren’t publishing fast enough to keep up with my growing addiction. So, to keep myself entertained, I decided to write my own!

~ Book Description ~

The course of true love never did run smooth…

When Fitzwilliam Darcy departs Hunsford after his disastrous proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, he does not expect their paths to cross again. Indeed, knowing the lady’s true feelings for him, he makes every effort to see that they do not. But when a chance encounter leaves him stranded in an abandoned cottage with the one woman he can never have, Darcy quickly realizes there is more at risk than just Elizabeth’s reputation.

Elizabeth Bennet knows Mr. Darcy is the last man in the world whom she could ever be prevailed on to marry. Until the morning he hands her a letter, his countenance as dark and forbidding as the windswept sky. Now, trapped in a snowstorm with the one person she was certain she despised, Elizabeth is startled to discover that her feelings are not at all what she expected.

But is one night alone together enough to alter the course of their future?

Can any man as proud as Mr. Darcy be expected to offer for the same woman a second time?

In this tale of serendipity and second chances, the world’s unlikeliest couple must conquer pride, prejudice, and faulty first impressions in the elusive quest for their own happily ever after.

~ From the Author ~

When I started thinking about my book cover, there were two things I knew: 1) I wanted to use a Regency era painting, and 2) I wanted to crop any faces out of the picture. Yes, I know… I’m a bit of an odd duck that way; but I’ve always felt that one of the magical things about books is that they allow the reader to imagine the characters any way they choose. I think that goes for all novels, but it’s especially true when it comes to such iconic characters as Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. People have very strong opinions about what these characters should look like, and I didn’t want to take ownership away from the reader by attaching a face to either Darcy or Elizabeth.

After scouring the internet for Regency paintings in the public domain, I reached out to Susan Adriani at CloudCat design. From the beginning, Susan was a joy to work with – not only did she patiently explain why most of the images I sent her were lacking the number of mega-pixels necessary to translate into a book cover, but she didn’t bat an eyelash when I told her I wanted to cut off everyone’s heads. 🙂 While there was a lot of trial and error involved in finding an image Susan could work with, the painting we landed on happened to be one of my favorites. When Susan emailed me to say that the file size was large enough to use, I felt like I’d won the lottery! And I couldn’t be happier with the final design. I hope you like it as much as I do!

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(expected release date: next week)

What an elegant cover!! I love all the rich details!

That dress is stunning and I love how the diaphanous material comes through in the illustration!

Is the woman Elizabeth? If so, that is a very exquisite dress…I wonder if it is a special occasion…

She is holding a letter, I wonder if it is from Mr. Darcy?!? I wonder what it says!

What do you think, friends?


In addition to the cover reveal, Jennifer is sharing an excerpt from chapter one of To Conquer Pride!

Chapter One

Under different circumstances the rocking of the carriage might have been soothing; however, on this brisk November day, the motion offered little comfort to the compartment’s sole occupant.

Fitzwilliam Darcy stared out the frosted windowpane, but his thoughts were far removed from the passing Kent countryside. From the outset, he had dreaded this journey. Indeed, if it were up to him, he would not have come within fifty miles of Hunsford for as long as he lived. But despite the accusations leveled at him in that very village, Darcy was a man who knew his duty, so when Lady Catherine had requested—nay, demanded—his assistance, he had come. Even so, he kept his visit as brief as possible, arriving yesterday morning and working late into the night. He spoke to no one, save his aunt’s steward, going so far as to take meals in his chambers. And not his usual chambers, either. No, he had made a point of requesting a different apartment. Never again would he step foot in the room where he had dared to dream of a life spent happily with Miss Elizabeth Bennet. The room where he had poured out his soul in that ill-conceived letter…

Releasing a rough sigh, Darcy pressed his forehead to the cold glass. Seven months. It had been seven months since his previous trip to Rosings. Seven months since he had last seen her.

Darcy’s head fell back against the cushions. Just thinking about Elizabeth was like a spill of salt to an open wound—and yet he could do nothing to stop thinking. God knows he had tried.

Oh, it had not been difficult at first. After leaving Rosings, he had gone straight to London to set things right with Bingley, and then there was Wickham to contend with. That endeavor had proven a bit more challenging, but at least it had kept Darcy from dwelling on his disappointed hopes. By mid-summer he was back at Pemberley, and though he made every effort to throw himself into the management of his estate, even the brandy he had taken to consuming on a nightly basis did little to dull his memories. For no matter what he did, Elizabeth Bennet haunted his dreams, both sleeping and awake. Sometimes she would appear to him the way he wished to remember her—her smile radiant, her expression bright with humor. But other times he recalled the way she had looked at him the day of his disastrous proposal—her fine eyes dark with anger.

Had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner…

An icy wind swept into the carriage and Darcy started, realizing they were no longer moving. Turning to face the open door, he regarded the footman silhouetted against the lead-gray sky. When Darcy spoke, his voice was tight.

Why are we stopping? I thought I made it clear I wished to travel straight through.”

Despite his master’s black expression and clipped speech, the footman’s countenance remained carefully composed. “I beg your pardon, Mr. Darcy. This is the last coaching inn before we reach Town. I believe Mr. Johnson thought it prudent to check the status of the roads.”

Darcy lifted his gaze, cursing under his breath as he took in the fat white flakes rapidly descending to join the thick snow already blanketing the ground. Blast! His mind had been so preoccupied; he had not even noticed the worsening conditions.

Turning to his footman, Darcy immediately relaxed his tone. “Of course. Forgive me, Thomas. I had not perceived the change in weather. Johnson was correct to stop.”

His man offered a deferential nod and Darcy moved to the door, exiting the carriage. In the near distance, he could see the retreating form of his driver, heading for the mews. Addressing the footman, Darcy issued instructions to have the horses watered and rested before stalking off in the direction of the inn. Despite his protestations, he was glad to escape the confines of the coach. His legs needed stretching, but more than that, he required a distraction. Anything to keep from continuously reliving those horrible moments at the parsonage.

No, he did not welcome the delay, but perhaps a change of scene would help banish Elizabeth Bennet from his thoughts, even if only for an hour.

~ * ~

Elizabeth Bennet pressed through the thickening crowd, the note clutched tightly in her hand. She should have known something was amiss when her uncle’s carriage was not waiting to meet her. Moving to the nearest window, she stared out at the blowing snow and her shoulders slumped. What had she been thinking, releasing the carriage without being certain someone had arrived to collect her? But before the thought was fully formed, she already knew the answer. She had simply been grateful to get away. Away from Hunsford. Away from Charlotte’s happiness. And most of all, away from the parsonage, where she could still see Mr. Darcy standing before the empty hearth, professing his admiration and his love.

Of course, he had said other things, too. Hateful, horrible things. About her sister. About the inferiority of her connections.

And she had replied in kind.

Elizabeth shook her head and a soft sigh escaped her lips. More than half a year had come and gone since that awful day, and Mr. Darcy clearly had no intention of being in her company ever again. So much so that he had not even bothered to attend the wedding of one of his closest friends.

Not that this had come as a surprise to Elizabeth, given his feelings about the match.

Well, there was nothing to be done for it. Mr. Darcy was out of her life, and despite her desire to leave the area as soon as may be, she would have to remain at the Bell until tomorrow, along with what appeared to be half of Kent.

Elizabeth’s gaze swept the cramped parlor, but every seat was taken. Circling back the way she’d come, she threaded her way towards the outer corridor. Perhaps she would have better luck in the dining room…

Oh my! I am loving the set up already! Such tension and such memories for both! Imagine returning to the area knowing all the took place the last time they were there! Poor Mr. Darcy didn’t attend Bingley’s wedding… and I wonder how he took care of Wickham…I cannot wait to see how this all plays out!

Thanks for having me, Meredith! To Conquer Pride will be releasing in e-book form on November 26th with a print version to follow. You can preorder by clicking HERE!

Thank you, Jennifer, for allowing us to be a stop on your tour! We are so excited for your new release! Congratulations and best wishes!!

About the Author

Jennifer Altman is a novelist, an anglophile, and a lover of all things Regency. After a long career in the television industry, Jennifer shifted to book publishing in 2016. She currently works in the corporate division of a large publishing company. Jennifer makes her home in New York City where she lives in a compact apartment with a considerable collection of books. When she’s not writing, Jennifer can be found reading, watching British period dramas, and not cleaning her house. To Conquer Pride is her debut novel.

Connect with Jennifer

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Jennifer is generously giving away one copy of To Conquer Pride at each stop of her upcoming blog tour, (including this stop!) Yay!!!

In order to be entered to win an ebook copy of To Conquer Pride, please comment with a question for Jennifer. You can ask about her path to publication, her Jane Austen likes and dislikes… (almost) anything goes! 

To enter this giveaway leave a question for Jennifer below! Her answers will be revealed November 30th @ Babblings of a Bookworm 

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Jennifer!
  • This giveaway ends November 26th


To Conquer Pride Blog Tour

November 19th ~ Austenesque Reviews ~ Cover reveal, book excerpt, giveaway

November 26th ~ More Agreeable Engaged ~ Author interview with Joana Starnes, book excerpt, giveaway

November 29th ~ From Pemberley to Milton ~ Book review, book excerpt, giveaway

November 30th ~ Babblings of a Bookworm ~ “Ask Me Anything” author interview, book excerpt, giveaway


  1. I love this cover! The gown is exquisite, is it not? How do artists do that with fabrics? The fonts for the title are just right too, especially the way the feather appears to be appearing from the “To”. Susan Adriani has come up with another winner here.

    And Jennifer, I’m another oddball about faces, for the very reasons you mention above.

    P.S. no need to enter me in the giveaway, as I’ve already had a sneak preview of this lovely tale.

    1. Thanks, Anji! I so appreciate all of your support. And yes! I LOVE the feather. That is all Susan. She has such a great eye! And I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with that odd quirk about the faces. 🙂

  2. I love the cover and understand what you mean about letting the reader have their version of the characters. With all the variations that are out there how did you settle on your idea for a retelling?

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you like the cover as much as I do. 🙂 Also, great question! Best of luck with the giveaway!

    1. Thank you, Lory! Yes, it seems like a lot of people have the same feelings about the faces. Guess I’ll have to keep chopping off people’s heads (or use an image that doesn’t feature any people). 🙂 BTW, Rainy Days was one of the first P&P variations I ever read and I loved it. I knew if I ever wrote one, I was going to find a way to lock D & E in a cottage and see what happened. 🙂 It’s a great premise.

  3. Oh my, this sounds intriguing, and the cover is gorgeous!

    Do you have a favorite JAFF novel or author who inspired you to write your own?

    1. Thank you, Susan! I’m glad you like the cover and I love your question. 🙂 Best of luck with the giveaway!

  4. What a lovely cover. I’m definitely with you about faces (with some exceptions) as there was one book I resisted buying for ages because I just couldn’t like the depiction of Darcy on the cover at all.
    I also like this storyline as I do like it when ODC are trapped together, especially when Elizabeth is aware of the truth about Wickham and all is well with Bingley and Jane.
    Is there much angst in this story? I’m not a big angst lover but can cope if the story grips me (I just have the tissues and chocolate standing by). :). 🙂
    Thanks so much for sharing this Meredith, I rely on these posts to learn of new authors who are worth reading.

    1. Thank you, Glynis! I think most of us enjoy the “trapped together” premise. At least I know I do! That’s why I wrote it. 🙂 Your question qualifies you for the giveaway, but no, I don’t think there is *too much* angst in the story. Just enough, in my opinion. 🙂

    2. That is so lovely to hear, Glynis! I am always happy to share new authors and help readers learn about new books! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by to welcome Jennifer and share your thoughts!

  5. What a lovely cover! But I have come to expect that from Susan Adriani. Very interesting first chapter, too! Congrats on publishing your book, Jennifer.

    1. Thank you so much, Brenda! Yes, Susan does great work. Also, that’s just a portion of the first chapter. I thought the whole thing would have been too long. But I’m glad you enjoyed the small teaser. 🙂

    1. Hmm… I guess you’ll have to read to find out? 😉 The good news is that that qualifies you for the giveaway. Best of luck! 🙂

    1. The pleasure is all mine, Jennifer! I am so excited for your release and am very honored at the chance to host you on my blog!! I sincerely wish you all the best with your release next week!!

  6. Huge congrats on your debut novel, Jennifer! Hope you had a wonderful time writing it.

    The premise is delicious, the writing exquisite, so I’m sure your readers will love your book as much as I did. Couldn’t put the ARC copy down! Ah, there’s nothing we love better than a yearning Mr Darcy :)))

    Thanks for hosting this great cover reveal, Meredith, and what a gorgeous cover it is! Love that beautifully diaphanous dress and the artwork is superb. Susan Adriani’s covers are always such gems! Not long to wait till the release. Best of luck and have a great launch, Jennifer, and happy reading, everyone!

    1. I so agree, Joana! I am so happy to see more of Susan’s lovely work – she truly has such a talent for it! 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your kind words!

  7. First of all, thanks Meredith and Jennifer for the cover reveal, blog tour stop, and excerpt on Austenesque.

    And then, wow what an excerpt; immediately hooking my attention and desire to read the book. And that cover! It is stunning, and I agree with you Jennifer, and so many others about leaving the faces to the reader’s imagination. Besides my being partial to period paintings used a book covers, (unless overused) I really get so tired of the same models and dresses and suits of clothing used over and over again (and rarely historically accurate, IMHO.) There are some authors who have actually changed their very distinctively identifiable covers to ‘new’ ones that just fade into the general noise of the crowd of Regency-set JAFF (and not distinctly beautiful, either.)

    Oh good grief, I guess this touched a sore spot for me. None of this diminishes my praise for, or enthusiasm for hearing about a new author. I’m really looking forward to reading this book. My best wishes for your success, Jennifer. It sounds like a winner to me.

    1. Thank you so much, Michelle!! And we are on the same page with the covers! That’s why I really wanted to use a period painting… but I also wanted to find something I hadn’t seen used before in JAFF or historical romance, which made it a little harder.
      Also, please ask me a question if you want to be entered in the giveaway! 🙂

      1. Would you tell us who the artist is? And anymore delicious plot ideas running around your head for when you finish the promo on this book? We’re all so greedy for good writing in JAFF. 😀

  8. Beautiful cover! Congrats on your novel, Jennifer! I’m always thrilled to have another JAFF author to read!

    I don’t really have a question, but I want to welcome you to the JAFF world! It’s a wonderful place!

    1. Thank you, Pam! I really appreciate that! And there’s still time to think of a question for me if you want to be entered in the giveaway. Anything about me, the book, P&P, JA, the cover… you name it! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Mary! And great question. 🙂 I’ll be answering it along with the others on the last stop of my blog tour. Best of luck with the giveaway!

  9. Beautiful cover. The dress is exquisite. Congratulations on a first publication. Cannot wait to read the entire story.

  10. Love the cover and can’t wait to see what happens at the coaching in. My question, what inspired you to start writing JAFF? Best Wishes with your first publication.l Jen Red

  11. The cover is absolutely gorgeous!!! I like that you cut off the heads–I totally understand allowing readers to create their own visions of Darcy and Elizabeth…although I am always going to imagine Colin Firth in that role. 😉

    Did you start writing your book at the beginning? Or did you hop around, writing the scenes out of order? Writing the opening scene is so daunting to me…so little time and space to make a good impression and compel the reader to keep on reading…which you certainly did here!! And stopping just before they come face-to-face was brilliant on your part but frustrating on ours! Now I have to preorder and wait… 😉

    Also, if you don’t mind, which publisher do you work for? In the late ’80s and early ’90s, I worked for what was then Harcourt Brace Jovanovich…in their San Diego office. I worked in the basement bookshop and also did all foreign correspondence for those desiring Harcourt Brace publications and textbooks, typing away (this was before e-mail) letters regarding our stock of in-print and out-of-print titles, rather like 84 Charing Cross Road.

    Thanks for sharing about your debut novel and the opening pages! Really, really hoping to win a copy!! 🙂

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Aww… Thank you so much, Susanne! I LOVE your questions! I can’t wait to answer them! I wish I could answer right now, but, alas, you will have to wait until 11/30. I work for one of the big 5 publishing houses. If you DM me on Facebook or Twitter, I’ll let you know which one. 😉 Best of luck with the giveaway!!

  12. Congratulations, Jennifer! Such a nice cover 🙂

    In addition to P&P what is your favorite JA novel?

    Thank you for the chance to win your lovely book 🙂

  13. Congratulations on your first book! I have always wanted to write a book, and have been told by various teachers and such that I could write a good one. Oh well, maybe someday. My question pertains to THE dress, as shown on the cover of your book: I notice that the neckline of that dress, and those of so many other dresses of the day, is cut (what I would call) scandalously low… was this normal daytime attire for women of that period? I can’t even imagine wearing something so revealing! It’s hard for me to imagine Elizabeth, Jane, or even Mary, as she is so prim and proper, wearing such regalia! Or was this an evening dress? But even so…. it only half covers…. well, you know!

    1. Thank you, Denise! Regarding writing a book: Go for it! I never thought I’d be doing this, yet here I am. 🙂 LOL! I love your question, but I’m not sure I’m the best one to answer it as I am hardly an expert on Regency fashion. Maybe someone else can chime in… but I know that women of that era would often wear a fichu for this purpose. Here’s what I found online: “In eighteenth-century Western fashions, bodices were cut revealingly low, requiring a piece of cloth, known as a fichu, to cover a woman’s chest.” As to why the woman in the painting is NOT wearing something to cover her chest, your guess is as good as mine. 🙂 But your question still qualifies you for the giveaway. 🙂 Best of luck!

  14. Love that cover girl — perfect from Pearls to Slippers!

    I already have an ARC so don’t put me in the drawing but .. a two-part question:
    1. Have you always wanted to write?
    2. What gave you the courage to publish now?

    Incidentally, I also like the painting you have on your Amazon author page — she is my idea of Elizabeth!

    1. Thank you, Rose! Great questions! I will add them to my list. Regarding my profile picture on Amazon, that was a lucky last-minute find. I like that the woman is turned away so you can’t see her face… and I didn’t even have to chop off her head! 🙂

  15. I think I recognize the artwork for the woman on the cover, but it looks to me like the background has been changed from an outdoor setting. Am I correct? It’s a lovely job, Susan Adriani. Best of luck on the blog tour, Jennifer, and thanks for having another cool introduction on your blog, Meredith.

    1. Thank you, Suzan! No, actually, that is the original painting. It hasn’t been manipulated in any way, except that it was cut down a bit (and I took off the woman’s head). 🙂 But perhaps you are thinking of a different painting by the same artist. There is another one where the woman is standing outside that was my top choice but I couldn’t find a copy that was usable, unfortunately.

    2. Hi Suzan! I am so glad you enjoyed Jennifer’s post! I was trying to think of what cover you might have been thinking of with the outdoor setting. Maybe is it Mr. Darcy’s Refuge by Abigail Reynolds? the woman’s position on the cover, her head being chopped off, and the white dress are all similar. But I just looked it up and see that it is a different yet similar dress…and similar pose! 😉 Wonder if it was the same artist?

  16. Thank you Meredith and Jennifer for this post!
    I really like the cover and I didn’t know about Susan Adriani’s huge talent! I’m impressed!

    My question is: when you were writing your story, how did you imagine Darcy and Elizabeth? As one of the actors that played the roles or with new features?

    1. Ooh, great question!!! I can’t wait to answer this one! 🙂 Thanks for your comment. Yes, Susan is great! Best of luck in the giveaway. 🙂

  17. Yay Jennifer. I so enjoyed having the privilege of being one of your ARC readers. What do you like the most about the fantasy Regency period so many of us like to inhabit in our dreams? I don’t think any of us would want to live there unless we were of the upper crust and independently wealthy, but what do you see as most delightful in the world between book covers?

  18. Just an exquisite cover, and I completely understand your need to ‘chop off her head’! Who is the artist as I do so love Regency paintings. I’m loving the setup with the snowstorm! Thank you for a chance at the giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much, Carole! Your question qualifies you for the giveaway, but I’ll answer this one here. The painting is Madame Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord by François Gérard. Best of luck!

  19. The cover is indeed beautiful. I enjoyed all the little intricate details in the painting. Your excerpt had me hooked right away. I enjoy romance but not books with sex scenes. Does this book have very intimate scenes? Also, do you enjoy any other novels by Jane Austen besides Pride and Prejudice?

    1. Thanks, Suzan! I’ll answer the first question here: Nope, no intimate scenes, so you’re safe. 🙂 A fair amount of romantic moments, but nothing explicit. Best of luck with the giveaway!

  20. Hooray! At last! Jennifer, congratulations on your big reveal! Your excerpt was tantalizing and your writing absolutely lovely. I will be looking forward to reading your book from cover to cover. 🙂

    And speaking of covers…many thanks for every lovely word you uttered about yours (and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who commented on Jennifer’s cover – I’m so happy you’re all enjoying it the way we hoped you would!)

    Working with you, Jennifer, has been a genuine pleasure…and for anyone who is curious, yes, I was in favor of lopping off “Elizabeth Bennet’s” head, too! 🙂 In this case (and in so many others) it adds an air of romance and mystery, and I confess I’ve always preferred to assign my favorite literary characters their own unique look in my mind, regency or modern.

    Wishing you the very best success, Jennifer – congratulations again!

    1. Thank you so much, Susan, both for your sweet comment and for designing such a beautiful cover. I’m glad everyone seems to like it as much as I do! 🙂

  21. Love the cover and the premise of this story! My question for Jennifer- this time of year I love to read holiday books. I see there is a snowstorm in this one, so that’s a great start. Any seasonal scenes in your book?

  22. Congratulations, Jennifer. The cover was a lovely. How long did it take from the moment of inspiration for the story until you had it fleshed our?

  23. What a lovely cover – and I love the “stranded in a snowstorm” plot – or any type of Darcy and Elizabeth being stranded together! I’d love to win a copy – but I suspect I’ll read it in any case!

    1. I just realized there has to be a question attached. In my experience, many P&P fans have a preference from between Darcy and Elizabeth: with whom they identify more, feel more in common with – and conversely whose faults they feel more annoying/off-putting (or an opinion on who can be more blamed for their misudnerstandings/conflicts). Are you more a pro-Darcy or a pro-Elizabeth person?

      1. Thank you, Agnes! I love the D & E stranded together premise, too. Hence, the jumping off point for my story. 🙂 And I absolutely love your question(s)! Looking forward to answering them on the last stop of my blog tour. Best of luck with the giveaway!

  24. Hi Jennifer. I loved the excerpt and the cover is gorgeous- the loveliest JAFF cover I’ve seen in fact!
    My question is how long did it take you to write ‘To Conquer Pride’?

    Best of luck with your new release. ☺️

    1. Thank you so much, Elaine! And LOL on the question. You probably don’t want to know. 😉 But I will add it to the list. 🙂 Best of luck with the giveaway!

  25. What a delightful excerpt, I’m looking forward to reading the book. I love stories with Darcy and Elizabeth stranded together. And the cover is beautiful.
    Congratulations on the release of your book and thanks for the giveaway.

  26. I love the cover, it has a simple elegance to it, just like Elizabeth. Would you ever want to spend a month back in Jane’s time to really see the Regency era or do you prefer getting a glimpse from the comfort of the modern era?

    1. Thank you, Danielle! Oh, I really like your question! That will be a fun one to answer. 🙂 Adding to the list. Best of luck with the giveaway

  27. Yes, the cover is incredible. What is the name of the painting? Thank you for the excerpt (and congratulations on your debut novel). How interesting that both Elizabeth and Darcy were at Hunsford in November and why was Darcy demanded to attend. Thank you for the giveaway. Are you currently writing another JAFF?

    1. Thanks so much, Eva! I’m glad you like the cover — I do too! The painting is Madame Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord by François Gérard. And thank you for your questions! I’ll add the last one to my list for the final blog post. As to why Darcy was needed at Rosings… I don’t really get into that, except to say that Lady Catherine demanded that he attend her. So, who knows? Maybe a horse escaped from the stables, or tree fell over in one of her fields. Probably some minor trifle that was a huge emergency in her mind. 🙂 Best of luck with the giveaway!

  28. I *love* this cover! The fabric of the dress is so beautiful! Congrats on writing your own piece of JAFF! Here is my question: What is your favorite way to write? That is, do you prefer typing on a laptop, writing long-hand with pen and paper, tapping on your phone, etc.?

    1. Thank you, Brigid! Ah, such a great question! I look forward to answering this one. 🙂 Make sure to check out my final blog post at Babblings of a Bookworm on 11/30 to find out! Best of luck with the giveaway.

  29. Beautiful cover, great excerpt as well! You left me wanting more, especially how the would react to seeing each other after so long…

    I can’t wait to read it!

    1. Thanks so much, Dung! If you’d like to be entered in the giveaway, please reply back with a question for me. 🙂

  30. Congratulations on your book! That cover is amazing and I appreciate the no face route! You’re right that we all have our own images of D&E. That being said, which film version of P&P is your favorite? The excerpt was fantastic and makes this a must read for me!

  31. I am with you Meredith, this is such lovely cover. I got broken hearted… I wanted more of the story and the chapter ended… I cannot wait to read this. Thank you for the excerpt and thank you for the give-away.

    1. Thank you so much! And if it left you wanting more, then I’ve done my job. 😉 Also, please leave a question for me to be entered in the giveaway.

  32. This is a beautiful cover — I approve!

    Congrats, Jennifer, on your book release and the giveaway opportunity. Thanks to Meredith’s lovely review, this one is definitely going on my wish list.

    My question for Jennifer: is Olivier, Rintoul, Firth or Macfadyen your ultimate Mr. Darcy? And if you could ask Mr. Darcy but one question, what would it be?

    1. Thanks so much! I love your questions! The first one will be relatively easy to answer… but I’ll have to give the second one some serious thought! Best of luck with the giveaway.

  33. Congratulations Jennifer on your book cover and release. The cover is beautiful – good choice. Thank you for the excerpt. You have got me intrigued on how the story will play out. I’m curious as to you occupation in publishing and if that helped you through the writing and publishing process with your book. I’m always glad to meet new authors and new stories about my favorite couple. Thanks Meredith – I never miss your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!! –LeslieGB

  34. What do I think of the cover? I think it’s perfect for a P&P variation featuring Elizabeth. Thanks for another story.

  35. What a beautiful cover and delightful excerpt, this sounds like a book I would enjoy very much! But for Mr Darcy not to attent the wedding, that one I had not seen coming… His pride might not be the only thing broken, his heart too.

    1. Thank you, Charlotte! Oh, there is no questions about his heart. 🙂 Also, please reply back with a question for me if you’d like to be entered in the giveaway.

  36. Just Wondering, it had been seven months since the proposal, did Elizabeth stayed 7 months in Hunsford ? Or did she go back (to help Charlotte) and now she is heade back away from Hunsford?

    1. Elizabeth returned to Hertfordshire after the proposal, as in canon. She came back to Hunsford to visit Charlotte, who had just given birth to her first child. When she and Darcy meet at the inn, they are both traveling back to London. 🙂

  37. What a beautiful and stunning cover, Jennifer. And I love the setting up of the story in the excerpt. Congratulations on the release of your debut novel.

    I don’t know if someone else asked this before me. As I assume you are self-publishing To Conquer Pride and since you are working in a publishing firm, have you tried submitting your manuscript to them? What did they say? Did you take any formal writing lessons or workshops to prepare before venturing to pen this novel?

    1. Thank you so much for the well wishes! And great questions(s)! You posted them just in time. I turned in my blog post with the answers last night, but was able these. I hope you’ll stop by Babblings of a Bookworm on Friday to find out the answers. 🙂

    1. Hi Patricia! Yes, I did choose it. 🙂 That’s so funny that you say that about seeing it in the Met. I live in NYC, and dragged my niece who was visiting me this summer to the Met, mainly so I could see the original painting. After wandering around I started asking the security guards where I could find it… and it turns out it was not on display! 🙁 I guess they rotate their art work, since they have so much. Maybe someday I’ll actually get to see it in person.

    1. Thanks Sharon! I like it too. 🙂 Good questions! I have already turned in my blog post with the answers to these… but luckily someone else asked something similar, so you can find out the answer at Babblings of a Bookworm on Friday!

  38. The cover is lovely and evocative without robbing any of us of our own mental image of Elizabeth’s face. The excerpt certainly is inviting. Clearly ODC are heading for a stunning, if not explosive meeting, and we can be flies on the wall while it happens. Thank you for the generous opportunity to win a copy.

  39. I enjoy stories where Elizabeth and Darcy are “trapped” with each other – to truly “find” one another. Add my name to the cover picture admirers. Curious – why is the figure “faceless”?

    1. Thanks, Mary! I enjoy the “trapped together” premise, too! I explain why the woman on the cover is “faceless” in my post. Basically, everyone has their own mental image of Darcy and Elizabeth, and I didn’t want to take that ownership of the characters away from the reader by depicting anyone’s face on the cover. 🙂

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