Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Caitlin Williams!!!

Hi readers! I’m so happy to welcome back the lovely Caitlin Williams to Austenesque Reviews today! As I am sure you are already aware, Caitlin has just released her latest book, The Events at Branxbourne! I’m super excited about this for two reasons: I’m a big fan of Caitlin Williams (loved, loved, loved The Coming of Age of Miss Elizabeth Bennet!) and I’ve been hearing some terrific things about this newest release (some friends have been praising it REAL hard!) 😉 And I know they aren’t doing that without reason!!!

Thanks for hosting me, Meredith, for the launch of the blog tour for my newest book, The Events at Branxbourne. I’d thought I’d share a wee snippet from the book with your readers. I also want to thank everyone who has already bought a copy of this book for their support.  I really hope they enjoy the story.

I should explain that in this scene Darcy is visiting his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, in London, and from his bedroom in Hanover Square he can see the comings and goings of the Viscount and Viscountess Lambert. This story is set four years after that disastrous proposal at Hunsford.


Once back in my bedroom in Hanover Square and divested of my coat and waistcoat, I dismiss my valet. He is a quiet, efficient man, but his company irksme tonight. The port ought to have made me tired, but I suspect sleep will not come easy, in this strange bed, in this Town that was once familiar but now seems like a foreign country to me.

Hearing the distinctive noise of carriage wheels crunching over cobbles, I go to the window to see a handsome landau stop in front of a house at the far end of the square. An efficient night butler comes out to greet it, lamp in hand. He helps a lady down, yet when she gains the pavement, there is some delay: a scene, a short exchange of words with whoever remains in the carriage. Then she slowly ascends the front steps that lead up to the house, pauses at the open front door, and turns to look back. A sudden breeze catches the hem of her long, black cloak, ruffles it up in the air behind her. Her face is ghostly pale against the dark material. She is a lovely silhouette before I realise her distress. Her expression is desperate and imploring, her eyes are red. The Viscountess Lambert, or Elizabeth, as I too often allow myself to think of her, has been crying.

Why does he not get out? Surely it must be the viscount? How can he stand to see her cry and not go to her, comfort her? They have argued, I suppose, and never having been married, I cannot claim to fully understand what transpires between a man and his wife. Though I do know that if I should ever marry, Mrs Darcy will never, not for a moment, be allowed to stand distraught and alone on the street. I retreat back from the window, aware I have been gawking at her for some time and half-afraid she will somehow sense it and glance this way, see the candle glowing here and, in turn, me spying on her.

Not until I hear the carriage move quickly off again, do I risk another trip to the window. I am in time to see Elizabeth enter her house alone. The viscount has seemingly abandoned her and gone on somewhere else. It is a sad affair but, ultimately, none of my business. I pull the curtains firmly shut.

When I am writing, the books I am currently reading influence me greatly. This time around, I have written in first person present tense. I think the story came out this way—with the viewpoint of the story switching back and forth between Darcy and Elizabeth—because the books I was reading at the time were written in this style—and they were all great reads.


I have so many favourite books. Today, I wanted to ask your readers about their favorite books. Which books, non Austen, have really touched a chord with you? Tell me about those novels which snuck in and have taken up residence in your heart, and made a deep, lasting impression?

I personally have so many favourite reads, I don’t know where to start, though I do remember balling my eyes out at the end of A Tale of Two Cities, being wowed by Memoirs of a Geisha, and loving Me Before You.

Recently, I re-read A Room with a View by E.M. Forster, who was also influenced as a writer by Jane Austen . I adored this story of a young girl well-to-do-girl  going to Florence and finding unlikely love with a man who is socially beneath her – she falls in love with his ability to say ‘yes’ to life— has become a great love of mine. It’s the growth of the character and the social commentary I adore in this story.

I watched the film adaptation as soon as I had finished the book and I was enthralled. Judi Dench, Maggi Smith, Denholm Elliot – Florence, a beautiful soundtrack. What’s not to love? It also stars a young Helena Bonham Carter – although the real star is actually Helena Bonham Carter’s hair—so enormous and fabulous it should have its own credit in the titles; its own zip code. And that kiss in the poppy field! What a film moment!

What’s your favourite book, your favourite adaption? I’d love to hear your selections, so please share them with us in the comments below.

You can order The Events at Branxbourne on Amazon.

Oh, *sigh* I love that scene, Caitlin! Thank you for sharing your some of your favorites with us! What a terrific excerpt you shared; I’m so looking forward to reading the story from both Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s first person point-of-view!  Can’t wait!


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In conjunction with her blog tour, Caitlin is generously giving away a $100 gift card!!! Can I get a woot woot?!? So many books can be bought with this, right?

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment and fill out the rafflecopter form below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Caitlin!
  • This giveaway ends June 10th!

My sincere thanks to Claudine Pepe and Caitlin Williams for making this blog tour possible!

***June 2 ~ Austenesque Reviews ~ Guest Post Launch & Giveaway***

June 3 ~ Of Pens & Pages ~ Book Review & Giveaway

June 4 ~ Babblings of a Bookworm ~ Book Review & Giveaway

June 5 ~ Just Jane 1813 ~ Book Review & Giveaway

June 7 ~ From Pemberley to Milton ~ Book Review & Giveaway

June 8 ~ Obsessed with Mr Darcy ~ Book Review & Giveaway


  1. Not sure I can pick my favourite book – it depends on my mood – LOTR, Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, nearly any Anthony Trollope, any Raymond Chandler or Hammett.

    1. Yes, I read Agnes Grey when I was young and remember loving it. Time for a reread perhaps. I can’t manage LOTR though. I have tried and failed. Fantasy just isn’t my thing. I agree that a lot depends on your mood at the time.

      It’s funny you should mention Trollope as I have just downloaded The Way We Live Now. There are four books ahead of it on my TBR list but I am reading a lot at the moment, so hope to get to it soon.

  2. Thank you for launching this tour, Meredith!! I love your enthusiasm for Caitlin’s stories. As some one who has read this story twice already, I can promise you that you and your readers will LOVE it!! It has all of the ingredients that I love in a JAFF story. I could not put it down!!

    Have a great weekend…

    1. Thank you for the lovely opportunity, Claudine! I’m so happy to have Caitlin visit my blog and I’m thrilled we are celebrating her new release!

  3. Loved the excerpt, love all of Caitlin’s books! I already have this one, but I haven’t started it yet. Can’t wait to get into this story (as soon as I’m done with my library loan)!

  4. Loved the excerpt and interview Can’t wait to read the book.Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  5. I have already purchase and read this lovely book (in one sitting, no less) and I heartily recommend it!

    1. Thanks Brenda. That’s a lovely thing to hear from a fellow writer. Somebody said that this book reminded them of your writing, which was a great compliment

    1. Oh, I don’t know A Song of Ice, I shall have to look that up. I have only read Harry Potter because of my kids, but I think they are brilliant. It’s all the amazing, clever details that make HP great.

  6. My favorites are all of Georgette Heyer’s romances. I have re-read them all and this time it’s ‘Friday’s Child”.

    Congratulations on your book launch and thank you for sharing your snippet. I’ve just purchased and can’t wait to read it.

  7. I am a big fan of “Memoirs of a Geisha” and I also think the film adaptation was remarkable.

    Caitlin, congratulations on the success of your latest! It has all the elements I love in a novel. Tugged at my heartstrings from the first pages and you kept me riveted until the end. I especially love the ending after achieving their hard won happily-ever-after—I felt so much hope and love.

    Meredith, can’t wait for you to read this book!

    1. ‘memoirs’ is a great book. Have you read Falling Leaves? Beautiful too. And Wild Swans, amazing.

  8. I just read a Room With a View a few weeks ago and then watched the movie which I hadn’t seen in decades. Lovely…

    1. Ria, I love it. Its the film I go to when I need comfort. It’s like a fluffy blanket.

  9. Oh wow! A JAFF where Darcy doesn’t get his girl! I don’t know if I can stand it, but I can’t wait to read it anyway! My favorite book has got to be “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. And not just the first installment but all of them. I love books set in Scotland. Maybe it’s because I’m part Scottish. I have read many books set in Scotland, and the concept of time travel into a historic era also appeals to me since I worked for ten years just to get my history degree! I also love “Jane Eyre” and its movie adaptation starring Timothy Dalton as Mr Rochester. I’ve read it and watched the movie a few times… and the movie is almost word for word like the book. You don’t find that too often. I read so much, one book to the next, that I really can’t pick out many more favorites, though for authors I like Liane Moriarity, Maeve Binchy, Anne Rivers Siddons, and Nancy Thayer. Thank you for the opportunity to win the gift card! I have so much JAFF on my list, that card would go a long way to buying so many of them!

    1. I think I need to read Outlander because I have heard so much about it, and we have the same taste. Jane Eyre is great. Its also the one book that has so many good adaptations. I’ve seen about three different excellent ones.

  10. Thanks for this lovely feature and giveaway. Favorite book is Rebecca. Memorable and unforgettable classic.

  11. Thanks for the excerpt and the fabulous giveaway, Caitlin!! This books looks amazing, and I’m saving my pennies to purchase it.

    I think that Little Women and Jane Eyre have both formed me as a writer and as a reader. And Anne of Green Gables–the whole series. My favorite remains #8, Rilla of Ingleside. However, I didn’t “meet” the Brontës or L.M. Montgomery (or even Austen) until I was an adult. As I grew up, I was either reading Alcott or mysteries.

    As a teen, I adored the Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden mysteries, and I remain a devoted fan of the mystery genre, especially historical mysteries. I just read the newest Anne Perry mystery entitled Twenty-one Days (finished it at 2:00 AM this morning) which marks the beginning of a new series of hers featuring the lawyer son of Charlotte and Thomas Pitt (about whom Perry has written 27 mystery novels thus far), and I could not put it down!

    Thanks for your terrific question, Caitlin, and for your generous giveaway!! And, as always, thank you, Meredith, for being the perfect hostess!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Thanks Suzanne. Loved reading your reading hostory:) I saw your review of Twenty one Days. Looks great

    2. Wow, Susanne! I echo so much of your reading history! I was a big Nancy Drew fan when I was a young teen and I would list Jane Eyre and Little Women as some of my all-time favorite reads. I hope to add Anne of Green Gables to that list, I have not read it yet though!

  12. I pre ordered this book so it is sitting on my kindle waiting for me to clear enough time to read it in one go as I’m sure I won’t be able to put it down once I start.
    As for my favourite book(s) that has changed over the years. My very first favourites were Enid Blyton and her Magic Faraway Tree series when I was a child which I bought for and read to my brother’s children, also for my own children and look forward to reading them to my grandchildren. Since then not counting Jane Austen my favourite authors have included John Wyndham, Raymond Chandler, Howard Spring, Mary Stewart and Anya Seton but now on the rare occasions I’m not reading JAFF I love anything my Georgette Heyer and Dorothy L Sayers.
    Thank you Caitlin and Meredith for sharing this excerpt

    1. Your mention of The Faraway Tree made me smile. I am presently reading that to my five year old, read it to my ten year old when she was the same age, and enjoyed myself as a child. The enduring legacy of Blyton, she has fed imaginations for generations.

  13. Another fabulous excerpt Caitlin! Can’t wait to read it! A book I’ve really loved, which I read recently and a new favourite, is ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine’. So different to Jane Austen, but one that I’d highly recommend with an unforgettable protagonist.

  14. Oh wow! That’s a real tugger at the heart strings. Thanks for sharing it with us, Caitlin. Looking forward a lot to following the rest of the tour.

    As to books that have stayed with me during my reading life, the earliest is Peter Pan, the first book I read to myself without reading aloud. I was 6 or 7 and I still have the copy I read all those years ago. It was probably the first hardback book I owned, too. Haven’t yet seen a satisfactory film version of it, though.

    Then around age 11 or 12 came P&P – I was in my first year at secondary school and had seen the 1940 version on TV one Sunday in the 60s. Checked the book out of the school library the next day! Sadly, I never experienced that jaw-dropping DHP moment on first reading it, as I knew it was going to happen. Favourite dramatisation remains 1995.

    I’ve been a sci-fi geek for even longer than I’ve been a Janeite, so a number of books of the 50s, 60s and 70s stand out. Arthur C. Clarke’s A Fall of Moondust, Isaac Asimov’s Robots, John Wyndham’s Day of the Triffids and The Kraken Wakes and Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series. Some haven’t been dramatised (yet) but I haven’t seen any satisfactory dramatisations of the rest except maybe I, Robot. I love Maria Grace’s recent Dragon series, by the way.

    As an young adult, I discovered Tolkien’s works and though I loved the film trilogy of LotR, I thought the film version of The Hobbit didn’t measure anywhere close to its predecessor. Then about eight years ago, our son recommended A Song of Ice and Fire which we both thoroughly enjoyed and of course, the TV series is amazing.

    Now, I’ve discovered the wonderful world of Austenesque fiction and so many wonderful writers such yourself, Caitlin. Thanks so much for many, many happy hours of reading enjoyment.

    1. Thanks Anji, I can see why people love Sci fi, even though it’s not my thing. It represents the opportunity to lose yourself in a completely different world. You are the second person to recommend A Song of Ice and Fire. Must look it up.

  15. I loved loved loved The Coming of Age of Elizabeth Bennet too! ❤️
    Haven’t read many non P&P related books for a while lol, but the Outlander series are a favourite and the screen adaptation too!
    Looking forward to reading your new book!

  16. Wow! I loved that excerpt… I was drawn in immediately… only to have the door slammed in my face so abruptly that I recoiled from my reader. Dang… I must read this story. Everyone that has read it loves it. Caitlin, I am so excited for you. Blessings on the launch and success of this work.

    I have a very unusual reading history… Nora Roberts has a few books that I will read over and over again. I have read Christine Feehan, Diana Gabaldon, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Lynsay Sands, Tessa Dare, and others but I don’t want to forget all the JAFF authors… I love retirement.

    I saw the movie ‘A Room with a View’ and agree completely about Helena Bonham-Carter… her hair was amazing. I must say that she is pretty amazing herself. No matter what movie she finds herself… she completely embraces the character and you totally believe her to be that person.

    Thanks to Meredith for hosting this post and to our author for the generous [OMG generous] give-a-way. Good luck to everyone in the drawing. I am grateful for the option for those of us who don’t have social media. Meredith… say hello to Mr. Bingley for me.

    1. Nora Roberts is a great story teller. I remember her from when I was young but haven’t read anything of hers for years.

      Yes, Helena Bonham Carter is lovely in this and she is in a lot of my favourite period movies. Howard’s End etc. And, also was a wonderful Queen Mum in The King’s Speech opposite Colin Firth, which is an amazing film.

    2. I agree! I love Helena Bonham Carter in both roles! Too bad she hasn’t been in a Jane Austen adaptation yet! What character do you think she would do well as?

      1. Ooh that’s a great question. She’s in her fifties now, so could be Mrs Bennet, but I’m not sure I want another P & P variation, 1995 is perfect for me. She could be Lady Bertram if they remade Mansfield Park. I think they should make my first book, Ardently, into a film, so she can be Mrs Mountford – now I’m in dreamland:)

        1. She probably would make a hilarious Mrs. Bennet! LOL! In her younger years I think she would have been an ideal choice for Mary Crawford or Lady Susan.

  17. Oooo that excerpt….sigh… Truly looking forward to reading this. I’ve seen some lovely buzz out there regarding this new one, Caitlin. And like other, I loved The Coming of Age of Miss Elizabeth Bennet. That haunted me for weeks afterwards. Definitely time for a reread. Good luck with this new one. It sounds like a heart-breaker, my favorite kind

    When you asked what Non-Austen books we loved, I just blinked several times as I wracked my brain. Was there any book out there I would consider my favorite currently. I always enjoy reading what other people (who also love JAFF as a genre) consider their favorite books. I do love The Outlander books and the whole Gabaldon world, I’ve reread the series multiple times. For the most part I stay pretty much within The Regency now and have for quite awhile. Yes, Georgette Heyer!! I have so many fave authors of Regency from chaste to extra-warm, too many favorites to list. One of my most favorite books currently is a Laura Kinsale, Flowers From The Storm. I’ve reread the last two chapters so many times (and bawled my eyes out every time.)

    It’s lovely that you mentioned A Room With A View, because right around the time it was released many other high production Period Dramas began appearing and enjoying commercial success. I loved that movie when it came out and went and read every E.M. Forster I could find. Thank goodness for that commercial success, right? Back then it seemed an agonizing space of time before a new one came to the Big Screen, and then hurray, the small screen. Which eventually brought me to Jane Austen. Because somehow I made it through High School without reading Jane.??? But since I loved the Austen dramas that came to big and small screens (thank you PBS) I felt convicted about never having actually read Austen. T

    1. I let my ‘mouth’ run away from me for so long the rest of my comment got cut off. Now I forgot what else I was trying to say. Except I’m longing to read the new book.

  18. Sounds wonderful! Putting it on my TBR for this summer. Thank you for the giveaway too.

  19. I’m going to love this book.

    I have never read “A Room with a View”, but I LOVE the movie. Yes, the hair always amazed me & THAT kiss.

  20. Favorite books (so many): Jane Eyre, Outlander series, North and South, Harry Potter series, Twilight series, and too many JAFF books to even begin listing. I, too, loved Memoirs of a Geisha and loved the soundtrack for the movie. Enjoy reading Agatha Christie’s books and have read about three of the Game of Thrones book – stopped before “The Red Wedding”…didn’t want to read of the gore. Read James Bond books in college and enjoyed those. I am sure I am missing some as I have been a reader since childhood when I read all the Louisa Alcott books and others such as Black Beauty & Heidi, etc.

  21. Poignant excerpt! Ah, the fun of influential and favorite books. Love Room With a View and that is hilarious about her hair. 😉

    1. Thanks Sophia. There’s a scene where Maggie Smith ‘tries’ to brush Helena’s hair. Always makes me giggle

  22. There is no way I could ever pick a favorite. I can’t even pick a favorite author. I love some YA books that bring back pleasant memories such as little women, the little house series, Anne of Green Gables, I love most of Dick Francis, Janet Evanovich, quite a few Nora Roberts. etc..

  23. A heartwrenching scene…so looking forward to reading this.

    I have several favourite books…Little Women, Jane Eyre, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings to name a few that I read when I was young. I have enjoyed most but not all adaptations of the first two. I did love LOTR’s adaptation very much. I remember see the movie of Room With a View and loving it. Helena was beautiful and stiil is such an amazing actress.

    Thank you for a chance at the amazing giveaway!

    1. Thanks Carole. Yes, I love Jane Eyre. The only Bronte book I couldn’t get on with is Wuthering Heights. Though I have seen some adaptations of it that were fantastic

  24. What a great story, this sounds to me an emotional and really interesting read! And the giveaway, simply wonderful 😀 With immense luck I can finally get The Coming of Age of Miss Elizabeth Bennet. It’s on my wishlist which is ever growing & this new one aswell… Fingers crossed.

  25. Great excerpt! There is much good buzz about this book from my Goodreads friends! I have serious love for Lauren Willig’s Pink Carnation series. And I still reread the Harry Potter series.

  26. My favourite books are Outlander, Game of Thrones, The Great Gatsby, Big Little Lies, Anna Karenina, Great Expectations, The Portrait of a Lady, and Memoirs of a Geisha.

  27. I am a big fan of “The coming age of Elizabeth Bennet” too!

    I finished “The Events at Branxbourne” in one day and the story haunted me through the night. Such a compelling variation of Pride and Prejudice. I LOVE it!!! Thanks, Caitlin!!

  28. You are now one of my go to JA variation authors! Love the variety you give us! This books was wonderfully compelling!

  29. That brief glimpse really lured me in. It’s so emotionally charged I am definitely looking forward to reading this. I have lots of favorites. Many are related to Austen’s works. Mostly I fall into the same categories as those above.. the Brontes (not wuthering heights tho), Elizabeth Gaskell, georgette Heyer, Julie klassen, tasha Alexander. To narrow down the actual favorite books would be too challenging. I also love travel related books – so far Germany, Latvia, romania, Ireland, Austria, novel destinations, RV vacations.

  30. I most read JAFF nowadays and rarely do I venture out of my comfort zone. I can’t recall what novels leave a lasting impression on me. I remember liking Wuthering Heights when I was in school as it was a required reading for my English class but lost its place in my heart when I discovered P&P. It cannot compare the the Austen’s masterpiece and I don’t know why I wanted to be Cathy in the first place. I’d rather be Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy or even Sir Percy Blakeney from The Scarlet Pimpernel.

  31. Caitlin, I have your new book on my wishlist. Thanks for the fantastic, very generous, giveaway!
    There are too many books that I like to describe here. I’ll tell you a funny incident from this weekend, though. Both of my boys really like “The Phantom Tollbooth”, and I got them each a t-shirt with the cover of the book on it. My older son and I were at our town’s festival Saturday, and he wore the t-shirt. Many people exclaimed over his t-shirt, and gushed how much they too loved the book. Terrific reactions!

    1. Hi Ginna. That’s great. I just looked that book up for my nine year old. She’s a real bookworm and it looks like the sort of thing she will love, so I ordered it.

      1. Wow! That shirt is really having an effect on people! 😉
        I hope she likes it. I don’t see why she wouldn’t; it’s pretty good.

  32. Hi Caitlin,
    It’s such a coincidence that I just re-read “A Room With a View” too. It is one of my favorite books and movie. I recently listened to an Audible version narrated by Jan Cramer who did an excellent job on the character’s voices. I’m relatively new to audio books and so far I’m really enjoying them especially when I’m knitting!!

    “A Room With a View” is such a beautiful love story, I’m curious if there has been any fan fiction or sequels created for George and Lucy’s story? There are so many great writers out there, maybe someone will take the hint!!

    Thanks for sharing the excerpt and the giveaway. –Leslie

  33. Thanks for sharing Caitlin, I love A Room with a View as well. Both the book and the movie.
    Congratulation on the new release. 🙂

  34. Congrats on your latest release Caitlin! I can’t wait to read it. A favorite non JAFF/Austen book? Gosh that’s tough… here goes:

    1) Start with Why – Simon Sinek
    2) Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable – Tim S. Grover
    3) The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini
    4) The Hunger Game Trilogy (It’s what got me into reading again for leisure after 20+ years)
    5) I also enjoy reading auto-/biographies of individuals. The one that stand out are
    a. No Higher Honor – Condoleezza Rice
    b. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life – Alice Schroeder
    c. Johnny Carson- Henry Bushkin
    d. Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination – Neal Gabler
    6) A Moment Forever – Cat Gardiner

    Too many good books and not enough time to read them!

    1. Thanks for a great list, Dung. No am definitely going to read The Kite Runner, next on my list

  35. Oh my favorite books are pretty much all Jane Austen “related”… But I’ve loved, and still do, the Anne of Green Gables series. Anne is such a dreamer & enjoys life to the max. I can’t help but feel like we should have been best friends when we where kids. In a way we where 🙂

    1. It’s great when you remember a book from your childhood. Anne of Green Gables is one I might have to buy for my daughter.

  36. Thanks Michelle. I love all those Merchant Ivory films. They did a great job of bringing some lesser known classics to the screen. I am adding Flowers From The Storm to my list.

  37. Well done, I simply adored this book! It was really one of the best variations I have ever read. I’m going to read all of your other books now.

  38. I’ve looked up Philippa Gregory–she does look like she has a lot of great period books!

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