Excerpt + Giveaway with Author Virginia Kohl!!!

Hi dear friends!  I’m so excited to welcome a brand new author to Austenesque Reviews today- Virginia Kohl!  Well, perhaps she isn’t exactly a “brand new” author since her lovely Sense and Sensibility variation – True Love Comes to Delaford – was published six months ago today exactly!  Congrats on your six month anniversary, Virginia!  Anyway, I’m happy to welcome Virginia for a visit because I’m most intrigued by her book…the premise is something I’ve long wondered about.  Is it something you are curious about too?  Read this lovely excerpt form True Love Comes to Delaford and share your thoughts below! 🙂

A conversation between Miss Dashwood and Colonel Brandon while in London:

Since Marianne did not accompanying them, Mrs. Jennings insisted on sending one of the maids as a chaperone. She walked behind the couple as they discussed their stay so far. Colonel Brandon carefully tried to hide his discomfort at the mention of a certain gentleman.

“I am sure seeing Edward will be a particular high point during your time here.”

Unaware he even knew of the man, let alone well enough to refer to him by his Christian name, Elinor wondered how he had come to that conclusion.


“I apologize for the informality. Miss Margaret did not mention his last name when she told me of your understanding.”

With a shake of her head, Elinor began to explain, “As you know, she lets her imagination get carried away with her at times. I assure you, we have had a talk about this very subject. Mr. Ferrars and I do not have an understanding. The only relationship we formed, during the fortnight at Norland, was a friendship—or so I was led to believe. I am sure Daisy mentioned his failed promise to bring her atlas. My growing suspicions regarding his character were confirmed during the house party. In my opinion he is a coward, who does not care for anyone else,” she sighed in frustration.

“However, I am mostly upset with myself for trusting him. All I wanted was a true friend. I have been such a fool, Christopher.”

Colonel Brandon did not expect her to refer to the man by his last name; since he was family to her by way of her brother’s marriage. Although, given his conduct towards Miss Dashwood and her little sister, the soldier did not blame her in the least. His opinion of Edward Ferrars went from self-absorbed nitwit to despicable cad.

Hearing his Christian name on her lips, filled him with the same pleasure it had at Barton Park. Another emotion took him by surprise. For the previous six weeks he believed her to be betrothed to another—he did not realize how greatly the news affected him, until that moment. When she confirmed the contrary was true, an overwhelming sense of relief came over him. It took everything Christopher had to fight the urge to take Elinor into his arms. Controlling his emotions, he gave her his most reassuring smile.

“Please do not berate yourself. It sounds as if Mr. Ferrars gave you no reason to doubt his intentions towards you and your family were anything but honorable. There is no way you could have known of his deception. None of what has transpired is your fault. Any young lady would have done the same given the circumstances.”

If you enjoyed this excerpt, True Love Comes to Delaford is available in both Kindle and trade paperback.


What do you think, friends?  Poor Colonel Brandon, no matter which Dashwood lady he chooses he appears to have some competition!  What are your opinions on the couples in Sense and SensibilityDo you think Elinor deserves better than Edward (I do!)?  Do you believe Marianne finds her true happily ever after with Brandon? Have you ever wondered if Colonel Brandon was a better match for someone else?

Author Bio

Virginia Kohl has been fascinated with the regency era since discovering Jane Austen’s works at the age of eleven. While others dreamt of Willoughby, it was Colonel Brandon who stole Virginia’s heart from the very beginning. Originally from Germany, she shares her Texas home with her illustrator mother and faithful rescue dog. When not passing her love of learning on to her students, this college math professor enjoys reading, writing, and being an active member of her local writer’s guild.

Connect with Virginia

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Virginia kindly brings with her 1 ebook of True Love Comes to Delaford for me to randomly give away to ONE lucky reader.  Woot Woot!!!

To enter this giveaway leave a comment, a question, or some love for Virginia!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Virginia!
  • This giveaway ends April 18th!



  1. I’m ridiculously excited about this. I cannot believe I have missed it for six months! This has always been the *one* pairing that I wanted to discuss with dear Jane. I seriously believe that Elinor deserved the Col rather than her flighty fickle overly dramatic sister. LOL Yes, I am very much an Elinor and I would very much want the Col vs. the milquetoast Edward. 😉 Woo Hoo! Going after this one today!

    1. Thank you for your interest, Stephanie! I have also wanted to ask dear Jane why she made the matches she did for this novel. 🙂

  2. I have always thought that Elinor and Colonel Brandon was a perfect match and that Marianne had not met her match yet. I am very interested to read how this book ends! Thank you for the giveaway.

  3. Colonel Brandon and Elinor……….Very interesting paring. I always felt he was way too good for fickle Marianne and that Edward wasn’t nearly good enough for Elinor.

  4. I’ve already read your book and really enjoyed it. My answer is: YES. I do think the matches were rather wanting in the original (with many pardons to Ms Austen). Marianne has far too much growing up to do. She is so like Lydia in a number of ways, maybe just not as brash and uncouth. Edward, too, is whiny. He can’t make a real adult decision and has to have it forced on him by others. Elinor! Why!!! You are so much better than him. Willoughby will never change. He will always be a bad boy because it is too hard to change.

  5. Always thought Edward was a bit of ninny and should have been rewarded with Lucy Steele. Brandon deserved better, I like the idea of him and Elinor.

  6. I have always loved Colonel Brandon as he secretly brooded over his lost love. I have often wondered if he settled with Marianne. She was so young and there was such a gap between them. I look forward to reading this and seeing how our author Virginia Kohl views him. Congratulations on the launch of this book. Surprisingly, I like the cover. So many these days are studio clones of other books and look staged. Half the time they are inappropriate to the story and characters. Thanks to Meredith for hosting today and to our author for the generous give-a-way. Say hello to Mr. Bingley for me.

    1. Thank you, J. W. My talented illustrator mother did the artwork (cover design as well as internal map and character pictures). Good luck on the giveaway.

    2. So glad you enjoyed Virginia’s post, Jeanne! I do wish we could have seen more of Marianne and Brandon together to be sure of their happiness, they do have some things going against them.

      Virginia, I love that your mom did the artwork for your cover – it is lovely!

  7. Thank you for this. Yes, Eleanor deserved better than spineless Edward, but we can’t always choose who we fall in love with.

  8. I will not lie, I’ve given some thought to this particular pairing now and then and wondered. I definitely never saw Edward as a dashing hero like Colonel Brandon. I would definitely enjoy getting the rest of this story.

  9. I have always believed that Colonel Brandon was the better man of the two and that Elinor deserved someone more focused and mature than Edward Ferrars. Seeing them together in this brief excerpt merely confirms my own thoughts about S&S.

    And for Edward to disappoint Margaret by not bringing the promised atlas is simply dreadful!!

    I am crossing my fingers, hoping to win an e-copy!! 🙂

    Thank you, Meredith, for being such a lovely hostess, and thank you, Virginia, for this amazing and illuminating excerpt!!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Thank you for the compliment, Susanne. I am glad you enjoyed the excerpt. 🙂 Good luck on the giveaway.

  10. Hmmm! Interesting! Colonel Brandon is my favorite character from S&S. I liked that he ended up with Marianne . I thought in the long run they were good for each other. Also Alan Rickman is my favorite Brandon without a shadow of a doubt. Nice to see a variation for a novel other than P&P.

  11. Although not canon, a story about my two favorite characters in S&S finding romance with each other….woo…straight to the wish list.

    1. Thank you for your interest, Michelle. They are also my two favorite characters 🙂 Good luck on the giveaway.

  12. I love all things Austen but I never agreed with her pairings in S&S. So glad you wrote the love story with this couple. Excited to read it.
    Thanks for hosing the giveaway.

    1. Thank you, Lynnchar. 🙂 From my introduction to S&S, I never saw the two relationships working out. Good luck in the giveaway.

  13. Sounds like a great story, I think that Marianne will form a deep friendship with Col. Brandon. But a great passionate romance it will not be I think.

  14. The first time I watched S&S I was sure Elinor and Col. Brandon would end up together. He is a richly drawn character with a lot of depth. I don’t usually care for variations, but this one is intriguing and I’d like to read it. I love the cover! Very different yet appropriate, especially with the whimsical tagline. Does your mother illustrate for others?

  15. The excerpt is a delight to read, Virginia. I believe the couples in S&S are perfect and wouldn’t want each character to have a different pairing. If I were to change just one couple, it would have to be Marianne. I don’t believe she has given up her love to Willoughby but time will tell.

    1. Thank you, Luthien. I agree that Marianne still pined for Willoughby but time will tell what happens 😉

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