Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? – Jennifer Becton, Melissa Buell, Rebecca Fleming, Cecilia Gray, Jessica Grey, and Nancy Kelley + GIVEAWAY!!!

6 Sweet Stories Filled with Heart, Humor, and Happily Ever Afters!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Authors

The sensational and celebratory Holidays with Jane series would not be complete without an anthology about Valentine’s Day – a holiday that celebrates romantic love and affection! As with each of the previous collections, there are six short stories in this anthology (one for each Jane Austen novel) and each story takes place in present-day. With the assistance of cupid, fate, and other forces six couples find love on Valentine’s Day this year…

I hope you find this breakdown helpful!

DESIGN BY CHANCE – Rebecca M. Fleming

  • The Premise: While hired by the Crofts to renovate her childhood home into an art gallery, Gracie Elliot gets roped into planning a Valentine’s Gala that features her ex-fiancé and now-famous ring designer, Derek Worth…
  • What I Loved: How Derek and Gracie both had artsy/creative professions and how they met during college. I also enjoyed how Ms. Fleming cleverly tied in some characters from her previous stories and Derek’s sentimental and sweet declaration at the end.

FANGIRL – Jennifer Becton

  • The Premise: Fascinated by paranormal stories, Catherine Moreland is hoping to see some supernatural activity at this famously haunted bed-and-breakfast her co-worker, John Thorpe, has invited her to this weekend…
  • What I Loved: That Catherine and some of the inn’s workers become ghost hunters that hunt for the truth of what happened 60 years ago! I really enjoyed the mystery behind General Tilney and his supposed murder/suicide, and how the current owners of the Abbey have decided to capitalize on this legend with re-enactments and becoming a paranormal activity attraction.


  • The Premise: After a painful and public break-up with a co-worker, Marianne Wood is finding it hard to recover from her disappointed hopes and save face…
  • What I Loved: Everything! But mostly Drew Brandon, he was very swoon-worthy. I loved how all the characters were teachers at the same school and how Coach Brandon tentatively offered friendship and support to Marianne when she needed it most. And I loved Marianne’s passionate response to Brandon. One of my faves!

CUPID’S SECRET – Nancy Kelley

  • The Premise: Emma Woodhouse has established a popular business of sending secret admirer notes and believes she has a special talent for discerning which of her friends and neighbors need some assistance declaring their feelings…
  • What I Loved: What a perfect business for Emma to own and what a charming depiction of Highbury this was! I loved the small-town atmosphere and how Emma and James Knightley are best friends that meet daily for breakfast. And I am impressed with how Ms. Kelley was able to fit in a bit of romance for her secondary characters in this short story!


  • The Premise: Felicity is disappointed to see her friend Everett change, especially when his changes are due to his new girlfriend, Maribel…
  • What I Loved: I liked the clever updates of having Felicity serve as a personal assistant to Mara Bertram and how Mr. Bertram is mayor. I also enjoyed how Felicity was an ardent fan of Anne of Green Gables and how she envisioned Everett as her Gilbert. At first I didn’t think Everett deserved Felicity, but he makes up for it at the end. 😉


  • The Premise: Actress Liz Benoit is happy to be done filming her latest movie so she can: 1. focus on writing her screenplay and 2. get away from the arrogant and selfish producer, Darcy Williams…
  • What I Loved: How this story was told! I loved all the flashback segments and how they shed light on what happened in the past between these characters. It was hilarious to see Mrs. Bennet as a reality TV star! Darcy was adorable in this one and I love how Liz handled Jorgen Wickham. The ending was perfect! One of my faves!


I must say I am heartbroken to see this series come to an end! I truly admire all the clever little nods, allusions, tie-ins, and parallels these authors so frequently and cunningly insert into their stories (I always love spotting them!). And I applaud each author for their creative angles and interpretations of Jane Austen’s novels and characters. With a total of 36 short stories in this series, you would think that there may be some repetition of themes or ideas, but that never was the case. Congrats to all the authors of Holidays with Jane series on such a brilliant collaboration and such a magnificent and praiseworthy collection of seasonally-inspired stories!! I am thrilled that such a series exists and I will forever treasure these anthologies in my collection.

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The lovely ladies of Indie Jane Press have generously donated ONE lovely new paperback copy (US winner) and ONE ebook copy (International winner) of Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine? for me to give away to TWO lucky winners!!


To enter this giveaway, leave a comment about my review or share which Holidays with Jane collection is your favorite?

  • This giveaway is open worldwide (for the ebook) and to US residents (for the paperback).  Thank you, Indie Jane Press!
  • This giveaway ends February 9th!


~ Holidays with Jane Series ~

All $0.99 on Ebook Right Now!!

Holidays with Jane: Christmas Cheer

Holidays with Jane: Spring Fever

Holidays with Jane: Trick or Sweet

Holidays with Jane: Summer of Love

Holidays with Jane: Thankful Hearts

Holidays with Jane: Will You Be Mine?


  1. This looks like great fun. Meredith, authors must really appreciate your reviews… you really know how to “sell it.” And, as a reader, I appreciate your clear formatting and heartfelt and sensitive opinions.

    Who wouldn’t find Mrs. B on a reality show a kick? And I just love the name Indie Jane Press!?

    Thanks for this opportunity. I hope the collection does well.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Karylee! I definitely try not to oversell any books I read. Just give my honest opinions and reactions.

      I know! Mrs. Bennet would be a terrific reality tv star! And I agree, I love the name Indie Jane Press! <3

  2. I enjoy reading your reviews, Meredith! This anthology sounds wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  3. This sounds like something I would enjoy, especially finding all the nods and references to the originals! Your reviews make each story sound tantalizing, without giving away too much. Thank you!

  4. I love anthologies especially when each story covers a different JA work. Love your breakdown of each story. This sounds great. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

    1. Me too! It is always great to see the mix of characters, I must admit I think modern-day Marianne/Brandon stories are my favorite! Thanks for checking out my review!

  5. Great review Meredith! I loved the Christmas anthology and will work my way through the others. Please do not enter me in the giveaway…I will go and buy it!

  6. I’ve had this book on my TBR list for a while and I’m planning on reading it in the run up to 14th February. I’ve loved the other volumes in this series that I’ve read so far and have the rest of the entire set waiting on my Kindle.

    Love your mini-reviews Meredith. Please don’t enter me in the giveaway as I’ve already got a copy.

  7. The stories sound delightful. I love the clever modern takes on each of the novels I’ve only read the first Holidays with Jane collection. I need to get on the stick and get caught up and I have no excuses since I bought them all as they came out. 🙂

    Please do not enter me in the giveaway, Meredith! 🙂

    1. I look forward to seeing what you think of these stories, Sophia, since you too write wonderful short-stories and enjoy stories about all Jane Austen’s novels! Hope you get the chance to read some of them soon!

  8. Don’t include me as I already have the book. Loved it… so glad you did too. Thanks to the authors for this give-a-way for all our friends. Good luck everyone. This is worth it.

  9. Every single story sounded amazing!! I think I’m most excited about the story with Catherine as a ghost hunter!! The MP tale with Felicity (a lovely update on “Fanny”) sounds delightful, too. Goodness, they all sounds dreamy except for Emma’s story (because I don’t like her…I really don’t like her), but I’ll even give that one a whirl if I win a copy! 😉

    Thank you for your ever-so-thorough and delightful reviews, Meredith, and for the give-away! Crossing my fingers and wishing **hard**!!

    Susanne 🙂

    1. There are definitely a lot of winners in this collection! I hope you get the chance to read it soon! I agree, I love the name Felicity – such an attractive name. LOL! You may not like Emma, but the good news is that her story has Mr. Knightley – and he is one of my favorite heroes! <3

    1. Great! This collection will definitely satisfy! In all the anthologies Persuasion is first and Pride and Prejudice is last, I think that was smartly planned!

  10. Thank you for the review. I like the fact that the stories cover all of the Austen novels. I I thoroughly enjoyed reading Thankful Hearts.

  11. I need to catch up! 😛 I’ve only read three anthologies out of six!! Oh well, I’m glad I still have lots of fun ahead of me! 🙂 Great review, Meredith!

  12. Hi Meredith and fellow Austen lovers! Thank you so much for your support of Holidays with Jane! We had so much fun writing these stories, and it’s really nice to hear that people enjoy reading them. Happy weekend and happy valentine’s day!

    1. I’m such a poser saying that, because I have yet to read Anne of Green Gables, but I know enough of her character and relationship with Gilbert Blythe to enjoy Felicity’s love for it. 🙂

  13. Oooooo I need this! I’ve been reading Jane Austen Made Me Do It and it was your review that convinced me to give it a try. It’s so good.

    *fingers crossed*

    Thanks for the review/title suggestion/contest.

  14. I wish there will be a continuation to this Holidays with Jane series. I wasn’t a fan of anthologies but now with my busy schedule, I appreciate spending a little time with my favourite characters. And thank you for the generous giveaway, Indie Jane Press!

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