Hi friends! Next month is Austenesque Reviews’ Blogiversary!
Austenesque Reviews will be turning 8!! *Woot woot!!*
One of the things I love most about running this blog is hearing from you, readers, you all have become dear friends to me these past 8 years!
And I thought it would be fun to do a little survey on my blog so I can hear from you some more!
This survey is in the style of my Quick-Fire Questions that I include in my Author Interviews – example here! I’ve had more than one reader comment that the Quick-Fire section of the interviews are fun to read, and I thought it would be a great idea to have you lovely readers answer the questions yourself this time! 😉

So that is what I have done. There are 10 Quick-Fire Questions in the form below and I am asking you to answer them for me! The idea is you are supposed to answer them quickly and some what briefly! However, answers longer than one sentence are acceptable!
I decided that this year all the questions will be related to Pride and Prejudice. Next year I’ll ask more general questions and include some from Jane Austen’s other characters and novels. 🙂
I hope you will take a minute and answer the survey below.* On September 22nd (AR’s official Blogiversary Day!) I’ll share the results with some fun charts and graphs (you know I love making charts!)…and of course giveaways!!! We can’t have a proper blogiversary without giveaways!!!!
*Authors (including ones that have previously answered some Quick-Fire Questions) are very welcome to take part in this survey!
Thank you so much for your time!!!
Check back September 22nd for the answers and Blogiversary Giveaway details!! xoxo
Oooh, that was fun!
Thank you, Miss Laurie May! I appreciate it!
Can’t wait to see the results.
Me too, Brenda! I do admit to taking some sneak peeks! 😉
What a splendid idea, Meredith!!
Thank you, Carmen! I’m glad you think so!
Great fun Meredith. I bet there will be some surprising answers!
Thanks, Teresa! I’m hoping for some surprises! 😉
Goodness. That was hard. If I had taken more time to think I may have answered slightly differently but maybe not. However I did enjoy it Meredith so thank you.
Hugs! Thank you, Glynis! I can’t wait to read everyone’s answers! 😉
Oh what fun… some of them were difficult to answer. Man… I had to take a hard look at myself on some of them. Thanks for this adventure.
Ooo, part of me is glad to hear that! I was worried the questions might be too boring or mundane. 😉
Great idea,Meredith!!!
Thanks, Mary! I’m glad you like it!
Anticipating the fun of reading the results and celebrating your blogoversary, Meredith!
Thank you, Sophia! I thought it would a fun way to celebrate! 😉
Thank you, Kirk!
That was fun, Meredith! Thanks and Congratulations on your anniversary! I have enjoyed your blog and loved it from the day I found it through the following years.
Thank you, dear friend! 🙂 I am forever thankful you found my blog and we’ve become friends!
I LOVE your blog. This was awesome.
Thank you, Joy! 🙂 I’m so appreciative!
Really looking forward to that chart you’ll be making for the anniversary next month.
Me too, Michelle! It will be fun to see the general trends and which favorites many people have in common!
Wonderful idea, great entertainment.
Thanks, Teresita! 😉 I hope it will be very fun for us to compare the results!
Looking forward to seeing the results of this! It was quite difficult answering those questions quickly. Looking forward to taking part in your anniversary celebrations next month.
Thanks, Anji! I know it might be hard to come up with some answers on the spot. Thanks so much for helping us out by giving your answers!
I loved this idea and can’t wait to see the results 🙂
Thanks, my friend! I appreciate you saying so!
Thanks, Meredith–a fun and thought-provoking series of questions! Congrats on the blog-o-versary!
Thank you so much, Reina! I appreciate it so much! 😀 It will be fun looking at all the answers!
Love the rapid fire questions and your blog! Can’t wait to see the results.
Aww thanks, Dung! You are awesome! 🙂
How fun and original these questions were! Difficult to answer sometimes though.. But I powered through 😉 and I am very curious to see the results! Thanks for the fun Meredith!
Thank you so much, Debbie! I greatly appreciate it and I’m glad you found them fun if a little difficult! 😉
Such fun!!! Can’t wait for the 22 Sept post, and congrats on the bloggiversary!! Here’s to many more!
Thank you, dear friend! I am so excited to celebrate with you all!
I loved this! What a fun survey, and I forced myself to answer in rapid fire even though there were some questions that I would’ve taken time to ponder under different circumstances. Mrs. Bennet or Caroline Bingley? What a great question!
Thank you, Anna! I appreciate it so much! Confession – I still haven’t answered the questions myself! Looking forward to seeing what our answers look like compared with each other. 😉
I am sure this will be interesting.