Meryton Press Dear Friend Event + GIVEAWAY!!!

Hi readers!  I’m so very excited to be participating in Meryton Press‘s Dear Friend Event this month!  I’ve been a longtime admirer of Meryton Press and can say I honestly LOVED everything I’ve read from this lovely publishing press!

For those who may not know what I’m talking about, here is some info about the Dear Friend Event:

Mrs. Collins welcomed her friend with the liveliest pleasure, and Elizabeth was more and more satisfied with coming, when she found herself so affectionately received.” – Jane Austen

Jane Austen describes a fine friendship between Elizabeth Bennet and Charlotte Collins. One friend welcomes another with ‘the liveliest pleasure,” and the other is pleased to share in that. We at Meryton Press know from your words that you, our fans, receive our books with pleasure and affection. It makes our authors warm inside to know that.

In the month of April, we want to show our appreciation to you, our most steadfast supporters, our dear friends. Good friends give each other gifts. You have given us the gift of your affectionate reception, and we want to reciprocate by giving some of you gifts in return.

As much as we’d like to, we can’t give everyone a gift, but at each hosted blog post during this event on the schedule listed below, an opportunity will be given to enter to win a surprise gift. Each person who comments can enter a Rafflecopter drawing to win. Although a person can enter multiple times (once on each blog post and tweet daily on each blog post), they can win only once. One winner will be chosen at each blog. Five gifts total will be awarded.

Doesn’t that sound great?!?  How lovely to win a special surprise gift!  I’m so thankful to Meryton Press for publishing so many stellar Austenesque works.  They truly do a top-notch job and I am so glad that they have been encouraging authors to publish all these years!  Since I love looking at stats I thought it would be fun to provide some for my own personal relationship with Meryton Press!

 (Feel free to share yours in the comment section below!)

  • First Meryton Press Author I Hosted on my Blog ~~~ Karen M. Cox in April of 2012
  • Total Number of Meryton Press Books I Have Read ~~~ 38!
  • Total Number of Meryton Press Authors to Visit My Blog ~~~ 26 visits from 14 different authors!

When I think of all the hours spent enjoying these stories I cannot help but feel so grateful for all the terrific books Meryton Press has brought into my life!  I’m not one to read WIP in forums and such, so a lot of these stories would remain unknown to me unless someone decided to publish them.  I’m so thankful for the wonderful reading experiences Meryton Press keeps providing for us Austenesque lovers year after year!

And here to share a little bit of how special these reading experiences are to her is Meryton Press author, KaraLynne Mackrory!

Asking me why I like to read is like asking me why do I like to breathe air. Isn’t it essential to human life and happiness?

Reading for me has always been a wonderful way to experience again the pangs and pleasures of falling in love, or having an adventure through a land I am not familiar with, or to expand and stretch my emotional world for the day. Isn’t it wonderful that just by picking up a book we can disappear into that alternate world and see through someone else’s eyes?

My days pretty much melt into each other these days. They involve children, more children, cleaning, shopping, exercising, errands, and more children. The gamut of thoughts that cascade through my mind usually consist of a running ticker tape of lists; schedules, to-dos, events, needs, plans and goals. I once explained it to my kids by saying that in my head I have a list for each of them – a mix of all the things above only I cannot close out a list for them, or check something off just like that. The lists are evolving and streaming at different paces for each of them. And here we come to the core reason I love to read.

When I read, the lists go silent for a little while. I don’t hear entreaties from one list, a reminder from another, flashing signs from one more list going through my conscious thoughts. I see the words of the page, the characters of the book and the scene of the story. My eyes become the eyes of the character and I get to look through their lens. The ticker tapes of lists go quiet giving my mind a break. It’s become almost the only way I can go to sleep at night some nights. I can read and have the day float away into a stolen embrace, or a dangerous flight from a villain, or simply the everyday lives of someone else.

That’s not to say that I don’t love my own everyday life. But everyone needs a change of pace now and again. For me, reading provides that.

Thank you so much, KaraLynne!  I so know what you mean about enjoying the escape that reading provides.  My mind is always working, even when I don’t want it to!  But it definitely helps to get wrapped up into a good story, that is one way to, like you said, give your mind a break!


In conjunction with this special event, Meryton Press is giving away a Surprise Gift each week to 1 lucky winner (US residents only).  (Even I don’t know what the prize is, but I am sure it will be awesome!)

To enter the giveaway, fill out the rafflecopter form below.  The winner for this blog will be announced April 14th. Make sure to check back or check your email to see if you won after April 14th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • All Winners will be contacted via social media or email and announced on the Meryton Press website, Facebook, and/or Twitter.
  • In the event that a winner or winners do not respond within 5 days, a new winner will be drawn.
  • Winners may not be Meryton Press employees, contractors or authors.
  • An entrant can enter once per Dear Friend Event blog post and multiple times on Social Media, but can win only once.
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook or Twitter.

~ Check out the rest of the Dear Friend Event Schedule ~

More Agreeably Engaged – April 1st

~*~ Austenesque Reviews – April 8th ~*~

So little time… – April 15th

Diary of an Eccentric – April 22nd

Just Jane 1813 – April 29th


My thanks to Janet Taylor and the lovely team at Meryton Press for putting this fun event together!  I’m honored to take part!


  1. Reading your post reminded me of what fun books I need to pull out again and read again! Thanks for hosting me and helping with this dear friends campaign.

    1. I’m a multiple times reader as well, KaraLynne. 🙂 When I was a teenager and loved a book, I would have finished it and then started re-reading it immediately. Crazy, I know. 😉

    2. It was my pleasure to host you, KaraLynne, and an honor to take part in this special event! So grateful to everyone at Meryton Press!

  2. I love Meryton Press! I used to travel (before kids!) to the Southern Festival of the Book in Nashville every year and loved visiting their booth, buying books and gifts, and chatting with the authors. Would love to win!

    1. Oh nice, Laura! I bet that was special! I got to meet a few in 2012 when I went to the Decatur Book Festival in Georgia. 🙂 It was so wonderful!

  3. How exciting. I noticed that I had read many of the books in your photo from Meryton Press. I am so excited to leave a comment. I wish all the luck to everyone that participates. Whether we win or not, we are still winners because we have access to all the hard work Meryton Press does for us. Thanks Meredith and thanks to all the authors whose blood, sweat, and tears produce such wonderful works for us. Cheers, y’all!! JWG

  4. Exciting giveaway. Enjoyed everyone of the books in the photo collage. Meryton Press and her authors have done an excellent job of entertaining their readers.Lr7Ph

  5. What a lovely post, Meredith! I always look forward to seeing and reading a new book by Meryton Press and your post reminders me why I also enjoy slipping into the worlds we can enjoy through the pages of a book.

  6. Great post, KaraLynne! It reminded me of my busy life when my children were at home and how I welcomed those moments I could steal away with a good book. Now I have grandchildren. They’re wonderful and much easier because I can send them home after a visit. Children, big or little, and books are still a constant in my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  7. I have read many of the books shown above. I, too, agree that Meryton Press (just love the name!) publishes wonderful books.

  8. Reading is meaningful, captivating, enlightening and gives me pleasure, enjoyment and hope. Thanks for your wonderful feature and giveaway.

  9. Books are my way of recharging energy, of relaxing and knowing other worlds, times and people, even if it is only imaginary.

  10. Lovely post Meredith. 🙂 I’ve read a lot of books from your Meryton Press collection, but still have a few to go to catch up with you. 😉

    1. Thank you, Kate! I’m still hoping to add some more, I’m way behind on all the recent books published!!

  11. Firstly, I realise I’m not eligible for the giveaway but I just had to comment on your post, Meredith.

    I love looking at other people’s bookshelves and your Meryton Press one is most impressive. Of those 38, I have 7 of my own in paperback, 22 as ebooks and the rest will be on my Wish List if they’re not there already. I usually put any Meyton Press book on there as soon as they’re listed, as they’ve never, ever been disappointing, as I’m sure you’re well aware. I’m finally getting around to reading 1932 this month as my Someone Pick it for Me choice in the Goodreads challenge. Of the 29 I own, the shocking statistic is that I’ve only read 13 of them! So far, I think Haunting Mr. Darcy is my favourite but it’s a hard choice.

    KaraLyne’s opening sentences “Asking me why I like to read is like asking me why do I like to breathe air. Isn’t it essential to human life and happiness?” are just so true to folks like us aren’t they. If I haven’t got any kind of reading material within easy reach, I kind of feel a sense of having part of me missing. Provided I have my Kindle with me, or failing that my mobile phone with the Kindle app installed, it means it’s very rare nowadays that I don’t have access to books.

    1. I love that you left a comment, Anji! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! Your collection is equally impressive! I’m so excited for you to read 1932!! I can’t wait to hear what you think! Great choice of favorite, it would be impossible for me to decide – I’ve truly loved so many!! Maybe one day I should make a Top Ten list just for MP!

  12. Books provide relief from pain for me. 15 years ago I was diagnosed with chronic pain syndrome (combine fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and adrenal fatigue, and that’s most of what I deal with), and books became my escape. Being able to open a book and be set into another world distracts me from the pain for a few moments or a couple of hours.

    I don’t know what I would do without books. From fairy stories (I remember telling my mom that I didn’t need to attend kindergarten because I could already read Sleeping Beauty) to Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden in middle school to a strange crush on Steinbeck’s works in high school to a literature degree followed by a Master’s in Brit lit, reading has always been part of my life…and now it’s a necessity. My Kindle is rarely out of reach. 🙂

    Susanne 🙂

    1. Oh wow, Susanne. I’m so sorry to hear about the chronic pain you live with! I can’t imagine how difficult that is. It is great that you found reading as a method of distraction! Thank you so much for sharing your story, it truly is inspiring!

  13. Wow, another lovely chance to win. How generous. I have read a number of book. I just checked out their library and believe it is 45. Have enjoyed all of them and will have to check out the ones I have not read. Thanks for a chance to win.

    1. I went through my reviews and there are only 6 I have not read. Most are between 4 and 5 star reviews for me. he discussion

    2. Isn’t Meryton Press just awesome?!? Nice number, Sheila! I need to catch up with all their newer releases…but in order to do that my TBR needs to diminish a little more! LOL!

  14. I love your list! 🙂 It is so neat that both you and KaraLynne are ‘List Ladies’! The first Meryton Press book that I read was An Arranged Marriage by Jan Hahn. It is still one of my favorite books. The next one I read was KaraLynne’s Falling for Mr. Darcy. It is another favorite! I have always loved the Meryton Press books. Not only are they well-written by good authors but they are also edited well. Now I have the privilege of working with these awesome authors on their blog tours. 🙂

    The first Meryton Press author to visit my blog was C.P. Odom on March 14, 2013. His book was A Most Civil Proposal. I had only been blogging for a few weeks and was thrilled to have him visit.

    Now, I’ll have to go back and count how many books I’ve read and how many Meryton Press authors have visited.

    Thanks, Meredith, for such an interesting post, and thanks to you, KaraLynne for sharing your reasons for loving books and reading.

    1. Thank you, Janet! I’m honored to take part in this post! LOL! I couldn’t resist doing a little bit of a list! I think I could’ve guessed that An Arranged Marriage was your first! 😉 MP is a great company all-around. And I’m so happy to be able to work with them and host their authors!

      Thanks so much for sharing your stats! 🙂 How special it is to look back at our firsts, isn’t it?

  15. I just love Meryton Press! I haven’t read their whole library yet but everything I’ve read is wonderful; truly top-notch.

    What an exciting giveaway – love a mystery prize!

  16. Love seeing your Meryton Press collection, Meredith. And of course I was so curious that I had to drag out my own list to see what I had, too. I have fifteen on my shelves that need to be read- for shame- and twenty six that I’ve read.

    Fun reading KaraLynne’s post. Reader folks can relate. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Sophia! I was happy to share a few pictures for the post. 🙂 I’m so glad you shared your own totals! Thank you!

  17. Reading is not only entertaining but also educational. One word to describe books is “Intriguing.” One word to describe reading is, “Enjoyment.”
    I started reading daily from the time I learned and maintained that habit to this very day. No matter how busy I am, I take the time to read and always take a book or a Kindle with me to doctor’s appts, etc. I watch very little Television as reading is my pleasure. I read novels sometimes more than once.

    1. That’s great that you get to read daily, MaryAnn! 🙂 It truly is so enjoyable! I think reading brings so much pleasure to my life!

  18. What would I do without my JA books? I shutter to even write that sentence! Thank YOU Meryton Press for being responsible for giving my mind a break. Looking forward to many new books….:)

    1. Yes, it would be heartbreaking to consider what I would do without Jane Austen/Austenesque books to read!

  19. I love the fact that our favorite stories get to continue, they never have to end because of the wonderful people at Meryton Press!!!

    While I thank you I am not sure my credit card does, I have bought so many books because of all the reviews I’ve seen here. 🙂

    1. Yes! That is what I love most about this genre! We can stay in the world of the stories we love! 🙂 LOL!

  20. I have almost all the MP books (I believe there’s one I don’t have), and have read most of them. A few are recent purchases and have yet to be read; they will be read soon! I’ve loved them all. Thanks Meryton Press!

  21. I’ve read a few of their titles, all enjoyable. Thanks for the chance to win. I love supporting a small business.

  22. I can’t explain books. When you start reading as a child and read great classics and then stick with it, you just do it because you enjoy it. It becomes secondary nature.

  23. This sounds like a really nice thing that Meryton Press is doing and they do have so many great books. I have read 3 of KaraLynne Mackrory’s books this year and loved them and have a fourth checked out from my library at the moment just waiting for me to get to it. I completely agree with KaraLynne Mackrory about how reading can take you way to another world and allow you to see things from another persons perspective. Good Luck to everyone else for the giveaway!

  24. Thank you for the giveaway. I love reading as it transports me away from reality into another world full of beautiful words and people. I very much enjoy reading JAFFs because they bring a new and fresh twist to the amazing original stories and transform them into a fresh and new story yet keep the essence of Austen in them. Love MP and their continued contribution to the JA fandom.

  25. I love books because its a great way to be transported and escape from your day/or week. Sometimes that is just what you need after a hard day at work!

  26. I love books and reading because they take you to places and adventures that you normally don’t go to. A person can also learn so much from reading.

  27. I have been reading books before I even started kindergarten. I love all the genres of books, and can read whatever I want for whatever mood I may be in..they just take me away.

  28. Books take me away. They take me to a place that I could never be. They take me away from the world of “mom” and the world of responsibilities. I get lost in books. I laugh with books. I can also cry or be extremely impacted by them. One word… intertwined

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