Live Chat with Syrie James!!!


We’ve read the book.

Discussed, analyzed, and dissected it.

Now…we will enjoy a lovely tête-à-tête with author SYRIE JAMES!

  • The chat board is below ↓
  • We will be starting the chat at 4:00 p.m. EST
  • If you can’t join in the chat, you could visit after it takes place and read our chat transcript and add your own thoughts.
  • Feel free to continue leaving comments on any of the discussion posts in the next few days, I’ll be choosing winners for all the giveaways on October 2nd.


Today’s post is sponsored by one of our lovely donors – Lost Art Revived.  Check out their fabulous etsy shop

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Looking for the Master Schedule? ~


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  1. I have a special affinity to Lost Memoirs. I first read it when it was released in 2007. It re-sparked my interest in Austenesque fiction – so much so that I was inspired to re-read many previously published sequels and Jane Austen’s novels and start shortly after. One of my reviewers, and fellow Janeite, Christina Boyd loved it too. Here is her review:

    I believe that Lost Memoirs has been instrumental in inspiring many new authors in the genre and after last 10 years still stands out as one of the best. I am still waiting (impatiently) for the movie!!!

    Syrie – I know from previous interviews that Lost Memoirs started as a screenplay. Can you share your own inspiration for the story and characters and why you chose to convert it into a novel?

  2. I was so sorry to miss this chat. I just couldn’t be around when it was taking place. Great to be able to read it all now though. Great inspiration Meredith to do all this.

  3. I don’t know what happened but it kept scrolling down without me touching it and I didn’t get to see the end of the conversation at all. It just stopped.

  4. Interesting conversation! I love that “Becoming Jane” includes her brother George. Cassandra getting some love and a story about the Austen parents….I hope someone tries that.

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."