Guest Post + Giveaway with Author Pamela Lynne!!!


Hello, dear readers!  I am very excited to welcome author Pamela Lynne to Austenesque Reviews today! Pamela is here to celebrate her second release, Sketching Character.  Her first Pride and Prejudice variation, Dearest FriendsDearest Friends came out last year – and I loved it (you can read all about it HERE!)   I’m so happy to have Pamela come visit and share how her recent wine selections were inspired by her latest book.  Included are some lovely little excerpts which will hopefully tempt you to give Sketching Character a try!

Wine and Inspiration

For Mother’s Day this year, my husband gave me the best present ever—free reign in a wine shop. I know he expected me to disappear in their special collection cellar and emerge with a ridiculously expensive but delicious vintage. What he did not realize, however, was that my mind was so focused on my latest work, it even influenced my shopping (as well as my need for multiple bottles). Instead of one, I bought four and each pick was inspired by scenes in Sketching Character.

Sisters Forever. I love this label. Though modern, it could easily represent the IMG_20150901_184831relationship between the two eldest Bennet girls and the youngest. All the sisters exist in this tale, but our focus is primarily on Elizabeth, Jane and Lydia. The bond formed between these three is one of my favorite aspects of Sketching Character. An ailing Lydia is cared for by her elder sisters and she learns to appreciate them and see them differently.

Lydia’s smile grew. She never paid much attention to her eldest sister. She knew Jane was beautiful because their mother always said so. Lydia never actually saw it herself until now. Jane was truly the loveliest girl she had ever known. Mr. Bingley was a fool to have left her and she was a fool to have ever thought it was Jane’s fault. Her sister was an angel.

IMG_20150901_184655Heavyweight. Darcy’s post-Hunsford journey takes an interesting turn when he meets his friends at a boxing club. “Jim the Gent” on the bottle actually reminded me a great deal of our Bingley.

Wellesley smiled good-naturedly. “Find something amusing, gentlemen?”

Indeed Wellesley. This man stands at least three inches above you and is about half a foot broader. That tap you just gave him must have been most irksome.”

Well, Mr. Bingley, if you can do better, then I cede my time to you, my man.”

Bingley laughed. “Oh no. If my very expensive education served no other purpose, it taught me to not pick a fight I cannot win.” He looked around the room. “Surely there is some little fellow here I can spar with.”

Wellesley pointed to an area close by where two other men were fighting. One seemed to be just the right size. “Let us see what he can do.”

They all turned to the match. Much like Wellesley’s, one partner had a distinct advantage in size. While they watched, however, the larger man did not land a single blow. The smaller of the two was able to escape his every effort and eventually he caught the man twice in the stomach and once in the jaw, sending him to the floor.

Bingley grimaced. “Perhaps a sickly one, then?”

Primal Roots. One of the themes of the book is our characters’ struggle to reconcile IMG_20150901_185019what is proper to what is natural. Darcy taps into his more primal self when he realizes his feelings for Elizabeth.

The desire he felt for her in the autumn was but a trifle compared to the emotion that now coursed through him. He thought back to what his cousin told him about the difference between lust and love. One takes while the other gives. He no longer wanted to take her; he wanted to claim her and claim the land that surrounded them for her so that she could run free and rid herself of whatever burden she had sought respite from just moments earlier. He wanted to give her all the pleasure that could be shared between them, along with his land, his fortune, and most of all his heart if she would have it.

IMG_20150901_184438Gran Passione. This one, of course, speaks for itself.

Darcy smiled then bent down and placed a soft kiss on her full lips. He lingered there, enjoying the tastes and sensations as he tugged at her bottom lip, then the top. He then covered her whole mouth with his, gently opening her to his explorations. This was not the frenzied kiss from yesterday, but the slow and deep caress of a man who had an eternity to discover the treasures of the woman he loved.

The wine was consumed months ago, but the story remains. Sketching CharacterSketching Character will be available later this month at Amazon and soon after at other online retailers. Enter below for your chance to win one of two ebooks to be delivered to your inbox the day of release. Join Vanity and Pride Press on Facebook for details on the book launch and a schedule of upcoming tour dates.

I love how you thought of Jane Austen and your writing while selecting types of wine!  I hope they were delicious!  I’m curious which one was your favorite?  Thanks for sharing the lovely excerpts, can’t wait to read Sketching Character soon! 🙂

Sketching Character is expected to be available for purchase on September 28th.


What if a tragic event involving a beloved sister shatters Elizabeth Bennet‘s confidence in her ability to accurately judge a person’s character? When she leaves Longbourn for Kent, Elizabeth’s heart is full of worry for those she left behind. She carries a secret that would ruin her family if exposed and she must deceive the ones closest to her to conceal the truth.

She unexpectedly encounters Mr. Darcy on her journey and his gentlemanly behavior confuses, yet comforts her. Their daily encounters in the woods surrounding Rosings soothes Elizabeth’s weathered conscience and she soon falls in love. Her doubts, along with the well-placed words of another, threaten to destroy the peace she finds in Darcy’s company and she wonders if she has again failed to correctly sketch his character.

When the truth behind her deception is uncovered, will Darcy shun her as Elizabeth fears, or will his actions prove that he is the very best of men?


Connect with Pamela

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Today, Pamela brings with her TWO ebook copies of her newly released novel, Sketching Character, for me to giveaway to TWO lucky winners!

 Sketching Character

To enter this giveaway, leave a comment, a question, or some love for Pamela!!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide.  Thank you, Pamela!
  • This giveaway ends September 14th!



  1. Sounds like a very good book and I love the cover on your book. I too am a wine drinker so I like how the two go together.

  2. Pamela writes like I wish I could! I love her books and look forward to the new one! Please don’t enter me in the contest for I already have a copy of the one she is giving away to some lucky reader.

    1. Oh, Brenda! I wish I could write the epic, feel in in your bones kind of angst that you do so well. Reading that compliment was better than having a glass of wine! We are giving away Sketching Character this time around. It won’t be available until the 28th, but the winner will have it in their inbox the day of release. Thank you so much, Brenda.

  3. I used to be a wine drinker, but not really any longer. Having enjoyed Dearest Friends I look forward to reading this. Curious to know Elizabeth’s secret

    Meikleblog at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks for the giveaway and thanks for your wonderful stories, Pamela! I’d be honored to receive a e-book version of your novel!!

  5. I can’t read all of the labels. Three look to be Cabernets. Is that correct? My mouth is watering. I would love to win a copy of your book but even if I don’t I will definitely pick up a copy.

    1. Hi Shelia! Heavyweight is a Cab, Primal Roots (my new favorite) is a red blend, Sisters Forever is a Chardonnay. Gran Passione isn’t labeled as a Chardonnay, but it is very dry. Thank you and good luck!

  6. What a lovely gift from hubby! I love how your story influenced your choices and thanks for sharing snippets of the story. The Sisters bottle looks so inviting.

  7. I love that your wine choices were infuenced by your characters – that is great! I like wine but don’t drink it very often, as alcohol makes me very sleepy. I loved Dearest Friends and I’m dying to know what Lizzy’s secret is here.

  8. Loved the story of how you selected your wines. I wanted to let your know I love your new cover for Dearest Friends and the cover for Sketching Character is just as beautiful with the same theme. Oh, do you have a release date for Amazon?

    1. Thank you so much! I loved my old cover, but wanted to create a brand with this new release. I am happy with the results. I don’t know yet if I’ll do a presale, but it will be live on September 28th. Good luck!

  9. Pamela, I would love to try “Grand passione” just for the name and the excerpt you have used 🙂

    I really need one of your books, maybe both and they look very very interesting! (If I am lucky to win, perfect, if not , they are already in my TBR list!)

  10. Your wine shop story was a nice way to introduce short blurbs from the book. It sounds intriguing. I know your release will be successful. I am so looking forward to reading this book.
    skamper25 at gmail dot com

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed Dearest Friends, and the excerpts on this website have me eagerly anticipating the release of Sketching Character. That’s such an interesting and unusual way to choose wines – I hope the wine was as good as the labels!

  12. I loved the book blurb. It really whets your appetite. The wine story was charming. I loved how it tied together with your novel. Great job. So does his one have intimate sensual scenes also?

    1. Thank you! I’m actually trying to decide whether I need to have the mature reader warning on this one. We have intimate scenes, but I would not call them graphic. Good luck!

  13. Pamela, you are a gem!! I can’t wait to read Sketching Character! I might have to look up those wines you mentioned or choose my own to drink as I read the story to get the full affect!!!

  14. I love your first book, and I am looking for your next release, as far what I read so far it will be great put it directly on ,my wishlist

  15. Love the cover! I really enjoyed Dearest Friends so I am looking forward to this release! Thank you for the giveaway and the themed excerpts!

  16. I love the wine story. I hate shopping but love to find little things that remind me of fun times. Next time I go wine shopping I will have to look more carefully at the labels!

  17. Goodness! I did not even know that you were working on another book. I’d love to read this one, so please consider me for this giveaway.

  18. September 28 cannot arrive too soon as this book sounds wonderful! Thank you for the excepts and giveaway. You had an interesting journey through the wine shop. You made excellent selections.

  19. The book sounds great! Can’t wait to read it! Your choices for the wines was such a neat thing and it seems, very appropriate for your book.The excerpts were perfect with your choices and make me want to read the book all the more. Thanks for sharing, Pamela, and thank you, Meredith.

  20. The fun wine bottles game is so fabulous. My best friend and I have been known to roam the aisles to find bottles that fit the other ones life. LOL I really look forward to this, it’s a new premise to me and I anticipate it!

  21. I love the excerpts and how you connect the story to your wine selections. My favourite is Gran Passione as I love reading romance stories. Pamela, are there to be two winners for the giveaway? Meredith said only one e-book is offered so I’m confused.

    1. Hi Patricia. I was actually working on this before Dearest Friends was published. I had several stops and starts and did not truly commit to it being my next book until February. It has been a long process and I am thrilled beyond words to see it finished–in a good way. Good luck with the giveaway!

  22. What a lovely post, Pamela. The excerpts are intriguing. My favorite? Bingley first asking for a small man then a sickly one. I chuckled out loud. Pairing wines with the excerpts was done with the expertise of a sommelier with good vintages and aged cheeses. Well done! Please don’t enter me as I won’t be able to wait for a copy. Though, this is one I will need to have in print.

    Thanks, as always, for the post, Meredith. This was some pretty terrific reading.

      1. Joy, I love you so much that I’ve now replied three times! Sorry for the duplicate but the first one didn’t show up for a while so I thought my internet went screwy and it didn’t post! 🙂

  23. wine + Austen= fun! Although I love wine, I will probably grab a cup of tea when I curl up to read Sketching Character. 🙂

  24. What an interesting post. I must confess I am far less interesting when I shop for wine, it’s price and grape variety for me, I never notice the name of the wine! All the best with your new release 🙂

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