Austenesque Agenda for November 2014

Austenesque Agenda

Nope, nope, nope…it can’t already be November!?!  What?????  Where did October go?

I don’t know about you but that month felt way too short!  I guess we were keeping pretty busy!  I hope you all are enjoying a nice autumn still!  We have been having some nice warm weather here and with that we had some fun outside with friends and family visits. 🙂

Polaroid CUBE Polaroid CUBEPolaroid CUBE Polaroid CUBE

If you’ve read my updates before, you know what these images are of – our beloved historic downtown Wilmington.  A recent gift from hubby was a new camera – a cute Polaroid Cube (similar to a Go Pro but way cuter!)  We had fun testing the camera and its fish-eye lens out.

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We also enjoyed playing the tourist in our town too.  We went on a lovely guided horse and carriage tour with a very funny tour guide who knew a lot about our town and did something a little more adventurous with the segway tour.  Both were a ton of fun!!!

Polaroid CUBE Polaroid CUBE

We also went on an open house tour of one our towns oldest homes where they gave talks about the customs of mourning and funerals during the Victorian Era.  I know, sounds a little morbid…but a very appropriate tour to go on during October.  Learned a lot of interesting practices they had back then…kind of glad we don’t keep some of those practices now! 😉


Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:


Remember the Past


The Falmouth Connection  The Madness of Mr. Darcy  To Refine Like Silver


Goodnight Mr. Darcy


The Julie Klassen Edition. As you can see I have a lot of Pride and Prejudice inspired reads planned for this month.  I’d love to mix it up and do something a little different.  I have some unread Julie Klassen novels in my TBR pile, and I thought this would be a good month to read one of them.  As you might remember, I’ve read and reviewed 4 of her other novels throughout the years.  Two I own and haven’t read are The Girl in the Gatehouse and The Maid of Fairbourne Hall.  Which one do you want me to read? (Click on the links to read the synopsis)  To vote, leave a comment below.

The Girl in the Gatehouse  MaidofFairbourneHall_cover.indd


To Refine Like Silver  281061_10152285590925441_1429109194_o

Jeanna Ellsworth – November 10th

Goodnight Mr. Darcy

Kate Coombs – November 17th

Mr. Darcy's Christmas Calendar  Jane Odiwe

Jane Odiwe – November 24th

Looks like I’ve got plenty to keep busy with…how about you?  What are your plans for November?


  1. Hi Meredith

    Always love it when your monthly agendas pop up. The place where you live looks lovely and you and Mr. Bingley always look to be having good fun. You are quite right, this year has been one of the fastest and quickest years ever! In two weeks’ time it is my 50th birthday and I am off to Pemberley for the weekend. I am actually going to Lyme Park House in Cheshire which I am sure you will know all about. They filmed the outside Pemberley scenes there in 1995 with Colin Firth. There is a hunting lodge on the grounds and we have booked this for 3 nights. Soooo excited to go. Joana Starnes kindly showed me her photographs when she visited and it looks fantastic. We are also going to visit Sudbury Hall too where they filmed the 1995 inside Pemberley scenes. So, I am off to Pemberley for my birthday and having a 1995 P & P tour. Although I am not looking forward to turning 50, I am looking forward to the weekend away!

    All the books you are going to review this month sound brilliant so I will go with the flow as to what the others would like you to read and review. Happy November!

    1. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Michelle!! What a grand way to celebrate turning 50!! Please do share your lovely experience with us when you get back!!! 🙂

  2. What a lovely post! The Polaroid Cube photos are really something! Love the wide angle, a really stunning effect! And the baby-lit book too! Start ’em young, that’s what I always say 😉

    ‘The Girl in the Gatehouse’ and ‘The Maid of Fairbourne Hall’ sound so incredibly intriguing!!! You’ll have to read them both, I think. Mystery and romance aplenty in both, judging by the synopsis. Very funny to imagine a society girl working as a maid in the house of the man he rejected. Oh dear! I’m almost tempted to say start with that, but then there’s the other, and the tenant fighting against an unsuitable attraction. This sounds so much like Mr Darcy that I think tips the balance towards the Girl in the Gatehouse IMO. Have fun, whichever you go for, and a wonderful November xx

    1. I love the wide angle too, Joana! Have to get used to it still a little though. 🙂 Yes, I’m so thrilled about reading my first baby-lit book! 🙂

      LOL! It’s hard to be decisive when it comes to choosing what book to read, right? That’s why I ask for your help! I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Darcy was an inspiration for a character, Julie Klassen has been known to say she is a fan of Jane Austen and Jane Eyre.

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 1 / TMFH – 0

  3. I’d go with “the maid”. I loved them both however. I just finished rereading “the silent governess”. I loved your photos going around town. It looks like a lot of fun. Your upcoming reads look good also. I know I have two on mine.

    1. Oh I loved The Silent Governess! Definitely one of my faves! Our town has a lot of great things to offer, I’m having a blast learning more about it! Makes me love it only more!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 1 / TMFH – 1

  4. Lovely pictures! I have to vote for the Maid of Fairbourne Hall after reading the descriptions on amazon. I love that you post your Austenesque Agenda for the upcoming month, plus let your readers vote for one of your reviews.
    With the holidays and all, November is pretty busy for everyone in my life. Let me tell you, retirement is not boring for me. I meet myself coming and going! 🙂 I actually have a stack of unread books! Very unusual!
    Have a great November, Meredith, and also to all your readers!!

    1. You are so sweet Catherine, thank you!!! I love doing these Agendas every month!! And definitely love giving you guys the responsibility of making a decision for me! 😉

      I can imagine how busy you are!! LOL! Hope you get to fit in some good reading time with all the hustle and bustle! Happy November!!!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 1 / TMFH – 2

  5. I’m going to vote for “The Maid…” as well. My November is crammed with a lot of not fun things but I am trying to cram some book centered moments in there too. Looking forward to seeing my sister and her family at Thanksgiving and hoping the weather gets colder before my birthday next week. It’s still pretty warm here as well and I am ready for sweaters and boots and HOT tea. I love summer and cold drinks but by November, I want to bundle up and warm my hands on my cuppa. LOL

    Looking forward to your reviews, keeps me in TBR’s. =D

    1. Oh sorry to hear about the not fun things! That’s lovely that you will be seeing your sister for Thanksgiving!! And that your birthday is this month! Happy early birthday! 🙂 We got a blast of cold weather here in NC this weekend. Was hoping to still be able to sit on the porch or hammock…but that might be done for now. But there are some good things for the cold like you said sweaters, boots, and definitely some warm cuppas! 😉

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 1 / TMFH – 3

  6. That’s neat that you could enjoy your town like that. I go to our local history museum for special things like that Victorian funeral. Hey, its right there and I can support local. So good on you!

    Lots of fun visitors coming it seems. I don’t really have a strong opinion either way for your Klassens so I’ll go with the first one ‘The Girl in the Gatehouse’.

    Happy November! And yes, October was fast.

    1. Yes! Supporting local is something I love to do! Our town has so much history to it, love learning more!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 2 / TMFH – 3

  7. Hi Meredith! I think the same: where did october go? Ha ha ha!. Wilmington seems a very pleasant place. I agree with you: there are many things to know in our own places although we think we know everything 🙂
    In Madrid the weather has been warm and sweet, a deligthful fall but today autumn has shown its worst face with rain and cold 🙁
    Coming to the subject of Julie Klassen, I vote for ” the maid of fairbourne hall”. By the way, the cover of Jane Odiwe’s novel is so charming!, it seems to be part of a fairy tale or something inspired in ” the nutcracker”.
    Have an inspiring november and I hope you can take beautiful pictures with your new polaroid!

    1. Right? I fear November will go just as fast!

      That’s great that you had some nice warm days in October! I can relate, we had to turn the heat on because the temps are dropping a good deal now. Hope the rain by you stops soon!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 2 / TMFH – 4

      I agree about Jane Odiwe’s cover – it is enchanting isn’t it?

      Will do!!

  8. Hi, Meredith! Glad you had a good albeit fast-paced October. I will look forward to the Nov. reviews! I’ve read all of Julie klassen’s books. The Maid… was one of my faves and The Girl… was actually one if my least faves, so I would vote for the former. I’d love to hear your thoughts on The Maid… I can’t imagine you not enjoying it. Thanks for the chance to vote. It’s fun to see the outcomes each month!

    1. LOL! That’s interesting that I have these two paired together! 🙂 Hope you are having a lovely November so far, Amy!!!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 2 / TMFH – 5

  9. The Girl in The Gatehouse gets my vote but both sound intriguing. Just too many good books out there! Life gets in the way of reading at times….LOL Michelle – Happy Birthday. What a lovely celebration you have in store. Thanks for the updates, Meredith (Can my Wish List get any longer? Unfortunately – yes.)

    1. There are, Sheila! I cannot keep up! 😉 Definitely a good problem to have, though!

      Wishing you a fab time on your upcoming trip!!!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 3 / TMFH – 5

  10. Fingers crossed 😉 Let’s hope I can comment!
    What an exciting month, Meredith!! 😀 I cannot wait to read your reviews and interviews! I especially look forward to your chat with Jane Odiwe 🙂
    As for Julie Klassen novels (I LOVE her, by the way), I vote for “The Maid of Fairbourne Hall”, which I hope to read sometime soon and I’d love to hear your thoughts!!

    1. So glad you can comment again, Maria!!! 😀

      I’m so glad to hear you love Julie Klassen too! I’m all anticipation for her new novel that is coming out this month!!!

      Thanks for voting!! 🙂 TGG – 3 / TMFH – 6

      1. So am I, Meredith!! 😀

        Oh, I cannot wait to get my hands on her new book either! She writes such amazing stories!

        Thanks for letting us choose one of your next reads! 😉

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