Book Sale Finds Giveaway!!!

Twice a year our town library holds an awesome multi-day used book sale, and for the past 3-4 years my brother and I have made a date out of attending the sale together. 😀 We usually meet up on the first day the sale starts, before the doors open!


At these sales I beeline towards the trade fiction table and circle that table thoroughly at least three times.  My brother usually heads over to the music section (and looks for both of us) and then the auto section. 🙂  I, of course, like to look for any Austenesque books to add to my collection, but I never seem to get lucky (Austenesque literature is a very niche genre).  But I also look for other non-Austenesque novels that I enjoy to read – like Georgette HeyerJulie Klassen, and Karen Witemeyer.  And if I’m lucky, I may find one to take home!

At the last sale I was so elated to find The Silent Governess, but this time there wasn’t any Georgette HeyerJulie Klassenor Karen Witemeyer to be found.  🙁 However, I did find one new book that I have been curious about: While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax.  Since I am a fan of “watching Downton Abbey,” I thought it might be a fun read!

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And…surprise, surprise I found some Austenesque novels!!! SQUEEEE!!!

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The only thing is I already own them… But I couldn’t just leave them there, it was such a rare find for me!  I had to buy them and experience the joy of finding Austenesque novels in a used book sale!

And so I did buy them, but not for me, FOR YOU!!!  Like the ARC’s I give away, they are in “like new” condition with no marks or damage to the pages.



I’m so thankful to all of you who take time to read my blog, share in my love for Austenesque novels, and discuss Jane Austen with me!  Blogging has been so fulfilling and fun for me these past 4 1/2 years.  I’m so happy you are all apart of Austenesque Reviews!  To enter this  giveaway for a gently used copy of either The Confessions of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Mary Street or Remembrance of the Past by Lory Lilian leave a comment below!

UPDATE:  There are now 2 copies of The Confessions of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Mary Street for me to give away!!!  The second copy is coming from AR reader, Sheila L. M.!!  Thank you for your generosity, Sheila!

  • Specify which book you’d like to win in the comment section.  (You can say either!)
  • The giveaway is open worldwide. <3
  • This giveaway will end May 20th.


  1. How very kind Meredith, however, I have read both these books already having just recently finished Remembrance of the Past which I adored. Lory Lilian is becoming one of my favourite P & P authors. Good luck to everyone who enters and is the lucky recipient!

  2. Oh how fun! I love our library book sales. There is something about finding books there that is a natural high. I too have double bought and given away. 🙂 You just can’t leave them there. I always felt like others were not appreciating them appropriately. I have wanted to turn to other and say. . do you know how hard it is to find this book?

    I would love to enter to win one of these. Thanks for the chance and the great story. 🙂

    1. So true, Becky! It is a natural high! You don’t know what you will find! LOL! YES! These finds are sooo much more rare than all the Karen Kingsbury, Jodi Picoult, and John Grisham books you see multiple copies of!!

  3. Nice find! I love looking for new books to read. Thanks for the chance I would like either book as I have never read either of them.

  4. I loved reading about your library book sale, as it’s a favorite experience of mine
    in my hometown too! Thanks for the giveaway. I would be happy to have either

    1. I’m so you glad you enjoyed my post! We have a couple of used books stores here in town that I frequent, but nothing beats the awesomeness of the library book sale! 🙂

  5. What a lovely find, and how lucky for the rest of us!
    I’d LOVE to win Mary Steele’s book! I’ve heard so much about it and many years ago, when I went to Bath for the festival, I spotted it in the window of a charity shop. Unfortunately it was a Sunday and the shop was closed, and when I came back the following day it had been bought already 🙁
    Thanks ever so much for organising this lovely giveaway and thanks for the chance to take part!

  6. How timely that you mentioned this! Just yesterday at our library, I saw The Pursuit of Mary Bennet. About a year ago, I picked up The Confessions of Fitzwilliam Darcy at my favorite thrift store. However…
    I have been eager to read Lory Lillian so would LOVE to win that one! You are so kind and thoughtful, Merdedith, it is a real pleasure reading your blog : )

    1. Oh thank you for your lovely words, Ginger! I’m thrilled to have people like you read my blog! I’m curious too read The Pursuit of Mary Bennet! Love the minor character stories! 🙂

  7. I know what you mean about not being able to pass up books like this at a used book sale. I just can’t bear to see them go unclaimed. They need a good Austenesque home! Thanks for thinking of your readers. I’d love to have a crack at Remembrance of the Past by Lory Lilian. Thanks!


  8. That’s the one of the bad things about Ebooks – they can’t be shared after they’ve been read. Our library has two permanent shelves by the front door that offer ‘gently used’ books for sale. I would love to read either one of the books you found at your library.

  9. So happy you found some Austenesque books, Meredith!! You’re so kind to offer them to us 🙂 Being Italian, it’s impossible to find Austen related books at a used book sale (actually in my little town we don’t have used book sales either!), so I’m glad I have the chance to win one of them 🙂 Since I haven’t read any of them, either would be good!

    1. So happy to host this giveaway! I image it is very hard to find any Austen-related books in book stores near you, thank goodness for the internet and international shipping! 😉

  10. Thanks for your generous offer, Meredith. I’m so delighted that you thought of us and bought the two books. If I’m lucky, I would like to have Remembrance of the Past. I hope you will enjoy your Downton Abbey read as do I. If you want, you can read my review but beware of spoilers.

    I wonder why your town library would like to sell them. Is it to make room for more books? How do they pick which books to put on sale? Is it there see that it hasn’t been borrowed for some time and thus they make this decision? So many questions but there may not be answers.

    1. Of course, Sylvia! I’m always thinking of you lovely readers! I’d be happy to give the answers to your questions! 🙂 The books in the sale come from donations, people drop off any books they don’t want at the library and library holds a sale twice a year to raise funds to support programs at the library. 🙂 The books are sold for $1-3 on the first couple of days and then are reduced drastically in price during the later days. I think on the last day you can get them for 10 cents a book?!? It is super fun to participate! Even more so now that I’ve started weeding through my book collection and donate some of our old books!

      Must go read your review, Sylvia! Thanks for the warning about spoilers. 🙂

  11. I would love to win either book. I buy many books at a — USED PAPERBACK BOOK STORE at which you get 1/2 price credit from books you bring in to sell. I have used it extensively but find with my kindle I have not been there as much. Never found JAFF but do find many other romantic historical authors.

    1. I hardly ever find JAFF at the used paperback stores in town – I think their stock isn’t as current though. It is fun to find new reads isn’t it?

  12. Here’s an idea: start a book swap club. Have to have 10 books or so listed and get so much credit. Use credit to buy used JAFF books from others, who pay postage. Get credit according to condition and original price of book? Or stipulate book has to be in very good condition. I have so many books and would love to share or trade. Any comers? Someone would have to organize and manage is the only drawback! Wish I lived close to someone with whom I could share. These books are just too good to only be read by me, even if I read them 3 or 4 times. LOL

    1. That is a lovely idea, Sheila! I use and love it. Have traded so many books there over the years! But thanks to Laura’s great suggestion I’m off to check out!

  13. What great finds! I can never find any Austenesque novels at book sales- if I can’t find a book on amazon I usually have to go 2nd and Charles or hope that something falls in my lap. I would love to win either book since both are on my “Wish List.” Thank you for continuing to share your love of Austen with us!

    1. We definitely have to work hard to track down some Austenesque books, don’t we? I’m very thankful for amazon for making it so easy! 🙂 But it is still fun to find Austenesque books in real life!

  14. How very generous of you, and happy you had such success at the Book Sale! I haven’t read either of these novels but all Austen related works are fine with me.

    I’ve read Wendy Wax’s book – let us know what you think

    Thanks so much for this opportunity.

    1. Success like this is rare for me! My brother usually walks out with between 6-12 books and I usually find 2. 🙂 I hope to read While We Were Watching Downton Abbey over the summer.

  15. I wish our library would do something like this – as I haven’t read either book I will go with either

    meikleblog at gmail dot com

  16. I’m excited you found some Austenesque books at the sale. That means there’s at least one other Jane-lover in your community. I wish I could find more like-minded people nearby to swap books with. There are so many JAFF languishing on my shelf. I’ve found a few ‘friends’ online to share nook and kindle JAFF books with, but ebooks, sadly, can only be lent once.

    Do you think you’ll review while We Were Watching Downton Abbey? I asked my library to buy it but they said no(?!?) so I’m eager to hear if you like it.

    I’d happily Confessions of Fitzwilliam Darcy, since my library didn’t buy that one, either. They’re usually pretty good about buying what I ask them to, but not all the JAFF makes the cut.I swear they see my name in their inbox and hey think, “oh great, that Austen fan girl wants another one”

    1. Yes! It does mean that! I would love to find them! To bad they don’t leave a name or something inside their books!

      Yes, I do plan on reviewing While We Were Watching Downton Abbey – hopefully sometime this summer. 🙂 Sorry your library said no! :/

      That’s great that your library takes your requests into consideration for purchase (most of the time!)

      1. I, too, would LOVE to find a JAFF lover nearby to trade books with or even to lend kindle books, which we can lend one time. Where do you live??? LOL

  17. I love library book sales. I’ve never come across Austenesque books there either, but wow, look at you. Thanks so much for the generous giveaway opportunity. I would be interested in the Mary Street book if I won.

  18. I just realized I own the Mary Street book (read it such a long time ago I forgot it was on my shelf) so please don’t put me in for that book. Thanks. (I will have to re-read it so as to refresh my memory.)

      1. I finished re-reading it yesterday and finally posted a review. At my age it is now time to think about not leaving clutter your children won’t want to shift through….had to do that with in-law last year. Thus an additional reason to give away a book I have read many times.

  19. Thanks so much Meredith for thinking of us and sharing! Either one would be great for me. I haven’t read anything from either of these authors yet.

  20. Meredith, since I own the Mary Street book…I am going to re-read it in the next couple of days and will mail it at my expense to anyone. So draw twice for this book. My way of giving back for 3 books I have won off of different sites. If that is OK with you?

  21. How very generous of you Meredith, and Sheila, too.

    These are both new authors to me, but I am a relative newcomer to the world of JAFF. There again, my bookcase is rapidly developing a whole new section for it and I have my JAFF ebooks organised into their very own collection on my Kindle!

    Not sure which one I’d choose as they both sound like good reads.

    1. LOL! If you are like me, your JAFF collection may soon dominate your bookshelf and kindle, Anji! So many wonderful reads in store for you to enjoy!

  22. oh wow Austenesque stuff is like gold dust, what great finds! I already have remembrance of the past but Mary street is welcome to join my bookshelf 🙂 thanks for the giveaway Meredith, you are so very sweet to be thinking of us.

  23. I love digging through lots of books at our annual library sale:). Winning a book would be awesome too. I have not read Remembrance of the Past so that book would be my “free” pick.
    Thank you for sharing with your fellow Janeites!

    1. Yes, digging….I do a lot of that at the book sale. In the picture you will see they put books in boxes under the tables too…I have no qualms with getting on my hands and knees looking for my gold! 🙂

  24. I applaud your book hunting efforts! I am still working through the list you posted earlier this year of your favs! I must say, I am loving everything written by Sarah Eden!

    1. Thank you, Betsy! I’m so glad to hear you found my list helpful! I’ve never read anything by Sarah Eden. I must go check her out – any favorites that you would recommend?

  25. I love used book sales! When I lived in KY they had them 3 or 4 times a year. I’d go on the very first day and then again on the last day, after they out more out, when you could fill a big paper bag to the top for $5. Usually I’d have my mom on the phone at the time, asking her “ooh, do you want this? How ’bout this?” Since I’ve moved I haven’t been to the library here (shameful!) but I’ll have to see if they have any sales. JAFF was pretty hard to find there, as no one seems to like to part with theirs so I can have it.

    I have the book by Mary Street (though I had to go double check – I’ve finally reached that point I can’t remember what all I have.) SO please put my name in the hat for Remembrance of the Past. I read and really enjoyed that one in the past, I don’t know how it hasn’t found it’s way to my shelf yet. lol


    1. It is definitely a great way to make money! 🙂 I think our library has finally hit the $1,000,000 mark – they have been doing these sales for about 25 years. How thoughtful you are to look and buy books for your mom! Yes, the reason the Austenesque books are so hard to find is because of hoarders and collectors like me who never want to part with their beloved books! 😉

  26. How sweet of you to think of us. Thanks for the chance to win these titles. Am always happy to add to my Austenesque collection.

  27. I love the library book sale, and like you I rarely find any fan fiction. Of course that is because we love our fan fiction and hold onto it with both hands. I would love to read confession of fitzwilliam Darcy. I already own remembrance of the past and it is totally a keeper. Thanks for your offers.

    1. Absolutely! The good stuff is always hard to find! I agree with you about that! My copy of Remembrance of the Past will definitely remain in my possession! 😉

  28. What a lovely tradition to have with your brother. That book sale looks awesome! They sell off library stock here but it’s dribs and drabs and very rare that they have any Austenesque available to lend out, let alone sell. Thank you for the generous giveaway. I have the Mary Street one as an ebook but I don’t have any Lory Lilian so I’d love to enter the draw for that one please.

    1. Thank you, Ceri! We both look forward to it, he actually didn’t come with me this time because he had a rehearsal out of town. 🙁 But hopefully we will resume our tradition next time! Oh! We need to get you some Lory Lilian stat! 😉

  29. It’s a pity we do not have library book sales in my country. I think if we had, I would gladly spend hours circling the tables:) It is like a treasure hunt! Meredith, thank you for sharing your experience and for lovely giveaway. You are too kind to us (not that we are complaining:))). I have the book by Mary Street, so I would like to try my luck in entering the giveaway for Remebrance of the Past.

    1. It is indeed like a treasure hunt! A lot of sifting and searching to find some gold. I’m so happy to host the giveaway! Thank you for all your participation and friendship on my blog!

  30. What a nice looking book sale! I hope you enjoy While We Were Watching Downton Abbey. I thought it was a perfect beach read…which is great for you since you live by the beach!!=) I would love a chance to win Remembrance of the Past! Thanks for the giveaway, Meredith!!

  31. I would probably be jumping up and down if I had found those books. It really is hard to find Austenesque books in any book sale. Just looking at all those books makes me smile.

    1. I almost did that, Marcia! I’ve been looking for years and have never found books like this in the sale. There is always a ton of books! I guess people read a lot in our city!

  32. How very thoughtful of you, Meredith! I just read the synopsis for both books and would be thrilled to add either to my collection!

    1. 🙂 I’m so happy to help these books find some new home! I hope my luck continues at the next sale – for me and for all of you!! 🙂

  33. Book shopping is one of my very favorite things to do! It’s always so cool when you discover books in your favorite genre. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog – I really enjoy everything about it! And Thank You very much for the giveaway! I’d love to be included for either title 🙂

  34. That’s very kind of you Meredith! Both books sound very interesting but I would love a chance to win The Confessions of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Mary Street. Thank you!

  35. WOW, great finds! I haven´t read (or heard) of either one and would love to read them. Fingers crossed for winning one of them.
    I love used book sales. So many treasures to be found if one has time (and is resistant to the dissapointement of not always finding someting). Second to used book sales is Baby clothes flea markets for me at the moment ;). Love all the cute stuff to find there.

    1. Yep, that’s the chance you take. Sometimes you will come home empty-handed, sometimes you will make out like a bandit! You will never know! Aww! How fun! I bet it is a blast looking for baby clothes – so cute! 🙂

  36. I love the library book sale. Here in Toledo, Ohio, we have them about seven times a year. They run Thursday through Saturday. Hardcovers are $1.00 and paperbacks are 50 cents. They also have magazines and books on CD and tape. On Saturday you can get a big brown paper bag of books, etc., for $6.00. I’ve been going to it so long I remember when it was $1.00 a bag! I never see any DVDs there, but lots of VHS. I mostly read mysteries and also get Y.A. books and some romance or Inspirational. I usually go on a Saturday. I went in April and the paperback mysteries were picked over by then, but one time I got a lot of them on a Saturday. One time I saw a Linda Berdoll book but didn’t get it. At the last sale I actually found an Austenesque book and got it: Pemberley by the Sea by Abigail Reynolds. That’s the one set in the present day. Those are the only JAFF books I’ve seen there. The next sale is in June, a week before my birthday! Maybe I’ll also go on Thursday to see if I can find some good paperback mysteries.

    We used to have another book sale in October, the AAUW sale, but I don’t think they do that one anymore. They charged $10.00 for a bag of books on the last day.

    I swap books on Paperback Swap (love it!) and sometimes on Book Mooch (U.S. and international). I used to swap on You can swap DVDs there and lots of other things.

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."