Winners of Darcy’s Tale, The Subsequent Proposal, and Jane Austen’s Birthday Giveaways!!

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What an exciting couple of weeks it has been on Austenesque Reviews!  And now it is about to get a little bit more exciting for some people…

Thank you to Stanley Hurd, Joana Starnes, and Carol Cromlin for contributing such lovely prizes for me to give away!  Such wonderful reads, I’m so happy that these books will be finding some new homes!

Thank you to all of you who entered these giveaways and shared your comments!  I’ve greatly enjoyed reading them – especially all your plans of what to do on Jane Austen’s birthday!

By the way, I forgot to answer the question myself!  I think my plans would be to take Jane Austen to the beach that is 15 minutes from my house.  We’d bundle up (if it was cold) or wear shorts and flip-flops (if it was unseasonably warm!), walk some miles on the beach, and sit down to a picnic on the sand and chat ’til the sun sets! 🙂

Wrightsville-Beach-1-7-10-024Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

Without further ado… the randomly selected winners are…

Darcy’s Tale, Volume I: Into Hertfordshire by Stanley HurdVesper, Ellie, Schilds, Anna Horner, Stephanie L!!!

The Subsequent Proposal by Joana StarnesCatherine Commons (paperback), Junewilliams7 (ebook), Stephanie Carrico (ebook)!!!

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Such I was by Carol Cromlin (ebook)…Tresha Boone and RivkaBelle!!!

Winner’s choice of shirt or scarf from BrookishMaria!!!

Winners, please send me your addresses/email addresses so I can pass them on/mail out your goodies!


  1. What a sweet Christmas surprise…congratulations to all the winners..
    Thanks for the giveaway..
    Merry Christmas to all..

  2. Question where do I send my email to? I am one of the lucky winners and don’t know what I am suppose to do to receive my ebook. Thank you for the contest!

  3. Shoot! I had hoped to be a winner. Oh, well, best of luck to the authors for sales jumps for these books from all of us who weren’t successful. Hahaha! I just went out and bought them!

  4. Thank you, Meredith! I look forward to reading Joana Starnes’ book, although I won’t be lucky enough to be on a beach with a picnic. :=)

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