Austenesque Novel Finds #20

Unequal AffectionsUnequal Affection: A Pride and Prejudice Retelling

Author: Lara S. Ormiston

Type of Austenesque Novel:  Variation 

Release Date:  October 1st, 2013

Pages: 352

Available in:  Hardcover

Available at: Amazon and Barnes and Noble




from goodreads:

When Elizabeth Bennet first knew Mr. Darcy, she despised him and was sure he felt the same. Angered by his pride and reserve, influenced by the lies of the charming Mr. Wickham, she never troubled herself to believe he was anything other than the worst of men–until, one day, he unexpectedly proposed. Mr. Darcy’s passionate avowal of love causes Elizabeth to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about him. What she knows is that he is rich, handsome, clever, and very much in love with her. She, on the other hand, is poor, and can expect a future of increasing poverty if she does not marry. The incentives for her to accept him are strong, but she is honest enough to tell him that she does not return his affections. He says he can accept that–but will either of them ever be truly happy in a relationship of unequal affection?

Diverging from Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride and Prejudice at the proposal in the Hunsford parsonage, this story explores the kind of man Darcy is, even before his “proper humbling,” and how such a man, so full of pride, so much in love, might have behaved had Elizabeth chosen to accept his original proposal.


  • Lovely cover + a new author!  Already off to a great start!
  • I’m very curious to see this proposal scene!  Glad Elizabeth was honest, poor Darcy!
  • I wonder how Darcy will react to Elizabeth’s acceptance and lack affection?  Is he surprised? Does he understand why?
  • Without “proper humbling” is this a Darcy we will like?
  • I wonder what induces Elizabeth to give up her chance for marrying for love…


Previous Posts:


  1. Yay! I read this online when she was posting and loved it. (I think all of her stories are fantastic, btw). It generated a LOT of chatter and conversation on the boards. I’m looking forward to reading it again. And the cover is cute!

  2. I read this one when it was posted online, too. I’m glad to see it’s been published and I’d add this one to my JAFF collection. Darcy is still likeable and he gets his humbling, don’t worry!

  3. I’ve read many JAFF stories, IMHO this one is the BEST I’ve ever read. Those who missed it online have a lot to look forward to, and those of us who did read it will value having it in our own collections, either in print or as an e-book (I believe it’ll be released in both formats).

  4. It’s a challenge to show an interesting proposal different from the original and this new one sounds really interesting…
    It must be very hard to be in Lizzy’s shoes thinking bad about a man that finally proposes her! Have you ever thought about this? I wouldn’t know what to think…but Mr Darcy is able to overcome all our prejudices, sigh!. Beautiful cover.
    Ah! Happy birthday Meredith! I read it was a few days ago but I wanted to congratulate you.

    1. I agree Teresa, it is interesting to see one of Jane Austen’s most iconic scenes play out quite differently!

      Very true! I can’t imagine what it would be like to receive a proposal from someone you didn’t love, let alone passionately dislike!

      Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes, Teresa! I had a lovely day!

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