Our GREAT BIG Austenesque Thank You!

Team Austenesque would like to thank all the generous and kind authors, publishers, and donors for their support and participation in Austenesque Extravaganza this year!  We were just overwhelmed by everyone’s awesome response! We’d like to take one more moment to recognize all the people who took part in the making of Austenesque Extravaganza and express our sincere gratitude for all their help, support, encouragement, enthusiasm, and time!






Alexa Adams                Juliet Archer                Stephanie Barron        

Jennifer Becton                Nina Benneton
Diana Birchall                Marilyn Brant                Laura Briggs        
Sarah Burgess                Jack Caldwell
Barbara Tiller Cole                Karen Cox              P. O. Dixon          
                Anna Elliott            Monica Fairview                
Linda Gonschior                Alyssa Goodnight                Maria Grace                
Amanda Grange                Cecilia Gray
Jan Hahn                Shannon Hale                Patrice Hannon       
Robin Helm                Cynthia Ingram Hensley
Laura Hile                Kim Izzo                 Regina Jeffers
Susan Kaye                Nancy Kelley
Tracy Kiely                Sharon Lathan                Lory Lilian       
Kara Louise                KaraLynne Macrory
Susan Mason-Milks                Gayle Mills                Laurel Ann Nattress
Vera Nazarian                Jane Odiwe
C. Allyn Pierson                Abigail Reynolds                Laurie Viera Rigler
Colette Saucier                Amy Elizabeth Smith
Debra White Smith                Lori Smith                Margaret Sullivan        
Ola Wegner                 Linda Wells
Shannon Winslow



Anna        Heather        Sylvia
Monica        Katrin
Sam        Valerie        Janet
Shannon        Cheska
Kate        Rebecca        Debra


Thank you to all our participants!  We greatly enjoyed interacting, chatting, and playing Austenesque games with you!

Here is our awesome Netherfield Ball with Modern Subtitles!  A product of our first Fun and Games Friday and the genius wit that is Angie Kroll!

And, of course, I MUST thank the AMAZING, BRILLIANT, and CREATIVE members of Team Austenesque!  Jakki and Angie – thank you so much for your time, talent, support, and friendship!  This month would not have been possible without you! xoxo

Psst!  All the giveaways for Austenesque Extravaganza will remain open until OCTOBER 3rd!  And then…we will announce the winners!


  1. OMG – this video was SOOO funny! LOVED the Smackdown, modern music and Ken doll appearance. Way too funny!

    I really enjoyed myself this month reading and participating. Great fun! Thank you so much for sponsoring this wonderful event – it was my first.

  2. Oh my word that was a hilarious video!

    Yes, and my thanks to all those who contributed time, talent or contribution to the month of celebration. It was a wonderful thing to come each day to find out what was to be enjoyed.

  3. LOL! Wonderful job on the video! My stomach hurts from laughing so much.

    Thanks so much to everyone who participated this month and especially to to Team Austeneque!

    1. Angie did a great job with the special songs in the video! A total surprise!

      Thank you for participating, Heather. And for being one of our featured Ardent Admirers!

  4. I totally forgot all about that video thing!! Drats!! LOL Was pretty funny…. and I loved when it showed the musicians playing “that funky music”!!! Awesome!! LOL

    I had a blast participating in the Extravaganza! You all did a fabulous job putting this together!! Woot!! Woooot!!!

    1. Thank you, Laurel Ann! We had a blast, but I am definitely looking forward to returning to my stack of books and doing what I love best – reading and reviewing! 😉

  5. Thank you very much Meredith, Jakki and Angie for putting in the effort to organise and host such fantastic and fabulous events everyday in September. And also too publishers, sponsors and authors who donated such amazing gifts to readers. Last but not least, authors and admirers who wrote thought-provoking and entertaining posts.

    Totally enjoyed this hilarious video with many LOL moments. 🙂

  6. It was an amazingly fun month! Thank you Meredith, Jakki and Angie, and to all the authors and donors. I think I’ll put a countdown on my phone for next year’s AE! Lol

  7. *applause applause* That was a fabulous video, an awesome list of authors and donors and an INCREDIBLE AE!! Thanks to the Austenesque team for a month of fun, I had a blast (again) woo hoo!!

  8. Thank you so much for all of the hard work in making this a wonderful month long celebration! I looked forward to checking the blog daily and loved all of the fun games and interesting interviews. I will be waiting eagerly for next year 🙂

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