Wednesday Word Games – #2

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

And today’s Wednesday Word Games is…


  • To come up with an AUSTEN or AUSTENESQUECHARACTER, PLACE, TITLE, AUTHOR, or WORD for each letter of the alphabet.


1.  LOOK at the LAST comment to see what letter is next.

2.  Name an AUSTEN or AUSTENESQUE CHARACTER, PLACE, TITLE, AUTHOR, or WORD for THAT letter of the alphabet.  

– Anne Elliot
– Allenham
An Arranged Marriage
– Abigail Reynolds
– Assemblies

**You can play MORE than once!
** You CANNOT take consecutive turns!

Each time you participate in this event and TAKE a TURN you will be entered in a chance to win…

The Fullerton Rectory Bundle!  
Sponsored by Berkley Books and Ulysses Press!  Thank you!


The Uppercross Cottage Bundle!  

Sponsored by Ulysses Press and Sourcebooks!  Thank you!
  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • Please make sure your name or username is somewhere in your comment.
  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • This giveaway closes October 3rd.
  • Let us know which bundle you are interested in winning (you can say BOTH!)

I’ll start with letter A.  Next person does letter B!

All Roads Lead to Austen


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!



  1. Northanger Abbey

    if we get to ‘Z’ and it’s still Wednesday can we start over again at ‘A’? (Love these game!)

    Heather M.

  2. Xander! (this is Darcy’s angel name in Robin Helm’s Guardian series – a great read btw). I hope this counts cuz I’m stumped on any other X’s!


    Both bundles please 🙂

  3. Zombies, as in Pride Prejudice and Zombies … I know it’s a stretch.

    If it qualifies I choose Uppercase Cottage Bundle


  4. UGH!!! I just found P&P and ZOMBIES!! I was searching all over for a Z but it looks like Cheska beat me to it!!
    Cheska- Have you read this one?

  5. For those looking for “x” words, I used four of them on page 262 of “Christmas at Pemberley.” The group is playing “I Have a Basket,” and Mr. Bingley can think of no “x” words. Darcy, Elizabeth, Georgiana, and Mr. Bennet all provide an example for the game. I’m assuming because the words are used in an Austen-inspired novel that they will fit this game. Good luck!
    Regina Jeffers

  6. Thanks for the tip, Regina. So I bring you one of the “X” words from Christmas at Pemberley.

    Xebec is a small, three-masted Mediterranean vessel.

    Uppercross Cottage Bundle if I’m lucky enough to win.


  7. Y for Young, Mrs. Georgiana’s governess in Pride & Prejudice who assisted the naughty Wickham in attempting to run away with Georgiana.

    If I am lucky enough to win, I would like the Fullerton Rectory bundle.

    Many thanks!

  8. I wonder if word “zeal” used by Jane Austen in Emma in chapters 14, 29, 30 and 42 will be acceptable?
    “I shall try for it with a zeal!” – says Frank Churchill in chapter 30:)
    Uppercross Cottage Bundle if this post is lucky and counts.
    oloore at gmail dot com

  9. In love– as all the Austen heroes are! 🙂
    Would love to have The Uppercross Cottage Bundle!

    Chelsea B.

  10. Zeal

    shows up a lot in at least three of her books, though strangely enough, not in Northanger Abbey.

    I would love both bundles
    melorabrock(at) gmail (dot) com

  11. letters

    as in: Captain Wentworth to Anne, Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth, Marianne to Willoughby . . . so many letters are used to move the story forward.

    Heather M.
    Uppercross, please

  12. Orphan of the Rhine a book mentioned in Northanger Abbey, a gothic novel I assume.

    Mel Brock
    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com
    I would be thrilled with either bundle

  13. quit—and Elizabeth heard him the next moment open the front door and ‘quit’ the house—Chapter 34 after the first proposal


  14. Highbury – the village in JA’s ‘Emma’

    – Featured in Carrie Bebris’ ‘The Intrigue at Highbury’ (Or, Emma’s Match)

    [Book #5 in the Mr. & Mrs. Darcy Mystery series]

    Fullerton Rectory BUndle plz TY

  15. Marriane
    Mansfield Park
    Mary Lydon Simonsen

    I am interested in both The Fullerton Rectory Bundle & The Uppercross Cottage Bundle!


  16. Quarrel

    I am interested in both The Fullerton Rectory Bundle & The Uppercross Cottage Bundle!

  17. Upper window – Chapter 3 – P&P
    The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the advantage of ascertaining from an “upper window” that he wore a blue coat, and rode a black horse.



  18. Letter “W” – Willoughby

    I am interested in both The Fullerton Rectory Bundle & The Uppercross Cottage Bundle!

  19. You miss X, Chelsea. Mrs Young has been used before by araminta18 and Lori. Yates has been used by Anme.

    Meredith, are we allowed to repeat some words/names?

    Xylem is a woody plant


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