Wednesday Word Games – #1

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

Happy Wednesday Word Games!A big thanks to Meredith for allowing me once again to be the Charlotte to her and Jakki’s Bennet sisters.  But, you aren’t here to read my words of admiration, you are here for Mad Libs!

Do you remember Mad Libs?  For those of you not familiar, Mad Libs are word games where one player prompts another for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story, hopefully with funny results.  While Mad Libs may not be as fun as a walk to Meryton, they are good for a giggle or two.  Just fill in the form below, and hit the button.  Then, copy and paste the results in the comment section.  We look forward to reading all of the entries!

Dear John (Or Jane?)

A Male Austen Character
A Feeling (Noun)
A Celebrity
A piece of clothing
Type of Relationship (i.e. ‘Friends’)
Noun (plural)
An Unusual Place
Verb – Noun (i.e. eat sushi)
An Unusual Occupation
Your Name





Participating in this event and leaving a COMMENT enters you in a chance to win…

The Camden Place Bundle!  

Sponsored by Sourcebooks and Meryton Press!  Thank you!


The Mansfield Park Bundle!

Sponsored by Author P. O. Dixon and Jane Austen Books!  Thank you!

  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • Please make sure your name or username is somewhere in your comment.
  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • This giveaway closes October 3rd.
  • Let us know which bundle you are interested in winning (you can say BOTH!)

Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE !


  1. Dear Henry Tilney,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Happiness, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Happiness on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Colin Firth as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Shawl while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Inlaws, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no tables. Colin Firth has gained my Happiness entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from railway tracks, and are now on our way to do laundry for a few weeks, which my dear Colin Firth has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and au-pair,

    (I especially like the part about doing laundry for weeks 😀 :D. And about the happiness with Colin Firth, hmmmm… :))

  2. Dear Mr. Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Richard Armitage as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your cardigan while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Siblings, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no schools. Richard Armitage has gained my love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from closet, and are now on our way to drink tea for a few weeks, which my dear Richard Armitage has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Pencil Pusher,

    (Wow, that’s silly :P) I would be ecstatic and wouldn’t mind either one of BOTH the bundles.

    twitter: rosefire15

  3. Dear Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Colin Firth as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your empire-waist dress while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no homes. Colin Firth has gained my love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from food museum, and are now on our way to explore places for a few weeks, which my dear Colin Firth has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and historical guide,

    name: Joanna Yeoh
    email: siokhian at gmail dot com

  4. Dear Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your anger, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my anger on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Madonna as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your nightdress while the heart was another’s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always siblings, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no houses. Madonna has gained my anger entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from hell, and are now on our way to dance cha-cha for a few weeks, which my dear Madonna has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and spy,

    Having no idea what story it will turn out to be, I just fill in the words that pops in my head. Haha, it doesn’t make any sense cos I don’t want to dance cha-cha. I hope to win The Mansfield Park Bundle.


  5. Dear Willoughby,

    Being very sure I have long lost your lonliness, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my lonliness on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Lady GaGa as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your boxer shorts while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Lady GaGa has gained my lonliness entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from prison, and are now on our way to run a marathon for a few weeks, which my dear Lady GaGa has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and rodeo clown,
    Heather M

    LOL I could do this all day.
    I would hope to win the Camden Place Bundle

  6. Being very sure I have long lost your anxious, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my anxious on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Paris Hilton as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Chemise while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always frenemies, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no cats. Paris Hilton has gained my anxious entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from attic, and are now on our way to diving for a few weeks, which my dear Paris Hilton has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and treasure hunter,
    Robyn Brown

  7. Dear Mr. Tilney,

    Being very sure I have long lost your happiness, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my happiness on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with JJ Feild as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Pelisse while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no sticks. JJ Feild has gained my happiness entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from up a tree, and are now on our way to cry crocodile tears for a few weeks, which my dear JJ Feild has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and archivist,

    Awesome! I’d love to be entered for both….araminta18 at gmail dot com

  8. The Camden Place bundle looks awesome!

    Dear Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your sad, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my sad on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Duchess of Cambridge as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your cravat while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always wife, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no shoes. Duchess of Cambridge has gained my sad entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from in a cage, and are now on our way to eat crackers for a few weeks, which my dear Duchess of Cambridge has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and clown,

  9. Being very sure I have long lost your Hunger, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Hunger on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Tom Cruise as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Sock while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Frenemies, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Marshmallows. Tom Cruise has gained my Hunger entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Public bathroom at Walmart, and are now on our way to Buy lottery tickets for a few weeks, which my dear Tom Cruise has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Paranormal investigator,

  10. Dear Mr. Bingley,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Anger, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Anger on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Robert Downey Jr. as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Skirt while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Coworkers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Umbrellas. Robert Downey Jr. has gained my Anger entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Dry Cleaners, and are now on our way to Play Piano for a few weeks, which my dear Robert Downey Jr. has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Trapeze Artist,

    Great job, Angie! This makes me giggle! (Btw Robert Downey does NOT have my anger! 😉

  11. Dear Mr. Collins,

    Being very sure I have long lost your enthusiasm, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my enthusiasm on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Russell Crowe as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your pajamas while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always buddies, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no barouche. Russell Crowe has gained my enthusiasm entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from treehouse in Trafalgar Square, and are now on our way to weed garden for a few weeks, which my dear Russell Crowe has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and rat catcher,

    I would like to be entered for both bundles. Thanks!

  12. Dear Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Daring, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Daring on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Josh Groban as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Petticoat while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Freinds, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no pianos. Josh Groban has gained my Daring entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from In A Tree, and are now on our way to dancing at a ball for a few weeks, which my dear Josh Groban has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and deodorant tester,


    Okay I have to explain the occupation. I was at the museum and in the “Grossology” section for kids it had some gross stuff, one being the job of deodorant tester.

  13. Being very sure I have long lost your love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Van Gogh as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your shirt while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always sisters, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no dogs. Van Gogh has gained my love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from North Pole, and are now on our way to run far for a few weeks, which my dear Van Gogh has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and bank manager,

    I have always loved ad-libs….hilarious..
    thanks for the chance to win….

    Stephanie AT lucasaaron_5297{aT}

  14. Dear John Thorpe,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Revulsion, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Revulsion on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Pat Sajak as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your glove while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always related, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no tables. Pat Sajak has gained my Revulsion entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from an igloo, and are now on our way to hold books for a few weeks, which my dear Pat Sajak has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and cooking over an open fire in an igloo,
    Alexa Adams

    Oh dear! That is so terrible. I have no idea why Pat Sajak.

    Mansfield Park bundle please! And thanks! alexa [dot] adams96 [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. Hehe 🙂

    Dear Mr. Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Chris Pine as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Corset while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Children. Chris Pine has gained my Love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Barn, and are now on our way to Pet Cats for a few weeks, which my dear Chris Pine has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Blacksmith,
    Shannon Z

    I would be interested in either bundle! Lumee23 at gmail dot com

  16. Dear Captain Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Irritation, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Irritation on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Michael Phelps as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Shawl while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Flowers. Michael Phelps has gained my Irritation entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Fish Hatchery, and are now on our way to Promenade for a few weeks, which my dear Michael Phelps has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Lace Maker,

    joyalegra at gmail……

  17. This post made me giggle and I had fun reading the other entries as well!
    I would love to win any of those lovely prizes!

    Dear Mr Bennet,

    Being very sure I have long lost your love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Justin Bieber as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your sock while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no cookies . Justin Bieber has gained my love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Virgin Islands, and are now on our way to drink whiskey for a few weeks, which my dear Justin Bieber has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and poledancer ,

  18. Dear Mr. Bingley,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Happy, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Happy on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Johny Lee Miller as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Pants while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Boxes. Johny Lee Miller has gained my Happy entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from In the refrigerator, and are now on our way to play ball for a few weeks, which my dear Johny Lee Miller has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Book binder,

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! That to too fun!!!! 🙂 🙂

    I would love to be entered for The Camden Place Bundle!

    Chelsea B.

  19. Dear Mr. Collins,

    Being very sure I have long lost your hate, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my hate on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Queen Elizabeth as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your dickie while the heart was anothers. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always neighbours, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Queen Elizabeth has gained my hate entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from viaduct, and are now on our way to blow bubbles for a few weeks, which my dear Queen Elizabeth has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and chicken sexer,
    Elaine email: elaine489(at)gmail(dot)com


  20. Dear Mr. Knightley,

    Being very sure I have long lost your happy, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my happy on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Tim Tebo as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your cravet while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Tim Tebo has gained my happy entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from hay loft, and are now on our way to reading books for a few weeks, which my dear Tim Tebo has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and fisherman,

    Haha…that was so fun! Well, we just returned from the hay loft!!=)
    Please enter me in the Mansfield Park Bundle! Thanks!!

  21. LOL blodeuedd83 twitter

    Dear Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Richard Armitage as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Skirt while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Horses. Richard Armitage has gained my Love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Churchroof, and are now on our way to Read Books for a few weeks, which my dear Richard Armitage has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Lamplighter,

  22. Oh, my! These are so funny! Mine I feel, falls drastically short!

    Dear William Elliot,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Jealousy, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Jealousy on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Katy Perry as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Stays while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Frienemies, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Tables. Katy Perry has gained my Jealousy entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from The Circus, and are now on our way to Hold Balloons for a few weeks, which my dear Katy Perry has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Belly Dancer,

  23. Ha! Apparently I’m gay for Austen?

    Dear Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Vivacious, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Vivacious on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Princess Margaret as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Pelisse while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Siblings, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Baskets. Princess Margaret has gained my Vivacious entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from The Ivory Coast, and are now on our way to Giggle loudly for a few weeks, which my dear Princess Margaret has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Diver,

  24. Dear Mr Collins ,
    Being very sure I have long lost your
    Love , I have thought myself at
    liberty to bestow my Love on
    another, and have no doubt of being
    as happy with Robert Pattinson as I
    once used to think I might be with
    you; but I scorn to accept your Socks
    while the heart was another`s.
    Sincerely wish you happy in your
    choice, and it shall not be my fault if
    we are not always Cousins, as our
    breakup now makes proper. I can
    safely say I owe you no Beds . Robert
    Pattinson has gained my Love
    entirely, and as we could not live
    without one another, we are just
    returned from The Moon , and are
    now on our way to Watch Tv for a
    few weeks, which my dear Robert
    Pattinson has great curiosity, but
    thought I would first trouble you
    with these few lines, and shall
    always remain,
    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and

    Lol this was fun. It won’t be easy but in time I hope dear Robert can get me over my love for Mr Collins. 😛

    I’d love to be entered for both giveaways.


  25. My daughter (aka The Girl) and I played together and this is what she came up with:

    Dear Colonel Brandon,

    Being very sure I have long lost your madness, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my madness on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Alex O’Loughlin as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your breeches while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no penguins. Alex O’Loughlin has gained my madness entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from bathroom, and are now on our way to play video games for a few weeks, which my dear Alex O’Loughlin has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and dumpster diving,
    The Girl

    Pleas throw my name in the hat for both giveaways. Thanks! This was much fun.

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  26. Dear Mr. Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your passion, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my passion on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Gerard Butler as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your night shirt while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no carriages. Gerard Butler has gained my passion entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from pub, and are now on our way to charm horses for a few weeks, which my dear Gerard Butler has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and yoga instructor,

    Oh my word!! Too funny! Love reading all the responses!! 🙂
    Please enter me for both giveaways – can’t decide which one to choose!

    Valereie R.
    txreyn5663 (at) earthlink (dot) net

  27. That was hilariously good fun!

    Dear Rushworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your sadness, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my sadness on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Tom Cruise as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your nightgown while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always cousin, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Tom Cruise has gained my sadness entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from grotto, and are now on our way to ride horses for a few weeks, which my dear Tom Cruise has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and gutter cleaner,

    I enjoyed reading other peoples too.
    I would be interested in the Mansfield Park bundle. Thanks!

  28. Dear Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Compassion, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Compassion on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Tom Hardy as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Scarf while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Friend, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Necklace. Tom Hardy has gained my Compassion entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Camden, and are now on our way to Reading A Book for a few weeks, which my dear Tom Hardy has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Collector Of Sea Shells,

    I love it very funny.
    nancysoffice at gmail dot com

    If I’m chosen I’d like to have the Camden Place Bundle.

  29. Dear Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your love, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my love on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with judi dench as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your underwear while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no enemies. judi dench has gained my love entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from the outhouse, and are now on our way to read a book for a few weeks, which my dear judi dench has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and field biologist,
    Marlene Breakfield

    That was fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. This is great! thanks for posting it!

    Dear Captain Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your worry, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my worry on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Michael Vartan as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your spencer while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always enemies, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Michael Vartan has gained my worry entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from under the stairs, and are now on our way to play piano for a few weeks, which my dear Michael Vartan has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Trash collector,

    I’d like the Mansfield Park bundle please.

  31. Dear Mr. Bennet,

    Being very sure I have long lost your passion, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my passion on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Richard Armitage as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your sock while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always co-workers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Richard Armitage has gained my passion entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from pantry, and are now on our way to drink wine for a few weeks, which my dear Richard Armitage has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and traffic cop,

    Love this idea, gals! Very fun! Please enter me in both, it is just too hard to choose.


    felicialso @gmail. com

  32. Dear Henry Tilney,

    Being very sure I have long lost your interest, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my interest on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Emma Stone as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your shawl while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always sworn enemies, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no bandages. Emma Stone has gained my interest entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from dairy, and are now on our way to take classes for a few weeks, which my dear Emma Stone has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and billboard hanger,
    Amanda M.


    Would like Mansfield Park bundle please you!

  33. Dear Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Irritation, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Irritation on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Lady Gaga as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Shirt while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Co-Worker, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Balls. Lady Gaga has gained my Irritation entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Disney Land, and are now on our way to Play Basketball for a few weeks, which my dear Lady Gaga has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Stunt Double,

    Please enter me in both drawings!

    Mel Brock
    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

  34. dear mr darcy ,
    I’m filled with anger as I see mrs Bennet is gossiping on you and trying to catch you into her net as the same time.
    The film version with keira knightley enlighted your beauty and kindness
    however even if mrs bennet would offer a dozen clothes made of silk to your dear sister
    you would become a stranger to her once she gets the money .
    The house of the Bennets would look like a little cave because of the petiteness and to invite mrs Bennet in the somptuous pemberley would be a disgrace to your ancestors.
    To you the fact that she is praising you is only a way to get you and your wealth in her family

    I only warned you, sincerly yours Mariam , this is a light warnning from the bottom of my heart .

  35. Sorry darcy I forgot to send you my e-mail 😉
    …..oh ! if you could just send me “The Camden Place Bundle! ” you would be a lovely young man 😉

  36. Dear Knightley,

    Being very sure I have long lost your adoration, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my adoration on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Hugh Jackman as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your cravat while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always companions, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no explanations. Hugh Jackman has gained my adoration entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Devil’s Triangle, and are now on our way to go shopping for a few weeks, which my dear Hugh Jackman has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and ghost hunter,

    This was followed by some very un-ladylike snorting. Oh this is funny. Although Hugh would be a great companion in Devil’s Triangle I’m thinking… =D
    Please enter me for the Mansfield Park Bundle. thx4praying at aol dot com

  37. Dear Henry Crawford,

    Being very sure I have long lost your devotion, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my devotion on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Madonna as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your pelisse while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always roommates, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no cakes. Madonna has gained my devotion entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from prison cell, and are now on our way to wash smalls for a few weeks, which my dear Madonna has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and tightrope walker,


    tegeirian at hotmail . com

  38. HA HAHA HA!

    Dear Admiral Croft,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Caring, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Caring on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Prince Harry as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Pajamas while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Nephew, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Dogs. Prince Harry has gained my Caring entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Moon Crater, and are now on our way to Build His House for a few weeks, which my dear Prince Harry has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Alligator Wrestler,

    no alligators left behind, lol
    I would love to win the Camden Place bundle, thanks for all the fun!

  39. Dear Mr. Collins,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Disdain, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Disdain on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Mr. Darcy as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Shawl while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Confetti. Mr. Darcy has gained my Disdain entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Circus, and are now on our way to Write Foolishness for a few weeks, which my dear Mr. Darcy has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Cook’s Assistant,

    Thank you for this fun giveaway!
    I would love to be entered for both. 🙂

    Giada M.

    fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

  40. Dear Mr. Darcy,

    Being very sure I have long lost your admiration, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my admiration on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Richard Armitage as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your gloves while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always platonic lovers, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no books. Richard Armitage has gained my admiration entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Tokyo, and are now on our way to travel abroad for a few weeks, which my dear Richard Armitage has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and fortune cookie writer,

    oloore at gmail dot com

    If I’m lucky to win, I would choose the Camden Place Bundle.

  41. Camden Place Bundle please & thanks!

    Dear Henry Tilney,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Grieving, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Grieving on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Robin Williams as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Cloak while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Cousins, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Stairs. Robin Williams has gained my Grieving entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Neepawa, and are now on our way to Sing Songs for a few weeks, which my dear Robin Williams has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Lighthouse Keeper,
    Faith Hope Cherrytea

  42. Dear Captain Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Happiness, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Happiness on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Michael Fassbender as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Glove while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Letters. Michael Fassbender has gained my Happiness entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Mars, and are now on our way to Read books for a few weeks, which my dear Michael Fassbender has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Ufologist,

    Oh my God what a story!
    I’d love to have The Mansfield Park Bundle

  43. Dear Henry Tilney,

    Being very sure I have long lost your sad, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my sad on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Colin Firth as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Coat while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always friends, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no swings. Colin Firth has gained my sad entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from bathroom, and are now on our way to eat chocolate for a few weeks, which my dear Colin Firth has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and crocodile hunter,

    I am interested in both The Camden Place Bundle & The Mansfield Park Bundle.

  44. Dear Sir William Lucas,

    Being very sure I have long lost your despondency, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my despondency on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Johnny Depp as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your cravat while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always distant cousins, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no peanuts. Johnny Depp has gained my despondency entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from World’s End, and are now on our way to squash daisies for a few weeks, which my dear Johnny Depp has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and haberdasher,

    Oh, that was fun!

    I would love to win either bundle. 🙂 Thank you!


  45. I’d be interested in either bundle.

    Dear Capt. Wentworth,

    Being very sure I have long lost your Happy, I have thought myself at liberty to bestow my Happy on another, and have no doubt of being as happy with Lindsay Lohan as I once used to think I might be with you; but I scorn to accept your Shirt while the heart was another`s. Sincerely wish you happy in your choice, and it shall not be my fault if we are not always Sisters, as our breakup now makes proper. I can safely say I owe you no Cats. Lindsay Lohan has gained my Happy entirely, and as we could not live without one another, we are just returned from Cemetery, and are now on our way to Garden for a few weeks, which my dear Lindsay Lohan has great curiosity, but thought I would first trouble you with these few lines, and shall always remain,

    Your sincere well-wisher, friend, and Garbage Truck Driver,
    Michelle Fidler

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."