Traveling Tuesday – #3

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

Hop in the back seat and travel on a mini-break with Daniel and Bridget!  We hope you enjoy your journey as you travel to visit some diverting and delightful authors!

Today’s Attractions Include:

Wickham’s Intervention

Jane Austen Made Me Do It Scavenger Hunt

Ruffianly Rogue Rout

Happy travels! 🙂


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. These were GREAT!!!! My favorite without a doubt was the Scavenger hunt! Took me a while to complete since I was oh-so-easily distracted by all the great websites & shiny new books!! LOL Definitely added to my ever-growing to-read list! 😉

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