Touring Thursday – #4

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

 Mr. Willoughby has ordered his curicle to take you on a tour of some amusing and absorbing Austenesque authors blogs today.  Be prepared to hold on to your bonnets though, Willoughby is a fast driver!

Today’s Attractions Include:

An Interview with Debra White Smith

Governesses, Gold-diggers, and Great Ladies: The Roles of Women in Jane Austen’s Novels

Emma Woodhouse of Interviews Author Barbara Tiller Cole

Happy touring! 🙂


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. Debra White Smith’s interview i found a bit lengthy, but the JA novels’ relational insights were interesting…
    i’ve now clicked on the requesting publisher to provide her series in kindle format on the amazon site. perhaps more clicks will inspire the publisher to provide them ? especially as the print versions are all out of print.

  2. Enjoyed them except I wasn’t able to see the last one about Emma Woodhouse’s interview… was basically a blank page, which at one point had a message & said that the page didn’t exist 🙁

    I enjoyed everything else, though 🙂
    Valerie R.
    txreyn5663 (at) earthlink (dot) net

  3. I couldn’t access the Emma/Barbara Tiller Cole piece. The other two pieces were great though! =D

    I got all of Debra White Smith’s Austenesque novels on eBay. Actually got them as a lot from one individual. I was thrilled!

  4. I have really been enjoying visiting the sites and reading all the fun posts. The interview was great too especially when it entertained me while cutting up the vegetables for dinner. Hehe!

  5. Listening to the interview at the moment. It´s sooo fun to hear all your voices! 🙂
    Great idea to record a Skype interview (I didn´t knew one could do that…)

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