Sociable Sunday – #2

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

Time for us to prepare some tea and order the refreshments, Austenesque authors are coming to call and take part in an engaging tête-à-tête!

The Authors Who Left Their Calling Cards Are: 

Maria Grace – Darcy’s Decision, The Future Mrs. Darcy

Linda Wells – Chance Encounters, Fate and Consequence, Perfect Fit, Memory, Imperative

Shannon Winslow – The Darcys of Pemberley, For Myself Alone


– Drop in to our CHATBOARD at 5:00 p.m. EST

– Sign into the chat as a GUEST or using your Facebook or Twitter profile

– Enjoy “the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation!


– 5:00 – Welcome and Introduction

– 5:15 – Questions for Maria

– 5:35 – Questions for Linda

– 5:55 – Questions for Shannon

– 6:?? – Closing and Wrap Up

Participating in this chat and having “your share in the conversation” will enter you in a chance to win your own copy of…

Sponsored by Author Linda Wells*, Sourcebooks, and Amor Amas Amat**.   Thank you!

* Both eBooks of this series by Linda Wells will go to ONE lucky winner (since they are a set)

** A calligraphy creation of Mr. Darcy’s first proposal 

This giveaway will close AFTER our chat on September 9th.

Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. Dang!!! Missed this AGAIN!! I had company, and was busy rattlin’ pots & pans all day… *Oh whoa is me!* 😉 LOL

    Hope everyone had a great time with the chat 🙂

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