Matchmaker Monday – #3

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

Channel your inner EMMA WOODHO– USE and attempt to make a match of “perfect happiness” between one of our dear friends and an Austenesque novel!  Read the scenario CAREFULLY, and make sure you observe the given SPECIFICATIONS.  (Answers that CORRECTLY follow the specifications will count DOUBLE towards the giveaway!!!)

THE SCENARIO:  Jakki’s friend, Amber has just recently started reading Austenesque novels in 2011.  Amber loves all the sequels, variations, and modern adaptations she has been introduced to, but she wants more!  No, she doesn’t want more Darcy, Wentworth, and Brandon – she wants more of Jane Austen’s Minor Characters!  Although many sequels mention what becomes of Kitty Bennet, Georgiana Darcy, and Anne de Bourgh, Amber would love to read a novel where one of Jane Austen’s Minor Characters becomes a HERO or HEROINE.

Can you help Jakki’s friend Amber?  It sounds like she is looking to be paired up with a clever AUSTENESQUE novel about of a Jane Austen MINOR CHARACTER!    What would you recommend?  What isYOUR favorite AUSTENESQUE novel about a Jane Austen MINOR CHARACTER? (yes, you can ONLY pick ONE!)


  • Answers CAN include:
    • A sequel, variation, or retelling where a Jane Austen minor character is transformed into a HERO or HEROINE
  • Answers CANNOT include:
    • Novels where a Jane Austen minor character is NOT the HERO or HEROINE
    • Novels that feature MAJOR characters like Darcy, Elizabeth, Anne, Wentwoth, etc. as the heroes and heroines

Share the TITLE and AUTHOR of your recommendation in the comment section below to be entered in a chance to win…

The Barton Cottage Bundle!
Sponsored by Sourcebooks and Meryton Press!  Thank you!
  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • Please make sure your name or username is somewhere in your comment.
  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please  leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • This giveaway closes October 3rd.

Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!



  1. I’d recommend Caroline Bingley by Jennifer Becton. You will actually feel a little bit of empathy for Miss Bingley, I promise!

    Heather M.

  2. How about the Mercy’s Embrace series by Laura Hile? It’s about Anne Elliot’s sister from Persuasion fame. You can always start with Book 1: So Rough a Course.


  3. Hmmm…I’m not a huge minor characters fan, but Lydia Bennet’s Diary by Jane Odiwe is quite good.
    Araminta18 at gmail dot com

  4. No question, Amber needs to get to know Elizabeth Eliot, Anne Eliot’s nasty older sister, in Laura Hile’s Mercy’s Embrace. This is such a fun story, with familiar and new characters, and Elizabeth transformation into a heroine, while retaining her edginess, is nothing short of remarkable.

  5. Three Colonels by Jack Caldwell. Col Fitzwilliam and Caroline Bingley both have very heroic turns, as well as characters of his own making. I actually liked Caro by the end of the book =D

    thx4praying at aol dot com

  6. Caroline Bingley’s story is updated fabulously by Jennifer Becton, Monica Fairview and Jack Caldwell. I especially love that in JB’s book, Caroline keeps her sassy attitude!

  7. I would recommend Charlotte Collins by Jennifer Becton. It was very well written, and I loved the tension in this story between Charlotte and a different man! It has been one of the only Austenesque books that I have given 5 stars, and highly recommend!

    Both of these books look fabulous to win! 😀 oreannie at yahoo . com

  8. I would have to recommend the Mercy’s Embrace series by Laura Hile. Her books feature Anne Elliot’s older sister Elizabeth as the heroine. It is such a delightful series and I enjoyed each one of the books!!=))

  9. I would recommend that she read Charlotte Collins: A Continuation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice by Jennifer Becton. I LOVD this book.


  10. I would recommend the Mercy’s Embrace series by Laura Hile. I can’t wait for the 4th one to come out 🙂 I never thought I would root for Elizabeth Elliot.

    lumee23 at gmail dot com

  11. Lydia Bennet’s Story by Jane Odiwe, Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister by C. Allyn Pierson, A Match for Mary Bennet by Eucharista Ward, and The Unexpected Miss Bennet by Patrice Sarath are my favorites!

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  12. Ok I’m a little saddened now, by how few stories about minor characters I’ve read. I did enjoy Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan.

    The Three Colonels is also a great choice for Amber! Lots of characters there. 🙂

  13. Everyone has already listed some really good ones so lets see if I can come up with a different one. How about Monica Fairview’s The Other Mr. Darcy with Caroline Bingley as the heroine and David W. Wilkin’s Colonel Fitzwilliam’s Correspondence with Col. Fitz and Kitty as the stars.

    Fun game!

  14. I love the minor characters getting more attention….some of my favorites are..
    Mr Darcys Little Sister
    Charlotte Collins
    Pemberley to Waterloo: Georgiana Darcys Diary Vol 1&2


  15. I have to jump on the bandwagon for Laura Hile’s “Mercy’s Embrace” series about Anne Elliot’s older sister, Elizabeth!!

    Valerie R.
    txreyn5663 (at) earthlink (dot) net

  16. I´d recommend Caroline Bingley by Jennifer Becton too. Jennifer Becton manages so brilliantly to portrait Caroline that the reader can like her, without turning her into a different direction from how Jane Asten wrote her!

  17. I’ve heard wonderful things about Caroline Bingley by Jennifer Becton, though I’ve yet to read it. I stick to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, myself 🙂

    Chelsea B.

  18. Hi Amber!
    Happy to hear of your interest and enjoyment of all the amazing Austenesque reads available.. I have one in particular I’d love to recommend to you ~ Karen Aminadra’s ‘Charlotte ~ Pride and Prejudice Continues’ ! A lovely book that will have your afternoon spent enjoyably and the rest of your week wearing a smile =) EnJoy ! my fellow Janeite …

  19. Oh, bother…The Other Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview or Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan…I don’t think anyone’s mentioned Miss Darcy Falls in Love yet so I’ll recommend that one. 🙂 They’re both great, though.


  20. I recommend you Caroline Bingley by Jennifer Becton. This is a minor charcter story that everyone should read! I was so unsure about a story about Caroline, but this book is one I´d read again!!

    kewinkler at gmail dot com

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