Matchmaker Monday – #2

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

Channel your inner EMMA WOODHO– USE and attempt to make a match of “perfect happiness” between one of our dear friends and an Austenesque novel!  Read the scenario CAREFULLY, and make sure you observe the given SPECIFICATIONS.  (Answers that CORRECTLY follow the specifications will count DOUBLE towards the giveaway!!!)

THE SCENARIO:  Angie’s sister, Karen, is a big fan of TV shows like Buffy the Vampire SlayerThe Vampire Diaries, and True Blood, and has introduced these shows to Angie, who is now a big fan.  As an avid reader of Austenesque novels, Angie has been trying to share HER passion with her sister, but have so far, she has been unsuccessful!  With the wave of Paranormal novels that has hit the Austenesque genre these past few years, Angie is thinking of trying again.  But this time she wants to be assured success!

Can you help Angie?  It sounds like she is looking to pair Karen up with a fantastic PARANORMAL AUSTENESQUE novel!  What would you recommend?  What is YOUR favorite PARANORMAL AUSTENESQUE NOVEL?  (yes, you can ONLY pick ONE!)   🙂


  • Answers CAN include:
    • PARANORMAL adaptations of Austenesque novels
    • Austenesque novels where PARANORMAL or FANTASY elements are introduced
  • Answers CANNOT include:
    • Novels that do NOT have Paranormal or Fantasy elements

Share the TITLE and AUTHOR of your recommendation in the comment section below to be entered in a chance to win…

The Kellynch Hall Bundle!

Sponsored by Berkley Books and Sourcebooks!  Thank you!


The Woodston Parsonage Bundle!

Sponsored by Ulysses Press and Sourcebooks!  Thank you!

  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • Please make sure your name or username is somewhere in your comment.
  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please  leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • This giveaway closes October 3rd.
  • Let us know which bundle you are interested in winning (you can say BOTH!)


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. I’m not the biggest paranormal fan-I like regencies- so I’d recommend Mr. Darcy’s Bite by Mary Simonsen.

    I’d like to win the Kellynch Hall bundle.
    Heather M.


  2. Love (just about) all things paranormal!
    Vampire Darcy’s Desire – Regina Jeffers
    Mr. Darcy’s Bite – Mary Simonsen
    Pulse & Prejudice – Colette Saucier
    Pride & Prejudice & Zombies – Seth Graham Greene

    Who’s going to write the Bennet sisters around a cauldron going, ‘Double, Double Toil & Trouble?!?’

  3. Mr Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange–I’d recommend that one; it’s totally my favorite. I love Amanda Grange’s writing style and how it blends with the paranormal. 🙂

    I’m interested in both bundles, please!

    araminta18 at gmail dot com

  4. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! I LOVED that book but your tongue has to firmly be planted in your cheek. I mean, just imagine Lizzy carrying a katana or ninja stars and you get the flavor of the book. Good fun!

    I am interested in both bundles.

  5. I know of a whole website devoted to this topic, but suffice to say that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith is an excellent place to start. It marries the world Jane Austen created for Elizabeth and Darcy and adds the over-the-top zombie action with the witty banter one can appreciate from Jane Austen and the kind found in many of the paranormal series of interest. Another route is the Supernatural Jane Austen Series by Vera Nazarian starting with Mansfield Park and Mummies. Written in the style of Jane Austen, it brings in the supernatural with witty, dry humor.

  6. While I do love all things Austen, I have yet to venture in to this genre. I guess I am not so interested in paranormal. I should try Mr. Darcy Vampire as I have heard good things about it. I did just read Syrie James new book Nocturne, which is paranormal romance although more Beauty and the Beast than Austenesque. It was cute and fun, but not a favorite.

  7. I’m new to this genre, so I don’t have any– but I am so looking forward to reading what the other commenters have to say! 🙂


  8. I think I would recommend Mr Darcy’s Bite. I am not into the vampire genre but a coworker read it and really enjoyed it.

    I would like to win The Woodston Parsonage Bundle.


  9. Well if she’s into Buffy, I’d have to go with Vampire Darcy’s Desire for the top answer, but there are so many others too.

    My favorite Austenesque PNR is Mr. Darcy’s Bite though there are still several that I haven’t read.

    I would be interested in the Kellynch Hall Bundle if I were to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. I would recommend Mr. Darcy’s Bite by Mary Lydon Simonsen and/or Jane and the Damned by Janet Mullany. Both are wonderfully done, with the first a variation on P&P and the second a take on Jane Austen herself as a vampire.

    If I won, I would be thrilled with the Kellynch Hall Bundle. Many thanks!



  11. I’ve read quite a few paranormal fan fictions, vampires, werewolves, zombies. My personal favourite of those was a magic one, where Lizzy was unusual in that she dispelled magic rather than did spells herself, I thought it was really imaginative.

    Although I have read quite a lot of Austen-inspired published books, for some reason not many of them have been paranormal. The only one I can remember reading so far is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith. It’s quite fun and would be especially good for somebody who hadn’t read Pride and Prejudice because the zombie bits and ninja fighting is added to Austen’s text rather than changing the story.

    I would like the Woodston Parsonage bundle particularly, but both look great, thanks for the giveaway @frawli1978

  12. Mr. Darcy’s Bite by Mary Lydon Simonsen is my favorite paranormal Austenesque novel.

    The Woodston Parsonage Bundle looks great!

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  13. I would be interested in BOTH bundles (I do own The Trouble with Mr. Darcy, but the other book sounds good). Vampire Darcy’s Desire by Regina Jeffers is the book that I’d recommend. It has an interesting beginning with Wickham. I know about some of the other books as I have Emma and the Vampires and the one by Amanda Grange and the library has Mr. Darcy’s Bite. I sometimes like to read paranormal books.

    Michelle Fidler

  14. Oh, excellent! I would highly suggest Northanger Abbey and Angels and Dragons, which is lighthearted and approachable, and thus an easy slide into the joy that is Austen. I think one could read that and then read Northanger Abbey and “get it”.

    And I would LOVE bundle #1! Thank you.

  15. In my limited experience of reading paranormal elements infused in Austenesque novels, I would suggest trying Mary Lydon’s Simonsen’s Mr Darcy Bites. Though I have not read it yet, any books written by Mary is terrific and fabulous.


  16. The first thing that came to mind was Jane Bites Back by Michael Ford, it doesn’t have a lot of Austenesque dialogue, but it does have Jane Austen as a vampire.

    I would like to enter the The Woodston Parsonage Bundle.
    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

    1. I would suggest Mary Lydon Simonsen’s ‘Mr. Darcy’s Bite’. I have not read too many paranormal Austenesque novels but did like this one. I love wolves and have always been fascinated with them. Not only was this an interesting story but it held true to wolf behavior and I liked that about it.

      I would appreciate either bundle. Thanks!

  17. Just remembered an excellent book by Carrie Bebris with paranormal elements, Angie ~
    I’ll recommend “Suspense and Sensibility” ..

    Elizabeth Darcy and her beloved husband Fitzwilliam are taking on the responsibility of finding a suitable suitor for Elizabeth’s younger sister Kitty, thereby assuring her a proper place in society.

    The angels smile on the young and a perfect match is found, and wedding plans are soon under way. Suddenly a change in personality occurs in Kitty’s soon to be model husband-a change so striking as to jeopardize not just the Darcys’ social standing, but their lives as well.

    A mysterious mirror, an insidious reprobate from the past, and matters far beyond the social circles around Pemberly all come into play in a dangerous puzzle, where the consequences may be the exchange of a soul for a soul…[book blurb]

    intrigued? go for it Angie! you’re definitely assured success with this one!!

    ooo tuff decision on the bundles as I have 1 book from the first set!
    I’ll go with the Woodston Parsonage ~ Many Thanks!

  18. I would like to recommend Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange.
    Amanda Grange is an excellent author that really captures the characters.

    I’d like The Woodston Parsonage Bundle

  19. I would like to recommend Northanger Abbey and Angels and Dragons by Vera Nazarian, one of my five favorite paranormal Austenesque novels. 🙂

    I would be equally interested in either of the bundles. Thank you!


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