Giveaway Winners – #4

Thank you to all of you who participated in our Sociable Sunday Chat today!  Thank you to our wonderful authors and the many participants who chatted with us! The LAST chat and final event of Austenesque Extravaganza will take place next Sunday September 30th @ 3:00 p.m. EST!  And we are going to celebrate by WATCHING Bride and Prejudice!

Our lucky winners from last night’s giveaway are…

BeckyC…Caroline Bingley

Valerie…A Summer in Europe


Rosefire15…Mr. Darcy, Vampyre


Winners, please send me your email address and/or mailing address @ merry816[at]


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Wooot Wooot!!! That was the book I was really interested in!! Yay!!! 🙂 Thank you VERY much!!

    I had a great time in the chat – lots of great info from the authors, new books to look out for, and lots of FUN!!

    Thanks again!! And congratulations to everyone! 🙂

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."