Fun and Games Friday – #4

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

And today’s game is…


This game is kind of like a Scene It? Jane Austen Edition.  (Wouldn’t it be fantastic if they did create such a game?!?  Who can we write to about making that happen?)

Angie has ingeniously put together this clever, fun, and entertaining trivia for you to enjoy.  Click on the clapboard to advance to the next screen.  (*Tip* this works better in Full Screen Mode)

Please DON’T post the answers in the comment section below.  But instead post how many questions you got correct (or which character you are) to be entered in a chance to win…

The Uppercross House Bundle!  

Sponsored by Berkley Books and Sourcebooks!  Thank you!


The Box Hill Bundle

Sponsored by Author P. O. Dixon!  Thank you!

  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • Please make sure your name or username is somewhere in your comment.
  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please  leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • Let us know which bundle you are interested in winning (you can say BOTH!)


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. Jane Fairfax since I got 4 correct answers.
    Box Hill bundle, please. Thank you very much for coming up with this fun trivia, Team Austenesque.


  2. This was really hard. I have tried it a few times & so far I have not known any of the answers.
    I am interested in both The Uppercross House Bundle & The Box Hill Bundle.

  3. That was very fun and interesting game! I got only two answers right, so I needed to improve:) And on the second round I consulted google and now I know much more about Austenesque movie world! Thank you for this game

    oloore (at) gmail (dot) com
    I’m interested in both bundles.

  4. Wow that was tough….only got 3 right first time through…so I am Jane Bennet….had to go back and try again until I was Jane Austen..

    Uppercross House bundle please (already have the Dixon ones)


  5. I lost on the first question.

    I am interested in both The Uppercross House Bundle & The Box Hill Bundle.

  6. Sadly, my Internet brower stopped loading the pages after the Gemma Jones question, but I got 3/4 of the first questions!

    I’d be interested in the Uppercross bunder as well. joanna015 [at] gmail [dot] com


  7. I’m Jane Fairfax, got 5 right! I totally surprised myself!
    I would love to win the Box Hill books, the other two I have already. I liked Mr. Darcy’s bite!

    arjanne.boneschanscher (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. Your kidding me. I’m only Jane bennet. Oh my goodness that is sad. The quiz had me stumped with the older movies I must say. I don’t/didn’t watch many of those.
    Box Hill bundle if I pop up please.

  9. I am Jane Fairfax. I enjoyed this quiz immensely. I don’t mind what book I got in case I win. My e-mail:

  10. I only got Jane Bennet, but that was fun! I haven’t seen any of those modern movie adaptations, so that one really got me.

    I’d love the Box Hill bundle. 🙂


  11. Jane Bennet here as well..I lost already at the first question. No clue! But that was a fun game and I went through the questions later and now know e very answer ;).

    I´d be interested in both bundles.
    kewinkler at gmail dot com

  12. When does this contest end? I didn’t see it anywhere above. (I have an affliction, where I can be looking straight at what I want, and I don’t see it there!)

    5, either, GinnaSaisQuoi at verizon dot net

Your conversation and participation are always welcome; please feel free to "have your share."