Fun and Games Friday – #3

On behalf of Team Austenesque, I’d like to welcome you to AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA, a month-long CELEBRATION of AUSTENESQUE novels and authors!

Today’s Austenesque Event is…

And today’s game is…

How Many Pounds Per Year?

A Janeite version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire! And it looks like your partner in this game is none other than MRS. BENNET!

Since this is the REGENCY ERA there are NO phones, fancy poll gadgets, or any other lifelines!  You must simply rely on YOUR knowledge of AUSTENESQUE novels!

What do you think?

Do you have what it takes to help MRS. BENNET achieve her dream of finding a MATCH with ONE MILLION POUNDS PER YEAR*?

* Yes, we know this is an unrealistic amount for the Regency Era, but…the name of the game is…

Post your results in the comment section below to be entered in a chance to win…

The Donwell Abbey Bundle!

Sponsored by Sourcebooks and Berkley Books!  Thank you!


The Combe Magna Bundle!

Sponsored by Ulysses Press and Meryton Press!  Thank you!

  • This giveaway is open internationally.
  • Please make sure your name or username is somewhere in your comment.
  • To save your inbox from unwanted spam, please  leave your email address with an [at] instead of @.
    • (You could also leave a Twitter handle or Facebook username instead).
  • This giveaway ends: October 3rd.
  • Let us know which bundle you are interested in winning (you can say BOTH!)


Did you miss a post?  Check out the AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA Schedule HERE!


  1. I lost but I found it really interesting & enjoyed playing. I am interested in both The Donwell Abbey Bundle & The Combe Magna Bundle.


  2. Unfortunately, I lost:( Though it was very enjoyable and I will try to play in this game one more time! Thank you for such funny game:)
    But I was just wondering why it was wrong to answer “Compulsively Mr.Darcy” to the question “Which modern-day adaptation of Pride and Prejudice has Elizabeth working in the medical field?”? Oh, I tried different answers to that question and it let me through on the answer “The Man who loved Pride and prejudice” Is that true?

    Please the Combe Magna Bundle, if I win.

    oloore (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Oh no! You ARE right about that! I don’t know how we missed that error! I’m so sorry, I’ll let Angie know right now and hopefully it will be an easy fix!

  3. I settled with 1,000 pounds and stopped playing. In my mind, I was helping her marry off Lydia, so I think Mrs. Bennet should be happy that I won that much for her least deserving daughter.

    I’d like the Donwell Abbey bundle, please!
    Heather M.

  4. Wow, apparently I’m really bad…I lost at 300 pounds…but doesn’t Elizabeth work in the medical field in “Compulsively Mr Darcy”? Oh well. But I’m interested in the Donwell Abbey Bundle, please!
    araminta18 at gmail dot com

  5. I am interested in the Combe Magna bundle.
    robynsnestatbellsouth dot net
    I had problems with the slide deck. Some slides didn’t show the multiple choice answers. Like 1/2 the slide deck was cut off. Slide #20 only shows the question so overall not sure how I did. It also told me I was wrong when I am pretty sure I was right. Maybe it’s my browser? Anyway, loved that slide of Mrs. Bennett with her mouth open like she’s in shock.

  6. Sorry about the glitches everyone! We are working on fixing them right now! Thank you so much for your patience! The slides work better in Full Screen, so if they aren’t working for you, you may want to try opening it in full screen mode.

  7. Geez, I didn’t even make it past the first question! Just goes to show I NEED to win some of these Austenesque bundles to further my education 🙂

    I am interested in either bundle.

    Whitby1734 (at) aol (dot) com

  8. Mrs. Bennet is not happy with me. 🙂 If you are having browser problems, can you let me know which browser and which version you are using? on ipad, mobile desktop? Thanks!! 🙂

  9. Ha, I’m ruined! I lost on the third question. I love this game.

    melorabrock (ay) gmail (dot) com
    I would be thrilled with either bundle.

  10. I must have got through after the glitches were fixed because I won. Loved it!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I would be interested in either bundle.
    sophiarose1816 at gmail dot com

  11. Oh No!! Lizzy would be a governess if it were up to me! I lost on the third round. But, what a fun game! (I am going to try again just for the fun of it and see if I can do better!)

    joyalegra at gmail

    (combe magna)

  12. I just played again but unfortunately I didn’t do much better this time. I am interested in both The Donwell Abbey Bundle & The Combe Magna Bundle.


  13. First time I lost at Q8 I think then I replay until I get 1 millions pounds. Hooray! I’m interested in both bundles. Thanks for devising this game, Team Austenesque!


  14. 300 pounds 🙁 It was a guess that did it–the wrong one lol! I liked playing the game, I’m going to do it again!

    I like the books in BOTH bundles! Thanks for all your hardwork!

  15. oh dear! didn’t even get past the 1st question ~ we’re penniless Mrs Bennet cried!
    so i tried to help her out a 2nd time only to reach 400 before hearing her same cry of distress!

    Combe Magna ? thanks!!

  16. Well, I tried but apparently I’m not helping much! Sorry! Nice idea though!
    I would like to win the Donwell Abbey bundle!

    arjanne.boneschanscher (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. I got 300 pounds, haha … Poor Mrs Bennett — I second-guessed myself and ruined her daughters! haha … So much fun! ;o)

    Combe Magna bundle please! :o)
    ((Sidenote: I always love saying “Combe Magna” … weird))

    @RivkaBelle / quarterback.girl[at]gmail[dot]com

  18. I got up to 32,000lbs. …. I’d guessed at a few of the answers and figured I better quit while I’m ahead!! 😉 LOL That was FUN!!

    I’d like the Donwell Abbey bundle! Thank you so much!!

    txreyn5663 (at) earthlink (dot) not

  19. Aw, man! I’m doomed to Mrs. Bennet’s nerves being up in arms for the rest of my life. I won a bit and lost it all. Too greedy.
    I’m interested in Donwell Abbey please!
    reichanam at gmail dot com
    (goes back for round 2)

  20. Well… I lost! And I’m penniless now! I hope to win at least.
    I choose The Donwell Abbey Bundle


  21. My daughter and I played together, and unfortunately, we finished penniless! But we were on the 250,000 pounds question, so that’s pretty good! Ah well.

    Please throw my name in the hat for the Combe Magna bundle, thanks!

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  22. Meredith,

    You are doing such a great job! I enjoyed playing this game a lot!! However, on my first attemp I could only get them one thousand pounds! Shame on me! The second attempt I did much better and got them 32,000!!! Not satisfied I tried again and felt rewarded because I got them 250k! My nerves!!! It’s too much! Hahahaha! I know I have not even made a dent on the mountain the is JAFF books but it seems that I am reading most of the right ones! Thanks for the fun!

    Also congratulations on your article in Jane Austen’s Regency World magazine!!!!!!


    Rita Lacerda Watts

  23. I lost it all on the last question – darn you, All Roads Lead to Austen! LOL just kidding, I’m sure it’s a lovely book. But it did cost me 1,000,000 pounds and now I’m destined for the hedgerows.

    This was fun!


    Combe Magna bundle, please.

  24. OK, I lost on the first question but then went back just so I could answer all of the questions for the fun of it. I got over half of them right…eventually…:P Thanks for the fun!

    I would be happy with either bundle. 🙂


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