Ardent Admirer – Valerie

Hi everyone!

My name is Valerie…. and I am a bonafide, true blue Austen junkie!! I don’t know why, but I just can’t seem to get enough of the Austen-esque type books. My office/craft room holds the proof! I’m almost afraid to go in there & actually see how many of these books I have. I never used to read these kinds of books – for the most part, in school I loathed anything that was “history-related”. I read a lot of thrillers & mysteries, which I still really enjoy… but Mr. Darcy & his Austen-related friends & acquaintances have slowly taken over my book shelves!

My love for Austen’s stories and movie adaptations didn’t happen for me until Oct. 1998… I know the date well… How is that?? I was home recovering from a major surgery at that point in time. I’d only been home from the hospital for a couple of days, and in my drug-induced state, I had been flipping through the TV channels trying to find something to keep me interested. As I was doing this, I saw an unfamiliar movie title – and anyone who knows me, knows I am also a movie junkie!! – and I thought… Hmmm?!?! What is THAT??! As it turns out, it was Sense & Sensibility – the one featuring Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, & Hugh Grant. I figured …. “Why not? It’s a long movie and will keep me occupied for a while.” Right? The longer I watched it, the more I enjoyed it…. and the more I enjoyed it, the more I began to love it!! But wait?!??! Wasn’t this somewhat “history-related”?? Psshhhh!!! History schmistory!! I became SO engrossed in this movie… and I was sad when it ended. I remember thinking to myself “WOW!! That was awesome!!” Once the movie was over, I began flipping through the channels to find something else to watch. I couldn’t believe it…. the same movie was on AGAIN, but on another channel!! And YES – I watched the entire thing …. AGAIN!! 🙂 Thank goodness the hubby was in the man-cave during all of this – He couldn’t handle 6 straight hours of “bonnet movies,” much less 6 straight minutes!! LOL

After my S&S marathon, I wondered what else could be out there – Netflix here I come!! I ended up picking out all types of Austen variations & adaptations to watch. I’m sure I drove my husband bonkers with it, but he continued to keep himself occupied in his hideaway 😉 Once I was able to get out & walk around more, I began looking through the book stores for more Austen. (Hello!! Book junkie!!) I was completely taken by surprise at just how much “Austen” is out there!! So many retellings & adaptations – I was in Austen heaven!! Of course, I had to read the original stories first, even though my introduction to Austen began via movie adaptations. Without a doubt, my top favorite Austen stories are P&P, S&S, Persuasion & Northanger Abbey. There are so many book adaptions for the first two I mentioned, but I would love to see more adaptions for Persuasion & Northanger Abbey – LOVE Capt. Wentworth & Henry Tilney!

Next came the discovery of blogs & a well-known online book group where you can create virtual book shelves & list the items you’ve read, or would like to read. I can’t say how many items I have added to my to-read list, mostly because I don’t remember exactly, but I will say it’s A LOT!! And the majority of those items are Austen-related 😉 Not long after joining that site, I “found” Meredith in an Austen “group”, and followed her here to Austenesque Reviews! I completely lost myself in the site, and have discovered so many new authors… well, new to me 😉 And giveaways?!? Oh. MY!! I didn’t realize how many sites and authors were doing this!

I am so glad that I have my own personal Austen-esque collection – of all of my books, it’s my favorite collection!  I have no idea when, if ever, I’ll be able to read to everything that I’ve added to my list… but it’s certainly fun trying!! 🙂



  1. It is so nice to meet you, Valerie. I too, found Jane Austen through a movie adaptation. I was watching Emma with Romola Garai and Jonny Lee Miller. I fell in love! Since then I can’t get enough! Thanks for sharing your story!=)

  2. We are definately all in the same club here, lol! I agree, more Persuasion and NA stories are needed. Thank you for sharing your story.
    cherringtonmb at sbcglobal dot net

  3. Hi Valerie! Persuasion is my second favorite novel by Jane so yes, it needs more adaptations. Until recently I did not like Emma mostly because of the actresses who played her. Then I saw a Masterpiece Classic version with Romolo Garrai (still don’t like her that much) but Mr. Knightly made me change my mind ;0)
    robynsnest at bellsouthdot net

    1. Hi Robyn 🙂 I agree with you on the Emma adaptations… most of them I don’t care for except for this one with Romolo/a (sp?). I do like Mr. Knightley’s character though 😉

  4. So interesting to hear the different ways we all found Austen….
    I have been a fan since high school when we read P&P as a class
    assignment….love all the variations and re-tellings….and always finding
    new authors…the fun never ends


    1. I’ve been enjoying reading all the other admirer’s stories myself and pretty much thought the same thing regarding how we were all introduced to Austen – Definitely love that there are so many variations/re-tellings & new authors to choose from… although my to-read list is 10 miles long! LOL

  5. I love that version of Sense & Sensibility as well but my first Austen movie was the 1995 Version of Pride & Prejudice. The first time I watched it I had no idea it was a 5 hour movie & I ended up staying up till 2 in the morning watching it because it was so great. Since then I have also seen the 2005 version, & the 2003 modern day version as well as at least 2 versions of all the other movies & several movies like the Jane Austen Book & Lost in Austen. Thanks for sharing & have a great day.


    1. Thanks, the Jane Austen Book Club is a favorite of mine. I also enjoyed Becoming Jane and the PBS Special Miss Austen Regrets although they were not as fun.

  6. I love this site too! It has not been good for my debit card though. But I take comfort in knowing I am keeping Amazon in business. 🙂


  7. Well you certainly surprised me! Usually if someone comes to Austen through a movie its Pride and Prejudice. I love the movie adaptions of the books too. My favorite is the Ciaran Hinds/Amanda Root version of Persuasion.

    I enjoyed reading your story, Valerie!

    sophiarose1816 at gmail dot com

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it! And you’re right… most people I’ve talked to found the P&P adaptations first…. but I guess it was “the right place (in front of the TV) at the right time” for me! LOL

  8. waaay to go, ardent admirer, Valerie! i am sooo with you on the movie marathons =)
    one nite a friend and I watched every movie she had in a continuous stretch ! [being vhs we didn’t rewind either!] fun memories… 🙂
    and about the giveaways.. oh yes! a new one just discovered today will be running Oct 19-24th ~ I’m participating if you’re interested ~ Welcome!

    1. LOVE the movie marathons!! On my weekends off, sometimes I play most of my bonnet movies back to back… ALL… WEEKEND…. LONG!! My dear hubby just *LOVES* it!!! 😉 LOL And giveaways…. do tell!! Thanks!!

  9. Haha, I can totally understand why you watched S&S twice! My sister and I watch the BBC Pride and Prejudice at least once a year, so I guess I have seen it 12 times or something!

    arjanne.boneschanscher (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Hi, Valerie. Did you have the chance to watch the 1995 BBC P&P mini-series with Colin Firth. I’m sure it will drive your husband nuts if you forced him to watch. 😛

    I enjoy almost all the movie and mini-series adaptation except for maybe MP versions. Hope the next MP movie/mini-series will be better than the current ones we have. I wouldn’t mind to watch another Persuasion and NA movie.


    1. Hi! Yes!! I have watched the 1995 mini-series quite a few times… I think that’s my hubby’s “favorite”!! 😉 Baahaaa!!!!

      I’m with you in that I’ve watched & enjoyed so many of the movies & mini-series adaptations… I LOVE them all! Well… most of them, anyway. I would love to see a movie done for Persuasion & NA like the ones done for S&S and the 2005 P&P 🙂

  11. Valerie, I loved your story. My first reading of Pride and Prejudice didn’t not have the effect on me that it did later in life. I was too interested in ‘my own’ love story at the time. Sadly, mine was more of a Wickham, definitely not Mr. Darcy!

    I can watch the movies over and over as well. I don’t even know how many times I have watched the 1995 miniseries of PnP. And aren’t all the books wonderful. I can’t get enough of them either. Sometimes I even feel a little sad when I don’t have a book to read. Shouldn’t admit that one, should I! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your story. I love hearing about other fans and how they got started in this world of Jane Austen and Austenesque. Meredith’s site was the first blog I started following too, then I discovered more! Such fun!

  12. Janet, I’m glad you enjoyed my story! The books & movies are my favorites – can’t get enough of them even though I’ve read or watched them over & over. I have really enjoyed reading the stories of other admirers – just fun to see how everyone has become such ardent fans of JA 🙂

  13. Oh my god, you have so many books! Wow! It was so nice hearing about you! It’s rather unique how you got hooked to Jane Austen through S&S; that is actually one of my least favourite – not that it’s not a great book. Just not for me.

    Nice to “meet” you 🙂

    twitter: rosefire15

    1. Hi! Nice to “meet” you too! 🙂 It was a unique & fun way to get into the JA stuff…. and I love it now!! And… those were just my JA-related books 😉 LOL

  14. Wow – love the book piles! I am currently listening to Persuasion narrated by Juliet Stevenson and am loving it! I agree, another Persuasion movie is in order, though my favorite to date is the one starring Ciaran Hinds as Capt. Wentworth.

    I saw the A&E P&P when it first aired and fell in love with it. So much so that I was extremely leery of watching the movie version which came out a few years back. I figured how could perfection be topped? Well, I’m glad to say that though P&P the movie is a condense version of the story, there are wonderful moments in it that I completely love.

    1. Thank you!! 🙂 And I agree with you on that the movies are condensed versions of the story, but there are so many favorite moments that they did feature 🙂

  15. Thanks for sharing your JA story! My love for all things Austen also began with a movie, the A&E Pride and Prejudice. From there, I had to read all books, sequels and see the movies!

  16. Hi Valerie! My love for Jane Austen started when I went to university and I read Pride and Prejudice, I fell in love with Darcy at first sight, even if at the beginning he was quite disagreeable… I knew he was a great man! I would love to see more adaptions for Persuasion and Northanger Abbey too. Thanks for sharing your love!


  17. Hi Valerie!

    Reading Austen and Austenesque books has definitely rekindled my love of history-schmistory! LOL I used to laugh and roll my eyes at my mom and all her period-drama movies, but now I love them, too.


    1. I know what you mean about rolling your eyes at your mom & her period-drama movies… I used to do the same thing to my mom over Upstairs Downstairs!! My Dad hated it!! LOL

  18. Oh. My. Gosh. I’m just drooling over that picture. So many lovely books… I hated Jane Austen on principal for the longest time; it was one of those ‘boring classics where nothing actually happens’ for years, until my mom happened to be playing the BBC P&P and I just sort of sank into the couch and couldn’t tear myself away. I’ve been an addict ever since, but I didn’t discover the realm of fan-fiction until December of 2010 when I read Abigail Reynolds’ Last Man in the World for the first time. 🙂


  19. Wow, you have a lot of Austenesque books! It makes me want to dig into my library and ereader to see what I have- I suspect I have more than I think I do.

    I too wish there were more adaptations of Persuasion and Northanger Abbey, afterall, Wentworth and Tilney are among her best heroes right?

    1. Well…. I “discovered” that I actually have a few more Austenesque books that didn’t make it into that photo! 😉 LOL

      And YES… you are so right!! 🙂

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