Ardent Admirer – Cheska

An Ardent Admirer Survey

What is the first Austenesque novel you ever read?

Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll

What is the most recent Austenesque novel you read?

Dear Mr. Darcy by Amanda Grange

Who is your favorite Jane Austen heroine?

Elinor Dashwood

Who is your favorite Jane Austen hero?

Fitzwilliam Darcy

What is favorite Pride and Prejudice variation?

Memoryby Linda Wells

What is your favorite Austenesque sequel?

Darcy’s Temptation by Regina Jeffers

What is your favorite Austenesque modern-adaptation?

Compulsively Mr. Darcy by Nina Benneton

What is your favorite Austenesque cover?

Darcy and Fitzwilliam: a Tale of a Gentleman and an Officer by Karen Wasylowski

Who is one of your favorite Austenesque authors?

Kara Louise

What is one of the Austenesque novels currently on your wishlist?

Mr. Darcy’s Refuge by Abigail Reynolds

What is one of your favorite scenes from an Austenesque novel?

Elizabeth shooting at Lady Catherine in Linda Berdoll’s book (Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife)

Which Austenesque character (from which novel) would you like as a best friend?

Elizabeth in Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll.

Which Austenesque character (from which novel) would you not like as a best friend?

Mr. Collins in Susan Adriani’s The Truth About Mr. Darcy

What do you love most about Austenesque novels?

I like the promise of extended scenarios.

If you could live in any Austenesque novel, which novel would you choose?

Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife by Linda Berdoll


  1. This post just proves that there are so many wonderful Austenesque novels out there! I have to say that my favorite Austenesque novel to date (and there are so many it was hard to choose) would be Charlotte Collins by Jennifer Becton. But I have so many more to read, that’s for sure!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Cheska! Some of these I’ve read and some are still in my wish pile. You don’t often hear people say Elinor is their favorite Austen heroine but I like her. She definitely is strong and has all her stuff together.

  3. Hi Cheska! Your shelf looks a lot like mine. Sounds like I’ll have to add Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife to the top of my to-read pile!

    Heather M.

  4. You have amassed quite a collection, Cheska. I think I’ll have to read Mr Darcy Takes a Wife soon but I’m worried what will people think when they see me reading a provocative cover.


  5. hello 🙂
    “mr darcy takes a wife” seems to be really meaningful for you, I started it ,…read around 70 pages..still reading ^__^ I look forward to see elizabeth shooting at lady catherine de Bourough XD


  6. Look your Q&A session…
    great way to get to know someone…
    have read most of the titles in your collection…
    but see a few I will have to add to my wish list…

  7. I share many of the same favs though I have never read Linda Berdoll. I love that you shared the pic so I could ‘virtual’ browse your book shelf.


  8. I loved reading your favourite books and about the books that you have read. I definitely need to add more to my wish list. Thank you so much for sharing with us 🙂

    twitter: rosefire15

  9. Thank you for all of your comments. I appreciate it very much.

    An FYI on Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife. It is quite racy and D&E have a very healthy sex life from start to finish.

    My collection contains at least 50 books and quite a few Kindles. My advise is to read the samples on Amazon to see if it appeals to you. Of course, follow those reviews.

  10. Cheska, Love the survey! Found myself taking it right along with you. You have a great collection. I have read all you favorites except Memory. Looks like it is time to change that! Thank you for sharing with us!
    cherringtonmb at sbcglobal dot net

  11. Enjoyed your survey! Love your collection… and I too love the extended scenarios 😉 Thanks so much for sharing with us!! 🙂

    Valerie R.
    txreyn5663 (at) earthlink (dot) net

  12. I find it interesting that your favorite female character is Elinor. I loved her! She is a such a great person. It is rare that you meet someone who sees the best in people and gives them the benefit of the doubt.


  13. Nice to meet you Cheska! I will definitely have to check out Memory by Linda Wells. I recently read her Imperative series and enjoyed it a lot 🙂 I love your collection! Makes me want to buy some physical copies of some of my fav Austenesque books since my collection is mostly e-book. Lumee23 at gmail dot com

  14. “What is one of your favorite scenes from an Austenesque novel?
    Elizabeth shooting at Lady Catherine in Linda Berdoll’s book (Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife)”

    hahahahahahahahahahahahah—I’m pretty choosy about reading “racy books” but, I do believe, I’m going to have to read this! loved your Q&A

  15. It is nice to meet you Cheska! I enjoyed your survey. I also love Elinor Dashwood, she is such a strong character who does not get enough recognition!:) Thanks for sharing!!

  16. I’m new to the Austenesque books so will have to look up those you favor! I’m always worried that I need to read certain books in a certain order but I think I should just plunge in anywhere!

    Thanks for listing your favorites! And I love the cover of Darcy and Fitzwilliam, too!

    1. Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of Austenesque novels! You do not need to read them in any order unless they are a specific trilogy, series or such. Otherwise, just jump in and enjoy. 🙂 There are many good authors and books out there. I did an interview post this past Saturday, the 22nd, here at AE and all the books that I mentioned can be read in any order. They seem to be favorites of many other readers as well. Happy reading!

  17. I like reading the excerpts on Amazon, too, to see if a book appeals to me. I like Kara Louise and I’ve read Only Mr. Darcy Will Do. I’ll have to read more of her books. The last two Austen sequels that I’ve read are Bewitched, Body and Soul by P. O. Dixon and Pride and Pyramids by Amanda Grange. I’ll have to get the Susan Adriani book sometime.

    Elizabeth shooting at Lady Catherine, wow!


  18. This post was really interesting & I enjoyed reading your answers. A lot of the books you mentioned are on my TBR list.


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