More About…Austenesque Extravaganza

It’s time to share with you all the fun and festivities we have planned for Austenesque Extravagnza!  Just like last year, each day of the week has a special themed event.  Some you will recognize from last year, but some are brand new! As are all the beautiful banners made by Team Austenesque member, Angie Kroll!

Are you curious to know what events you can look forward to???

Here they are, my friends!

SOCIABLE SUNDAY – This event takes place here @ Austenesque Reviews on our NEW chatboard and will consist of an informal chat with several Austenesque authors.  Here’s your chance to chat live with your favorite Austenesque author, ask them your questions, and learn more about their writing!

MATCHMAKER MONDAY – Here’s your chance to act like Emma Woodhouse!  One of your friends is looking for a specific type Austenesque novel and she needs your help.  Which novel will you pair her with?  What do you recommend?

TRAVELING TUESDAY – Time to travel through the blogsphere and take a few stops at some spectacular Austenesque author blogs!  Lot’s of fun, CREATIVE, and interesting posts for you to enjoy!

WEDNESDAY WORD GAMES – Mad Libs, crosswords, and all sorts of fun with words!

TOURING THURSDAY – Just like on Traveling Tuesday, you will be leaving Austenesque Reviews to visit other Austenesque author blogs and check out the awesome Austenesque posts they have written!

FUN AND GAMES FRIDAY – On Fridays we will indulge in some fun with BRAND NEW and INTERACTIVE diversions!

SPOTLIGHT SATURDAY – Make sure you set aside some time each Saturday to check out all the fantastic posts ardent admirers of Austenesque literature are sharing with us!  There are so many wonderful readers for you to meet and learn about!

What event are you looking forward to the MOST?

What do you think of Angie’s EXQUISITE banners?


  1. The banners are gorgeous! The word games are what I most anticipate. Your events are so wonderfully complex that I have to struggle to wrap my mind around all the delights in store. Brava!

    1. That’s one of my favorite events too! I love seeing everybody share their favorite Austenesque novels with each other! And yes, we do hope everyone will find something to add to their TBR list!

  2. “Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.” Austenesque Extravaganza is all about fun – thanks for letting me be a part of it!

  3. Banners are beautiful…..while I enjoy everything I really like Tuesday and Thursday…found some new authors to follow last year…can’t wait for the fun to start again..

  4. I’m looking forward to all of it!! LOL I really enjoyed the Extravaganza last year, and I know it’s going to be just as much fun this year!! 🙂 The banners?? Beautiful!!

  5. Banners are gorgeous! Love to see people’s creativity since I don’t have a drop. LOL Looking forward to the extravaganza, the word games get me excited. =D well, truly, it all does.

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