Austenesque Novel Finds #14

The Beresfords

Author – Christina Dudley

Type of Austenesque Novel – Modern Adaptation

Release Date – May 3, 2012

Pages – 400

Available in – Paperback and Ebook

Available at – Amazon and Barnes and Noble




Raised with four older stepcousins in a conservative, churchgoing family, Frannie Price teeters on the brink of adolescence in the summer of 1985. Her timidity and awkwardness make her easy to overlook, yet she has one true friend in her cousin Jonathan. Jonathan, her childhood champion and the best person she knows. But when the Grant twins enter her life, Frannie’s world turns upside down. Not only does the sly and charming Eric Grant set her girl cousins against each other, but his flirtatious sister makes off with Jonathan’s heart. 

Only Frannie sees the faults running beneath the family landscape—not that anyone’s asking her opinion. Not her strict Uncle Paul, not her beloved Jonathan, and certainly not the Grants, who, after having their way with the rest of the Beresfords, turn their sights on her. What’s a girl to do? And why does she feel, in this uncharted territory, like God left her at the border?

With sympathy, humor and more than a nod to Jane Austen’s MANSFIELD PARK, THE BERESFORDS chronicles Frannie’s coming of age, when all around her is coming apart.


  • I cannot believe my eyes!  A modern adaptation for Mansfield Park!! *gasp*
  • It is interesting that the story takes place in 1985 instead of today, I wonder the reason behind this?
  • I’m so glad they are her STEP cousins!  *whew*
  • I love coming-of-age stories!
  • Sounds like there might be some religious undertones, which having read novels by Debra White Smith and Robin Helm, I am more than fine with!
What are your thoughts?

Previous Posts:
Austenesque Novel Finds #13 – Falling for Mr. Darcy
Austenesque Novel Finds #12 – Echoes of Pemberley
Austenesque Novel Finds #11  Northanger Alibi
Austenesque Novel Finds #10  Midnight in Austenland
Austenesque Novel Finds #9 – Definitely Not Mr. Darcy



  1. It sounds very interesting to me. No surprise there, huh? I definitely want to read this.

    Most people perceive Fanny as a weak character. I never have. She quietly stood against everyone and did what she thought was right (in refusing to take part in the play or accept Henry’s offer of marriage). She showed true strength of character, and I’ve always admired her.

    1. I am in complete agreement with you! Poor Fanny isn’t witty and charming, but she is sensible and possesses a quiet inner strength.

      As you may have guessed…I want to read this one too!

  2. How neat! This is only the second published MP-inspired fiction I’ve ever seen. I tend to like Fanny more than a lot of people do. I’m wondering if it’s set in 1985 because that’s when the author grew up? I’m 32 and I’ve wondered, if I ever wrote a story, could I write younger characters set in 2012 and make it believable. I’m not too old but things have changed a lot in the past 20 yrs or so! Lol The whole step-cousin thing is a little iffy, though, especially if they grew up in the same house for any length of time. I have lots of step cousins and I just couldn’t imagine developing feelings for any of them.

    Definitely going on the tbr list. Thanks Merri!

    1. Another advocate for Fanny. Hurrah! It changes things up when Austenesque authors write in time periods other than Contemporary or Regency. Echoes of Pemberley which I read recently took place in 1986. A lot has changed in the last 26 years socially and technologically. So perhaps that influenced the author’s choice.

      Oh, I’m so happy that they are her STEP cousins and not just cousins. But I can understand how that still might seem a little iffy. 😉

  3. I love it. Mansfield Park is severely under exposed. I’ve read a couple sequels to Mansfield but never a modern day adaptation – that I can recall. (You know how forgetful I am) I look forward to this. I love the preface of the young woman coming of age like Fanny. I agree, too many people look at her as snobbish but I think it took real courage to stick to her belief structure and do what she thought was right. I like the step-cousins so many of us out there have step-cousins. Great thoughts from you. I’d love to read this one.

    1. I think MP modern adaptations are rare! I know I have only read one by Debra White Smith “Central Park.” I look forward to hearing your thoughts about this one, should you come across it suzan!

  4. Oh my??! A “MP” adaptation?? Awesome!! I’m also wondering why the story has been set in the mid-1980’s? Would be interesting to see how this fits the storyline… may be putting this on my list 😉

  5. Surprised & Delited to find The Beresfords here!
    had introduced the book and Christina Dudley, author of The Beresfords, earlier on The Darcyholic Diversions Everything Austen Posting Board ~
    glad if this is the result?…
    I’ve just rcvd my own copy for review and anticipating a Great Read!!
    Christina is a lovely woman ~

    1. Hi Sharon,

      I must have missed your post! My Austenesque radar doesn’t get credit for this one either,though. I only discovered it by Christina emailing me this week. Yes, she is lovely! I look forward to hearing your thoughts, Sharon!

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