Murder Most Persuasive – Tracy Kiely

No Persuasion is Needed! Tracy Kiely’s Mysteries are Brilliant!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Publisher

It seems like Elizabeth Parker, my favorite Austen-Inspired sleuth, has once again stumbled upon a murder mystery! Just days after Uncle Marty’s death, someone unearthed a surprising family skeleton – literally! It looks like the new homeowners of Uncle Marty’s house in St. Michaels found the body of ex-fiancée and ex-employee Michael Barrow buried under their in-ground pool. The last time the Reynolds family saw Michael Barrow was eight years ago, just before he ended his engagement with cousin Reggie and embezzled over a million dollars from the family business.

Poor Ann Reynolds, Elizabeth’s cousin, is emotionally and physically exhausted by all the events that have proceeded her father’s death. With two sisters who are narcissistic and irresponsible and a step-mother who has immediately absconded to a spa retreat, Ann is left with the responsibility of sorting through her father’s belongings, cataloging items in her father’s will, and planning a ridiculous memorial party that her step-mother insists on throwing. Add to that a murder investigation that names her as the prime suspect! Can it get any worse?!?

Oh yes it can…The murder investigation is being headed up by none other than the man Ann was persuaded to break up with eight years ago, Detective Joe Muldoon!

Murder Most Persuasive is the perfect blend of romance, suspense, humor, and Jane Austen. I am a huge fan of this mystery series by Tracy Kiely, and I just adore her characters and the Austen parallels you find in her novels. As you may have guessed, Murder Most Persuasive relates to and contains many parallels with Jane Austen’s Persuasion. With three sisters that bear resemblance to the Elliot sisters, a romance that was wrongfully persuaded to end, and another sister who constantly bemoans her situation, Murder Most Persuasive is a splendid homage to Persuasion! (And, by the way, yes, there are two characters that personify Mary Musgrove in this novel!)

As I’ve said in my previous reviews of Murder at Longbourn and Murder on the Bride’s Side, what I love most about Ms. Kiely’s novels, besides all the fun Jane Austen lore and intrigue, is her characters. I adore Elizabeth, she’s sarcastic, unsophisticated, endearing and clever. I also love Elizabeth’s Aunt Winnie, who’s a spitfire and known for her sass and ability to trade pithy Jane Austen quotes with Elizabeth. In addition, I’ve been enjoying the drawn-out romance between Elizabeth and her once childhood nemesis Peter McGowan. I love sensible and slightly broody Peter!

This series is a MUST read for readers looking for a beguiling and brilliant Austenesque mystery! I hope author Tracy Kiely continues to parallel more Austenesque novels with her intriguing and riveting cozies! I can hardly wait to see what’s in store for Elizabeth, Peter, and Aunt Winnie next!!


What do you think is next, dear readers?  Northanger Abbey in 2012?  I hope so!!!!


  1. I just finished reading this last week and I really liked it too! My favorite characters were Elizabeth and Aunt Winnie- I was laughing out loud a few times at their remarks!

  2. I remember seeing this during the Extravaganza and it looks like it would be a great read! As for next… Northanger Abbey would be awesome!! That would round out my top fav’s from the JA stories!! LOL 🙂

  3. i have murder on the bride’s side on my sideboard! waiting to catch enough time to read enjoyably…
    as Valerie, i saw it on the extravaganza list so added it to my library requests – its currently in processing, then on its way to me =)
    appreciate your review, Meredith!

  4. Sounds very intriguing, indeed! I think I should like to read it and the other two as well. ‘Murder at Longbourn’ sounds excellent too. I shall add to my wish list!

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