What’s Your Favorite Wednesday – #5

Welcome to Austenesque Extravaganza, a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors! My name is Meredith Esparza, and I’m an ardent admirer of Austenesque novels and your host for this month-long tribute to Austenesque novels and authors.

Today’s Austenesuqe Event is: WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE WEDNESDAY

  • For this event, we will engage in a discussion about a specific element of Austenesque novels. Feel free to share your thoughts!

*Remember, each time you comment during this event it counts as an entry for the Amazing Austenesque Giveaway! Don’t forget to fill out this form so I can contact you if you win! (You only need to fill it out one time for the whole month.)

TODAY’S TOPIC: Desert Island Game (The AUSTENESQUE Edition)

THE SCENARIO:  You are going to a Desert Island for an undetermined amount of time and can only bring 3 Austenesque novels with you.  Which 3 Austenesque Novels are in your suitcase?

REMEMBER:  You don’t know how long you are staying on this Desert Island.  It may be weeks, it may be months!  It may be for several reoccurring seasons like Gilligan’s Island and Lost!  These books will be your sole source of entertainment!

Need help thinking of some titles? These lists of Austenesque novels might help!

*The fantastic graphics you will be seeing for Austenesque Extravaganza were created by the wonderfully talented Lady Turner! Thank you, Lady Turner!


  1. Only 3? are you serious? this will take alot of thought. Good thing I have more time to think about this. suzan

  2. If it last a lifetime, I don’t think 3 will be enough for me. But here goes:
    According to Jane by Marilyn Brant
    Searching for Pemberley by Mary Lydon Simonsen
    Pemberley by the Sea or retitled as The Man who Loved Pride & Prejudice by Abigail Reynolds

    which makes it 2 modern story and 1 historical fiction.

  3. I’m with Suzan. How am I to narrow it down to just three? Are you sure it can’t be 5?
    Hmmm? This is serious stuff here! Can I bring my Kindle and let the count as one book? 😉
    If I had to choose right now with out going to my bookshelf to look, I would choose:
    Darcy’s Voyage
    A Wife for Mr. Darcy
    And either The Truth about Mr. Darcy or Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman (I am going back and forth).

  4. Goodness, only 3? I agree with Jakki, do e-readers count as 1 book? Can I count Pamela Aidan’s trilogy as one book?
    Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman
    Two Shall Become One
    The Truth about Mr. Darcy

  5. I’d like to take everything by these authors, but I would settle for these three:
    Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One by Sharon Lathan
    The Man who Loved Pride & Prejudice by Abigail Reynolds
    The Trials of the Honorable F. Darcy by Sara Angelini

  6. A Wife for Mr. Darcy – Mary Simonsen, A Pemberley Medley – Abigail Reynolds (for the love of potatoes), and Darcy’s Voyage- Kara Louise.

  7. Oh boy….An Arranged Marriage by Jan H; Darcy’s Voyage by Kara Louise; and Nachtstürm Castle – Emily C. A. Snyder. 🙂

  8. Wow, what a tough decision. The Darcys and the Bingleys by Marsha Altman; Captain Wentworth’s Persuasion by Regina Jeffers; and Anne Elliot, A New Beginning by Mary Simonsen.

  9. Oh, only three… I would take Darcy’s Voyage by Kara Louise, Pemberley Ranch by Jack Caldwell and A Weekend with Mr. Darcy by Victoria Connelly!=)

  10. Only three??? Hmm…

    The Road to Pemberley…
    Mr Darcy’s Diary (so I could feel like he was there with me talking to me, haha)…
    and…A Weekend with Mr Darcy

    Too many choices, I think I’d have to find a way to sneak more than 3 ;o) hehe

  11. I’ll take These Three Remain by Pamela Aidan, it’s the biggest, The Lady Must Decide by Laura Hile, and Barbara Cornthwaite’s latest, Lend Me Leave. And lots of paper for writing.

  12. Wow, um, just three?… yeah…um…

    My only source of entertainment…

    Goodness, I suppose I’d have to buckle down with the first three books in Rebecca Ann Collins’ Pemberley series. I haven’t gotten a chance to read them yet, and they’re relatively lengthy which in my case would be good considering I’m a fast reader.

    But, oh, all the other books I’m leaving behind!
    It’s enough to break one’s heart!
    And must it be Austenesque novels? Can it not be Austen’s novels themselves? And can a complete works edition count as one so I don’t have to leave any behind and still get the benefit of a couple of Austenesque novels?

    Because I would do that, bring a complete works bound volume of Jane Austen and Jane Austen’s Letters by Deirdre Le Faye and Old Friends and New Fancies by Sybil G. Briton so I could get a feel of all of Austen’s characters after the life in her novels.
    Yes, that’s my final answer.

  13. Very tough question. There are so many I have yet to read, too!

    I think the three would be:
    ‘The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen’ by Syrie James
    ‘Willoughby’s Return’ by Jane Odiwe
    ‘Charlotte Collins’ by Jennifer Becton

    And as someone mentioned already, lots of paper to write as well!

    *whispers* but sneaking a kindle into my bag doesn’t count, right? 😉

  14. I counted them as sets…
    George Knightley Esquire (both 1 &2)
    Fitzwilliam Darcy Gentlemen (all 3)
    For You Alone & #2
    so have picked 3….just adds up to 7


  15. Well I’d take Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter because I’ve read it once and would love to read it again… it’s kind of like Lost In Austen the mini series in terms of coming across THE Mr Darcy. It’s brilliant.

    And, this may be cheating as I’ve not read any other Austenesque yet (this month has changed this though; as soon as I can afford to I shall stock pile many titles 😀 ) I will take two books I have not yet read, to provide new entertainment, and because Pride and Prejudice etc are pretty much ingrained in my head so I don’t need to take hard copies.

    I think the two others that I’d like to take most are – None But You (Frederick Wentworth, Captain Book 1) by Susan Kaye and – Mercy’s Embrace: Elizabeth Elliot’s Story – The Lady Must Decide (Book 3) by Laura Hile, being both Persuasion-inspired.

  16. Ahhhh….Only Three! Okay here they are: According to Jane, Tea with Jane Austen and A wife for Mr. Darcy.

    This was a lot of fun and all the Hard work you’ve put into it was appreciated ! Thank you Meredith!

  17. Well. The first would have to be, of course, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 🙂 And the next two would be: To conquer Mr. Darcy and The Truth About Mr. Darcy 🙂

  18. I count sets as “a book” too :-/


    Frederick Wentworth, Captain series – Susan Kaye

    Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman series – Pamela Aidan.


    Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen – Syrie James

  19. Oh goodness… I’m gonna go with To Conquer Mr Darcy (Abigail Reynolds), Darcy and Fitzwilliam (Karen Wasylowski) and The Trouble with Mr Darcy (Sharon Lathan).

  20. That is so difficult because there are so many great ones. I would want to take thick ones, so I think I’d take Lory Lilian’s two novels and Linda Wells’ Fate and Conseuences. But I’d really like to take a trunk and bring them all!

  21. Only 3??? Wow! I might just have to bring 3 Austen originals. Probably P&P, Persuasion, and Northanger Abbey, or maybe Emma…No S&S…Uhhh…If I can’t even decide between Austen’s works, how would I ever decide on all the rest. But wait, I have a single book with seven Austen novels, all in one! Score!

    Since this is actually an exercise in recommending books to each other (we are already here due to our common interest in Austen) I would take with me: Fitzwilliam Darcy Rock star, Trials of the Honorable F Darcy, Wayward Love (Captain Wentworth’s Persuasion) AND I must have an Abigail Reynolds too. Yes, I have too many!

  22. I am with a few others here. Sets count as one… HONEST they do! I checked the rules…. So, Pamela Aiden’s books (you can’t pick just one anyway!), George Knighley (1 and 2) since I have not yet gotten to devour them… and Kara Louise’s Darcy’s Voyage. My favorite read of the summer! That only makes six if you are good in math! Jennifer G.

  23. I’m with everyone else…. ONLY 3????! Seriously?? Can’t we have more like 5??? Or 6 even?? LOL

    Well… since we can ONLY have 3…. I guess I’ll have to go with:

    – Pride & Prejudice…. My all-time FAV!!
    – Searching for Pemberley
    – The Pemberley Chronicles (Can I sneak extra copies of the series??? I can hide them under my shirt or something?? LOL)

  24. Let’s see, Austenesque not Austen, right?

    I would take Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict for fun, At an Assembly Such as This for romance, and the Jane Austen Handbook for Regency tidbits.

  25. I think sets should count as one book too! It is really hared to pick three books.
    I would bring:
    Mr.Darcy Takes a Wife
    To Conquer Mr.Darcy(Impulse & Initiative)
    all the Sharon Lathan books
    The Trials of the Honorable F.Darcy

  26. I see that Darcy’s Voyage is mentioned a lot, so I’ll omit that one from my list in the hopes that I’m trapped on this island with other JAFF lovers who are willing to share books.
    I’d bring:
    *Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife (first P&P sequel I ever read and hold a special place for me)
    *Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honourable Man by Brenda Webb
    *Memory series by Linda Wells- since all 3 volumes would be fused together and count as one giant book

  27. Oh my gosh! Just three? But… but… Well. I’ll just have to write my own when I’m there, with a stick in the sand if I have to.

    However, that resolution does not answer the actual question. I would take… Charlotte Collins by Jennifer Becton, Mr. Darcy’s Secret by Jane Odiwe, and A Weekend With Mr. Darcy by Victoria Connelly. The first two are favorites, the third is new material. Plus, there’s always the hope that the title might lead to a quick rescue.

  28. i’m going to take ones i haven’t read for the thrill of new reads which then may become comfort reads if the waiting for rescue lingers…
    Sharon Lathan In The Arms of Mr. Darcy
    Stephanie Barron’s newest Jane & The Canterbury Tale
    Carrie Bebris’ Deception at Lyme

  29. I love everyones’ creativeness and sneakiness! You guys crack me up! Who ever made up the rule about sets counting as 1? Not me! Just kidding! I actually love that rule!

    I would want some variety on my desert island so my picks are:

    – Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the Last Man in the World by Abigail Reynolds
    – George Knightley Esquire SET by Barbara Corntwaite
    – The Mercy’s Embrace series by Laura Hile

  30. I can’t survive with just three!!!
    If I had to choose, it would be:
    The Last Man in the World by Abigail Reynolds
    The Darcy’s and the Bingleys by Marsha Altman
    Darcy on the Hudson by Mary Simonsen. (I haven’t read that one yet but I know it is going to be good.)

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