What’s Your Favorite Wednesday – #1

Welcome to Austenesque Extravaganza, a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors! My name is Meredith Esparza, and I’m an ardent admirer of Austenesque novels and your host for this month-long tribute to Austenesque novels and authors.

Today’s Austenesuqe Event is: WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE WEDNESDAY

  • For this event, we will engage in a discussion about a specific element of Austenesque novels.   Feel free to share your thoughts!

*Remember, each time you comment during this event it counts as an entry for the Amazing Austenesque Giveaway! Don’t forget to fill out this form so I can contact you if you win! (You only need to fill it out one time for the whole month.)

TODAY’S TOPIC: Non-Austen Heroes

  • Darcy, Wentworth, Tilney – Jane Austen created some fantastic heroes, but today we are not talking about those magnificent heart-throbs!  Today we are discussing the fantastic leading-men created by some wonderful Austenesque Authors!

What are some of your favorite Non-Austen Heroes?  Do you fancy Mr. Edgeworth from Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict or  Luke Venning from Jane and the Damned.  Does Lord Harold Trowbridge of the Being A Jane Austen Mystery Series make you swoon?  Or do you like a man in uniform in uniform like Admiral McGillvary of the Mercy’s Embrace Series?

Robert Darcy, Sam Blaine, Mr. Ashford, Jacob Markwood, Benjamin Basford, Mr. Gately – there’s many to choose from, who’s Your Favorite NON-AUSTEN HERO?

  • Answers CANNOT include:
    • Mr. Darcy, Henry Tilney, Captain Wentworth, Mr. Knightley, Colonel Brandon, Edward Ferrars, and Edmund Bertram
    • Any reincarnation or modern portrayal of these men (i.e. Mark Darcy)

Need help thinking of some titles? These lists of Austenesque novels might help!

*The fantastic graphics you will be seeing for Austenesque Extravaganza were created by the wonderfully talented Lady Turner!  Thank you, Lady Turner!


  1. Ben Basford from Jennifer Becton’s Charlotte Collins! He’s so delightfully American in the middle of this very English village, but his brash personality manages to capture one of the more stoic and proper Austen characters. Plus, the whole scene where their hands almost touch? HOT!

    Hmmm… I might have to re-read Charlotte Collins soon.

  2. Ooohh now that you mention it I did enjoy Mr. Edgeworth and Admiral McGillvary. Problem is I can’t recall all the ancillary non austen men that got my attention. Maybe it’s because it’s so late…or because there’s several. I’ll have to try again in the later morning. I loved Edgeworth’s sensitivity, caring and gentle persona also his care for his sister. McGillvary just had a marvelous creativity and sense of humor. Kind of a dual personality..heehee

  3. I have not been reading many books that does not involve Darcy so my knowledge is quite limited. I do not initially like According to Jane‘s Sam Blaine when he was a teenager but his transformation from Wickham-like to Darcy-type grew on me. Perhaps it is because he has matured and know how to express his feelings for Ellie that touched my heart.

    I also like Michael Caton, the hero in Searching for Pemberley. The fact that he loves Maggie but is not willing to pursue a relationship with her when she is still with Rob shows that he respect her decision and do not want to be a cause of misunderstanding.

  4. I like Wes from Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict. He seems like a really good man and accords Courtney/Jane with the respect a woman deserves. He is there for her and does not express his feelings for her in an aggressive or straightforward manner. Instead, he does little things for her and this is a quiet way of loving her. For Jane who came from the 18th Century, he is more suitable for her than Frank.

  5. No Mark Darcy *sulks* But I heart him 😉

    I really do not have an answer then, oh wait…that guy from Clueless, Josh, can I choose Josh? Loved Josh 😀

  6. Well, my answer here most definetly has to be Dr George Darcy from Sharon Lathan’s continuations.

    George is whole-heartedly the creation of Sharon, and he is one of my all-time favourite characters in the Saga.

  7. I would have to pick Michael Crowell from Searching for Pemberley. I loved that book and his character was so sweet and charming.

  8. I am going with Michael from Searching for Pemberely. The whole time I was reading the book I was wishing I was Maggie.:) He respects her so much, loves her deeply, and is a complete hunk! *sigh* When he sends Maggie the post card I thought that was so sweet!
    I have to agree with Luthien, I think Sam Blaine grows on the reader. However, I always felt he had a thing for Ellie the whole time- he just had a terrible way to show it! But in the end, he too wins my heart!

  9. Hands down, for me, it’s the original character, John Buford,who appears in Jack Caldwell’s novels. Other readers will be introduced to Colonel Sir John Buford in Caldwell’s upcoming spring release, The Three Colonels, but I read the story when it was available at a fanfiction site. Buford is a bad boy, kind of a smart alec,and drop dead gorgeous. It was love at first read. 🙂

  10. I’m with Nancy. Ben Baford of Charlotte Collins is pretty steamy.

    Robert Darcy of The Other Mr. Darcy was great too.

    We all know my first love is Colonel Fitzwilliam, however. 🙂

  11. All good choices. I also loved Lory Lilian’s David Fitzwilliam in ‘Remembrance of the Past’ and MK Baxley’s David Darcy in ‘The Cumberland Plateau’.
    I must like Davids 🙂

  12. My favorite would have to be Sam Blaine from According to Jane. Two others favorites that really don’t count, since they would be considered as modern Darcy’s, but I’ll mention them anyways… Calder Westing from Pemberley by the Sea and Judge Darcy from The Trials of the Honorable F. Darcy.


  13. Jacob Markwood from Conviction
    Max Wellman from The Family Fortune
    Ben Cutler from Jane Austen in Scarsdale
    Harry Noble from Pride and Prejudice and Jasmin Field
    Calvin Barclay and Dave Davidson from First Impressions
    Frederick Wentley from Possibilities
    Nicholas Bevan and Mary Dance from Vanity and Vexations
    from my own works, Chadwick Harrison and Adam Lawrence

  14. Well, I have to vote for one not mentioned. Lord Dyfed Brougham from Pamela Aiden’s Fitzwilliam Darcy: Gentleman triology gives me the goosebumps. I want her to write a book just about him. He rescues Darcy a couple of times “just in the nick of time” and seems to lead a VERY interesting life. So, I vote for him (repeatedly!) Jennifer G.

  15. Oh Wait! I forgot about another favorite I have from the same triology. It’s Darcy’s Shakespeare quoting valet, Fletcher who also pulls Darcy’s butt out of the fire a couple of times and comes to a little lady’s aid and falls in love himself. Fletcher really is someone with lots going on that Darcy needs to pay more attention to! Jennifer G.

  16. Okay, I’m a little behind on all my Austenesque reading (most of it having focused on primary characters/variations so far)…I’m trying to think of other heroes, and only coming up with reincarnations, hehe…Okay, that’s a sign unto me that I must accelerate my reading! :o)

  17. Without a doubt, Admiral Patrick McGillvary from Laura Hile’s Mercy’s Embrace series. Handsome, funny, tender, strong, and in over his head when it comes to battling Elizabeth Elliot.

    Fletcher, Darcy’s valet from Pamela Aiden’s Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman series is my favorite non-Austen character, but McGillvary is more swoon-worthy.

  18. I’m in a peculiar position. Not to brag, but many moons ago, I created Admiral Patrick McGillvary because I needed a less-than upright foil for the honorable Frederick Wentworth. I love him as I created him. But, in the hands of Laura Hile, in the Mercy’s Embrace series, Paddy leaps off the page. So, I guess my favorite non Austen character is my own McGillvary, but in the hands of another writer.

    This is just weird and could only happen in the world of Austen fiction!

  19. @ Susan Kaye // Fan fiction of fan fiction is this? I suppose.

    Sue, my friend, this is a compliment indeed. How refreshing it’s been, as I write Admiral McGillvary, to have his creator as consultant!

    I must confess, I’m having a rollicking good time taking McGillvary out of his box this summer. Hats off to Susan Kaye for so graciously allowing me to use him for another novel.

  20. Mark Darcy from Bridget Jones’s Diary, although the picture you included could have influenced me 🙂 I liked the book but loved the movie. That doesn’t happen very often!

  21. Definitely Robert Darcy from the other Mr. Darcy…

    Colonel Edward Fitzwilliam (of course!) and Mr. Carter from Georgiana Darcy’s Diary: Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice continues.

  22. Oh Jennifer, how could I forget Lord Dyfed Brougham?! The way he saves Darcy and his attention to and flirtation with Georgiana make me want to read the series all over again!
    Felicia, I too love Calder and Judge Darcy! I would have mentioned them earlier but I thought they would be considered a “modern” portrayal of Darcy. Both are uber swoon-worthy! 🙂

  23. I’m greatly enjoying everyone’s answers, here! Don’t we just love to gush about heroes?!?

    If you are reader of this blog you are probably not surprised that MY answer is Admiral Patrick McGillvary! Yep! I’m a fangirl of Susan Kaye and Laura Hile’s hunky creation with his michevious sense of humor, relaxed manners, and ardent love! TEAM MCGILLVARY!

    I can’t wait to meet some of these other heroes I’ve heard mentioned. Like Dr. George Darcy, David Fitzwilliam, and John Buford! They sound wonderful!

    @Jennifer – I too want to petition for a novel about Lord Dyfed Brougham! With plenty of Fletcher in it too!

    @KarenMC – how interesting that all the heroes you like have the name David!

  24. I am impressed with Susan and Laura being able to “share” McGillvary. He must be “some guy” and maybe I should read more about him! Novels please about Dyfed and his love(?) of Georgiana and what he wants to do now that the war with France is over!!!!! Jennifer G.

  25. @Jennifer, Paddy in my hands is a real danger. He’s much darker and brooding. He’s not Heathcliff, but he’s kind of a Rochester. Laura takes him out of that mode–there’s still some Rochester around the edges, but he’s funny and shrewed. I like him when Laura writes him, when I write him, he piques my interest as a writer.

  26. victoria connelly’s character, Dan, from ‘A Weekend with Mr Darcy’, has me swooning. absolutely intrigued and delited to have been introduced ~ thx to Victoria!

  27. This one is hard. Does Col Fitzwilliam count? I generally really enjoy him in all his Colonel Studmuffin roles. 🙂 Since Colonel Studmuffin is pretty much a creation of Austenesque Authors as JA really didn’t flesh him out all that much he kinda counts, right? Since nothing original comes to my mind right now, I’ll stick with that.

  28. I haven’t read any other Jane Austen related fiction, other than the “Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict” series (I did love Wes!) so I can’t properly vote or comment. I’m only familiar with the heroes in my own books… so would it be gauche to vote for a character I created? While I was writing “The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen,” I imagined a man I believe Jane Austen would have fallen in love with– and in the process of writing Mr. Frederick Ashford, I fell in love with him myself! It happened again (even more so) with the dashing Nicolae Dracula in “Dracula, My Love.” Admittedly, he’s not a typical Austen hero–but he was definitely inspired by many of the traits I love in Austen men. (Now, having read the above comments, I’m going to run out and buy Pamela Aiden’s, Susan Kaye’s, and Laura Hile’s books!)

  29. P.S. Michael Tyler in my novel “Nocturne” was also inspired by Mr. Darcy and Mr. Knightley–he’s my modern day incarnation of a yummy Austen hero, and I have to admit that I’m in love with him, too!

  30. I’m amazed by all the names being mentioned here. I have most of these books but they’re still on my TBR pile =) However, among the few that I have read, i like Ben Basford and Judge Darcy

  31. I’m with Pinkseele in that I have quite a few of these titles listed & haven’t read them yet. I do love Searching for Pemberley’s hero, Michael Caton (sp?) & the Darcy character in The other Mr. Darcy 😉

  32. A number of the original characters already mentioned are favorites of mine, but I think Marsha Altman has created some of the most memorable JAFF heroes in her series. I adore Geoffroy Darcy, Gregoire Darcy, George Wickham III, the Maddox Brothers…even Mugen 😉

  33. I can’t believe I forgot Lord Brougham….absolutely loved him. Kind of like a scarlet pimpernel but better. Fletcher the valet was great also. A valet that knows where his boundaries are but how to work around them and his families theatrical background comes in handy. The other Mr. Darcy..oh yes..he brings Caroline out of her shell and anyone that has that much compassion has to be great. I also really like Rebecca Ann Collins’ Dr. Richard Gardiner for his compassion, kindness, thoughtful attention to his wife and family. Wouldn’t we all love a man with just all those qualies? He senses when Georgiana needs a big hug and is willing to just drop everything and support her. Also Mr. Carr in that book since he comes to the rescue of a Lizzy and is not English to the manor bred. he’s a little out of his league but a fast learner.

  34. The lists of books to help is great. I think however that now I’m going to have to write myself up a list of whose in what and just a couple little details to remember. Some names are so common and it gets a bit confusing after reading so many. But in a good way of course.

  35. I have a few Mr.Darcy favorites, but the one that keeps popping up in my mind is Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan, from The Sheik of Araby: Pride and Prejudice in the Desert, by Lavinia Angell. I believe he embodies the manly charm, wits, passion and character that I see in JA’s Darcy. The way he is divided between the do’s and don’ts feels so real that I consider him a real must.

  36. Sorry Valerie, my mistake in my first comment. It’s suppose to be Michael Crowell but it must have slipped my mind somehow.

    Meredith: Is therea way to edit my comment without deleting the whole thing.

  37. Pamela, Did I hear you right? You are going to sharpen your quill for a DYFED book? Let me get my knife and a few bottles of ink for you! PLEASE!!! Write one! We need it!

  38. Pamela Aiden, I just bought all three books in your Darcy, Gentleman series. I wish I had bought them last year when I met you at the JASNA AGM, but better late than never! I can’t wait to read them, and to have you sign them at the JASNA AGM in Forth Worth in October!

  39. I have never read a book based on Jane Austen’s books that does not have any Jane Austen characters in them! Sorry!

  40. Oh my goodness, Lord Harold Trowbridge! I fell in love with him just like Jane in the mystery series. It was heart-rending when he died. I missed him with Jane all over again in Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron. So many memories.

  41. I am drawing a complete blank on the character’s name… but is was Dr. ?, who married Caroline Bingley in Marsha Altman’s series. I liked him and enjoyed seeing Caroline with a nice guy.

  42. Oh definitely Mr. Nobley from Shannon Hale’s “Austenland”. Great book–I hear there will be a sequel!! 🙂

  43. Judge Darcy, Dr George Darcy, Fletcher, but my real love is Colonel Fitzwilliam in any book that gives him more character.

  44. Judge Darcy, Dr George Darcy, Fletcher, but my real love is Colonel Fitzwilliam in any book that gives him more character.

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