My Recommendation Monday – #5

Welcome to Austenesque Extravaganza, a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors! My name is Meredith Esparza, and I’m an ardent admirer of Austenesque novels and your host for this month-long tribute to Austenesque novels and authors.

Today’s Austenesuqe Event is: MY RECOMMENDATION MONDAY

  • For this event, readers are given a scenario and are asked to recommend their favorite Austenesque novels in the comment section below. The purpose of this event is for readers to voice their opinions, exchange ideas, and maybe receive some book recommendations. Just read the scenario below and share your thoughts!

*Remember, each time you comment during this event it counts as an entry for the Amazing Austenesque Giveaway! Don’t forget to fill out this form so I can contact you if you win! (You only need to fill this out one time for the whole month.)

THE SCENARIO:  Your friend, Lorelai, just read Pride and Prejudice for the first time and is passionately in love with it.  Since you were the one who recommended it her, Lorelai comes to you and asks if you know of any books that continue the stories of these amazing characters!  You answer her with a emphatic YES!   Now, you’ve read your fair share of Pride and Prejudice sequels (both online and in print), you might even say you’ve read over fifty sequels to Pride and Prejudice.  The question is:  Which Pride and Prejudice sequel would you recommend she read first???

  • Answers CAN include:
    • SEQUELS to Pride and Prejudice  (can be published novels or online stories*)
  • Answers CANNOT include:
    • Pride and Prejudice variaions
    • Pride and Prejudice retellings
    • Pride and Prejudice modern adaptations
    • Stories from Darcy’s point-of-view

Need help thinking of some titles? These lists of Pride and Prejudice novels might help!

*If you list an online story, please share with us the site at which it can be found and the author!

*The fantastic graphics you are seeing for Austenesque Extravaganza were created by the wonderfully talented Lady Turner! Thank you, Lady Turner!


  1. A Marriage Worth the Earning books 1 & 2 by Mary L. Sherwood. Not read by many I’m guessing. Very realistic. A little tension and a little learning about love. Very dramatic. I loved them. Hands down the next book she should read. suzan

  2. The Darcys and the Bingleys: A Tale of Two Gentlemen’s Marriage to Two Most Devoted Sisters by Marsha Altman would be my choice since this is the first P&P sequel that I read.

  3. I would recommend “Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy” by Sharon Lathan, the first in a series. Very well written, lots of romance and great description.

  4. Some great ideas. How about the one from so long ago? I really enjoyed Pemberley Shades by D.A. Bonavia-Hunt. It was sweet and had some nice twists to it. I have to add to my reading list (again). I sure have enjoyed this whole month! Jennier G.

  5. I would recommend “The Darcys of Pemberley” by Shannon Winslow. It is a great continuation of P&P with some conflict, action, love, romance and a bit of temporary heartache. Highly recommended.

  6. I think I used this one in an earlier Recommendation Monday too, but hey – I really, really enjoyed this book! ;o)

    The Darcys Give a Ball by Elizabeth Newark
    Fast forward from the end of P&P about 20 years, when the Darcys and Bingleys have children of an age to be out and thinking marriage…Mix in some other familiar characters and *their* children, and it gets super entertaining. A short, quick read and I totally loved it!

    I’ve not finished it yet, but Charlotte Collins by Jennifer Becton is another good one that has quite a fanbase – picks up the story of P&P and follows Charlotte’s storyline into the future :o)

  7. To my dear friend, Lorelai, I would suggest Mr. Darcy’s Secret by Jane Odiwe. After she read that, I would suggest Sharon Lathan’s Darcy Saga! I think Lorelai will be most pleased with these books! 🙂

  8. Well the only one I can truly suggest is the only one that I have actually read which is An Unequal Marriage by Emma Tennant. love your senarios by the way!

  9. I would definitely recommend Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister by C. Allyn Pierson. An excellent look at Georgiana’s adventures, but with a generous dose of Elizabeth and Darcy too.
    Pemberley Manor by Kathryn L. Nelson was an interesting look at Elizabeth and Darcy after they’re married.
    Any of the books by Elizabeth Aston are great even though they don’t really feature Elizabeth and Darcy I would read them anyway. The great part is, even though there are several, you don’t necessarily have to read them in order to understand the story.
    The Darcy’s Give A Ball by Elizabeth Newark is short and sweet.
    Lydia Bennet’s Story by Jane Odiwe is very good. Odiwe is quickly becoming one of my favorite Jane Austen sequel writers. Good story telling.
    These are a good start, and when you really feel like getting your teeth into something you can dig into the series by Rebecca Ann Collins.

  10. Until I considered this question, I never realized how fe sequels I’ve read as compared to “what ifs” or variations.

    My recs would be Pemberley Manor (Kathryn Nelson), and The Darcy Saga (Sharon Lathan). If you like epistolary stories there are Letters from Pemberley and More Letters from Pemberley (Jane Dawkins).

  11. I would have to recommend the Pemberley Chronicles by Rebecca Ann Collins!! I myself am just starting this, and I’m really enjoying it.. I think Lorelai should start with this sequel first 😉

    Some wonderful suggestions listed here! Definitely going to be adding them to my ever-expanding to-read list! 🙂

  12. The Other Mr. Darcy by Monica Fairview & Jennifer Becton’s Charlotte Collins – I normally don’t read sequels, but I enjoyed both tremendously.

  13. I liked The Other Mr Darcy, as well as Presumption by Julia Barrett, which is mainly about Georgiana finding love, under the guidance of Lizzy and Darcy, of course.

    If you like sequels with some mystery or action thrown in, there is the Mr and Mr Darcy Mystery series by Carrie Bebris or Phantom of Pemberley by Regina Jeffers.

  14. I have to recommend Sharon Lathan’s Darcy Saga. Love the full continuation. I enjoy almost all of the continuations and what-ifs but the Darcy Saga has got to be my favorite.

  15. Dear sweet, Lorelai, may I suggest that you read “An Arranged Marriage” by Jan Hahn. It is an excellent book and one that you will enjoy again and again.

  16. Lorelai you are in for a treat with P&P sequels!
    Pride and Prescience by Carrie Bebris includes mystery for our fave newlywed characters !
    The Legacy of Pemberley by Rebecca Ann Collins stays true to JA’s style and characterization~
    and Sharon Lathan’s series add the romance!

    and when you’ve completed these, take time to browse Austenesque Reviews for Meredith’s amazing lists of all writings/authors austenesque. you are sure to find more sequels & i guarantee you will NOT be disappointed!!

  17. I would have to sat Sharon Lathan’s series. I think someone new to P&P would enjoy this continuation. I also like Linda Berdoll’s books as well, maybe for someone a little more adventurous.

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