My Recommendation Monday – #2

Welcome to Austenesque Extravaganza, a month-long celebration of Austenesque novels and authors! My name is Meredith Esparza, and I’m an ardent admirer of Austenesque novels and your host for this month-long tribute to Austenesque novels and authors.

Today’s Austenesuqe Event is: MY RECOMMENDATION MONDAY

  • For this event, readers are given a scenario and are asked to recommend their favorite Austenesque novels in the comment section below. The purpose of this event is for readers to voice their opinions, exchange ideas, and maybe receive some book recommendations. Just read the scenario below and share your thoughts!

*Remember, each time you comment during this event it counts as an entry for the Amazing Austenesque Giveaway! Don’t forget to fill out this form so I can contact you if you win! (You only need to fill it out one time for the whole month.)

THE SCENARIO: Your online friend Emily loves Sense and Sensbility by Jane Austen.  Lately she has spent countless hours on the internet searching, discussing, and reading up on all things related to Sense and Sensibility.  By chance she discovers The Sense and Sensibility Bicentenial Reading Challenge hosted by the wonderful Laurel Ann Nattress of Austenprose and she decides to join in the fun! (Even though she is 8 months late!)  Problem is… with so many lovely Austenesque novels about Sense and Sensibility, she doesn’t know where to begin!

Can you help Emily out? Sounds like she would like some Austenesque novels for Sense and Sensibility.  What would you recommend she read?   What are some of Your Favorite Sense and Sensibility novels?

  • Answers can include:
    • Sequels
    • Modern adaptations
    • Fan-fiction
  • Answers cannot include:
    • Novels that have nothing to do with Sense and Sensibility

Need help thinking of some titles? This list of Persuasion novels might help!

*The fantastic graphics you are seeing for Austenesque Extravaganza were created by the wonderfully talented Lady Turner! Thank you, Lady Turner!


  1. Oh! Another fun question. 😀

    If I had to choose just one from the few that I’ve read, I’d choose The Dashwood Sisters’ Secrets of Love. This YA retelling was very well done. It stuck with the general tone of the original, while making it completely modern at the same time. I loved the character parallels.

    Now, I have to admit–S&S is my least favorite Austen, so this isn’t a category I have a lot of experience with. I’m anxious to see some other recs from people who perhaps love the book more than I do.

  2. i’d definitely recommend Amanda Grange’s ‘diary of colonel brandon’ – delish reads, Amanda’s diaries. and for reference, how about Emma Thompson’s ‘The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay and Diaries: Bringing Jane Austen Novel to Film’ © 1995 (revised in 2002)
    certainly someone who knows about S&S!!
    happy reading Emily !!

  3. I actually really liked Willoughby’s Return. I read the book very unwillingly as Willoughby has always been super slime to me. But the book was fantastic. The internal conflict and tension was there for Marianne. Overall, wonderful. Highly recommended!

  4. just thought of another you might like, Emily, if you’d enjoy some mystery added to the story…
    Carrie Bebris’ , “Suspense and Sensibility”. She’s very authentic with her characterization and language which makes reading these always that much more enjoyable.
    hope you enjoy !

  5. I would recommend The Dashwood Sisters Tell All by Beth Pattillo. It is a modern adaptations of 2 sisters who both share traits and characteristics as the original. I agree with Faith Hope’s choice for Amanda Grange’s Colonel Brandon’s Diary. It was about 2 years ago that I read it and I love the colonel’s back-story as I understand him better.

  6. The first book I would recommend is my fav S&S sequel, Willoughby’s Return by Jane Odiwe (loved this book). I typically do not like sequels, but this book is so delightful and gives the reader a great sense of what marriage between Marianne and Col. Brandon is like. Next I would recommend The Dashwood Sisters Tell All by Beth Pattillo followed by Col. Brandon’s Diary. All three are excellent books!

  7. I would suggest Sass and Serendipity by Jennifer Zeigler which his a YA book that uses the themes of S&S. I really liked this book.

    There is also Eliza’s Daughter by Joan Akien. I have not read this yet, but this book takes a look at the daughter of Col. Brandon’s ward Eliza.

  8. My recommendation would be Colonel Brandon’s dairy by Amanda Grange. I enjoyed taking a closer look at Col Brandon, I don’t feel he gets the hero attention he deserves.

  9. If you’re looking for a modern adaptation loosely based on S&S, I’d recommend The Three Weissmanns of Westport by Cathleen Schine.

  10. So, I’m not a huge fan of S&S so have a tendency to stay away from stories associated with the book, but I too would probably recommend Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters mash-up. I’m looking forward to Sense and Sanguine Sensibility (2012) by Vera Nazarian too.

  11. I enjoyed Colonel Brandon’s Diary by Amanda Grange for giving more insight on Brandon’s POV. Willoughby’s Return by Jane Odiwe gives a very realistic presentation of Marianne’s POV regarding her new marriage and feelings related to Willoughby after everything that happened.
    I’ve just started reading Eliza’s Daughter by Joan Aiken, but I have a feeling it’s going to turn out pretty well.
    I know I’ve read The Third Sister by Julia Barrett, but it was so long ago I don’t really remember it. I’m not sure if that says something about the book or my memory.

  12. I would recommend The Dashwood Sisters Tell All by Beth Pattillo and Willoughby’s Return by Jane Odiwe. I really enjoyed both of these books! I have The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay and Diaries in my TBR pile, so I might mention that book to her too!!

  13. The only S&S story I have read is “Suspense&Sensibility” by Carrie Bebris. (Her whole Mr&Mrs Darcy Series is great.) I do have Col. Brandon’s Diary and Willoughby’s Return in my TBR list.

  14. Reason & Romance by Debra White Smith is a fun, easy to read modern take … and also the only one that I’ve officially read myself, as I’m digging in to new turf for the challenge myself :o)

  15. Some really good S&S related books are
    Col Brandons Diary
    Suspense and Sensibility
    Willoughbys Return…
    there is also alot of good fanfiction out there.
    Stephanie at lucasaaron_5297 at yahoodotcom

  16. I’ve only read one S&S related story, and that’s my own short story: Elinor and Edward’s Plans for Lucy Steele. It’s a parody. Personally, I thought it was funny. 🙂

  17. Hello, My name is Emily and I just got a lot of good information about what my future reading list should include! I guess Col. Brandon will have to give it up to me so I can get inside his head! Thanks for sharing your great ideas and suggestions! I have really enjoyed Austenesque Extravaganza. This was a great idea! Jennifer

  18. I love seeing everyone’s favorite S&S novels. It is interesting to learn that it is not some people’s favorite Austen novel. I guess I feel the same way. It’s not that I dislike it – I love it! I just love some other Austen novels slightly more…

    I’m excited to share my answer for Emily! I just finished, about a week ago, Sass and Serendipity and absolutely loved it! It is a modern YA version of S&S and I think is a great and plausible retelling of S&S. I’m working on my review right now!

  19. Well, I absolutely loved Karen B.’s S&S sequels on the Bits of Ivory site at Prothalamion; Epithalamion, or, A Lyric Ode in Honor of a Bride and Bridegroom; Mistress of a Family….they are all wonderful!!!

  20. I have heard great things about Sass and Serendipity, but I myself have not read it. I am one of the ones needing recs! 🙂

  21. Irecently finished Tracy Kiely’s Murder on the Bride’s Side, which is a cozy mystery that references S&S–v enjoyable tribute to Austen

  22. I have to say that I LOVE the JA sequels! It’s fun to see the new “directions” that our favorite characters end up in and who they end up with.

    My suggestions have already been listed above, but I’ll go ahead & tell you what they are:
    “Willoughby’s return” by Jane Odiwe
    “Colonel Brandon’s diary” by Amanda Grange

  23. I’ve read Willoughby’s Return, Colonel Brandon’s Diary, Eliza’s Daughter, Sense and Sensibility Screenplay and I believe a couple others. Willoughby’s Return was pretty good. Sense and Sensibility isn’t my favorite Austen so I haven’t read all that many.

  24. oh Emily! now that you’ve had some time for reading all the above recommendations, i’ll also add a couple new S&S reads i’ve just completed~
    ‘The Dashwood Sisters Tell ALL’ Beth Pattillo and
    ‘The THird Sister’ Julia Barrett
    hope you have as much FuN with them as i have ”)

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