Over the past two months I have been keeping this BIG secret from all of you, and now I can finally share it!!!!  I planning my first BLOG EVENT!!!!!   In the past, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself at other Austen-related blog events hosted by Austenprose, Book Rat, and My Jane Austen Book Club and have always toyed with the idea of hosting my own.  My wonderful and supportive husband gave me the push I needed to do it and around two months ago I started planning for AUSTENESQUE EXTRAVAGANZA!!!

What is Austenesque Extravaganza, you ask?
– It is a MONTH-LONG celebration of Austenesque Authors and Novels!  (A most appropriate event theme for this blog, isn’t it?)

When will this event take place?
– AUGUST!  One month from now!

What will this event be like?
– Hopefully awesome!  Each day of the week will have a different theme and event, like a weekly twitter party with several Austenesque authors.

– The main purpose of this event is for readers of Austenesque novels to connect and interact with Austenesque authors and other readers.

– There are around 50 authors participating in this event!


Mark your calendars!  We hope to see you at Austenesque Extravaganza!


*The fantastic graphics you will be seeing for Austenesque Extravaganza were created by the wonderfully talented Lady Turner!  Thank you!


  1. I can’t wait for your Extravaganza, Meredith. I know it will be absolutely wonderful! Do you have a button we can put on our blogs to direct people here?

  2. Meredith, I’m so excited to be participating. Austenesque Extravaganza promises to be a wonderful event. Many thanks for inviting me this year!


  3. So looking forward to it, Meredith! The Austen Authors are behind you 100%. I placed a link onto our blog and on July 27th there will be a post about it. Fun, fun!!

  4. I just joined and already excited about finding you Meredith! Excited about the posts, the prizes, and of course spending more time with Jane! Always a constant!

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