A Comprehensive Guide to Austenesque Novels – Pride and Prejudice (2010)


~ 2010 ~

**This list is in alphabetical order based on the authors last name


First Impressions by Alexa Adams © 2010  V MY REVIEW

Expectations by Samantha Adkins © 2010  S

– Young Master Darcy: A Lesson in Honour by Pamela Aidan © 201N  PR MY REVIEW

Mr. Darcy’s Great Escape by Marsha Altman © 2010  S

The Sheik of Araby: Pride and Prejudice in the Desert by Lavinia Angell © 2010  V

Dana Darcy: The Pride and Prejudice Sequel to Cumberland Plateau by M. K. Baxley © 2010   M  

The Intrigue at Highbury: Or, Emma’s Match by Carrie Bebris © 2010  MY  S MY REVIEW

Charlotte Collins by Jennifer Becton © 2010  S  MC MY REVIEW

Pemberley Ranch by Jack Caldwell © 2010  R MY REVIEW

Twilight of the Abyss by Casey Childers © 2010  V MY REVIEW

Recollections from Rosings: Book 8 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2010  S  MC

A Woman of Influence: Book 9 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2010  S  MC

The Legacy of Pemberley: Book 10 by Rebecca Ann Collins © 2010  S  MC

Mr. Darcy Takes the Plunge by J. Marie Croft © 2010   V  PA MY REVIEW

1932 by Karen M. Cox © 2010  R  MA MY REVIEW

To Have His Cake (and Eat it Too) by P. O. Dixon © 2010  V  MA MY REVIEW

The Darcy Cousins by Monica Fairview © 2010  S  MC MY REVIEW

The Summer at Lyme by Laurence Fleming © 2010  S

The Will of Lady Catherine by Laurence Fleming © 2010  S

Pride and Prejudice Surrendered by Mariette Frederic © 2010  S

Beloved by P. M. Harding © 2010  V

Pride/Prejudice: A Darcy of Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet and Their Other Loves by Anne Herendeen © 2010  R  MA

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn and the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith © 2010  P  PR

Longbourn’s Unexpected Matchmaker by Emma Hox © 2010  V

The Phantom of Pemberley by Regina Jeffers © 2010  S  MY MY REVIEW

My Brother and I: A Novel by Cornelis de Jong © 2010  S

A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan, Amanda Grange, and Carolyn Eberhart © 2010  NMY REVIEW

In the Arms of Mr. Darcy by Sharon Lathan © 2010  S  MA

My Dearest Mr. Darcy: An Amazing Journey into Love Everlasting by Sharon Lathan © 2010 (originally published as Darcy’s at Years End in 2008)  S   MA

Darcy’s Voyage by Kara Louise © 2010 (originally published as Pemberley’s Promise in 2007)   V MY REVIEW

A World of Expectations: The Alliance (Book 1) by Gayle Lynne Messick © 2010    V

A World of Expectations: The Confrontation (Book 2) by Gayle Lynne Messick © 2010   V

Love Then Begins by Gail McEwen and Tina Moncton © 2010  N

Darcy and the Duchess by Mary Anne Mushatt © 2010   V  MA MY REVIEW

Misconceptions by Doris Nieves © 2010  S

Blame It On The Tea by Sara O’Brien © 2010  V

Mr. Darcy’s Little Sister by C. Allyn Pierson © 2010 (originally published as And This Our Life: Chronicles of the Darcy Family: Book 1 in 2008) S  MC MY REVIEW

Pride and Prejudice II: The Sequel by Victoria Park © 2010  S

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World by Abigail Reynolds © 2010  V  MA MY REVIEW

The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice by Abigail Reynolds © 2010 (re-release of Pemberley by the Sea)  MA MY REVIEW

To Conquer Mr. Darcy by Abigail Reynolds © 2010 (re-release of Impulse and Initiative)  V  MA MY REVIEW

Mr. Darcy’s Obsession by Abigail Reynolds © 2010  V MY REVIEW

A Marriage Worth the Earning: For Better, For Worse (Book 2) by Mary L. Sherwood © 2010  S

Apprehension and Desire by Ola Wegner © 2010  MA  V

– Deception by Ola Wegner © 2010  MA  V

–  Realisation by Ola Wegner © 2010  MA  TT  M

Memory: Volume 1, Lasting Impressions by Linda Wells © 2010  MA   V MY REVIEW

Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear by Linda Wells © 2010   MA   V MY REVIEW

Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come by Linda Wells © 2010  MA   V

Fire and Cross by Enid Wilson © 2010  V  MA MY REVIEW

My Darcy Mutates by Enid Wilson © 2010  MA  SS


S – Sequel
M – Modern Adaption
MA – Mature Audiences
V – Variation
P – Paranormal
PR – Prequel
MY– Mystery
SS – Short Story
N – Novella
PA – Parody
TT– Time Travel
MC – Minor Character
R – Retelling



Which novels have you read in 2010?  Any recommendations?  Any on your TBR list?


  1. Have you tried another P&P variation by Emma Hox? Longbourn’s Unexpected Matchmaker came out at the beginning of the summer. I would love to hear what you thought of this one!
    Thanks again for the wonderful lists. Now I have even MORE on my TBR list!

  2. He he he! So happy to have finally made it into one of your comprehensive guides! Do you know anything about A World of Expectations? I’ve had these books in my shopping cart for a while now, but keep on deferring purchase in favor of other books I’m more anxious to read.

  3. LOL, Alexa! All I know about A World of Expectations is from amazon, it seems like it is a very different variation of P&P. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, if you do read it!

  4. Thanks for putting up this list of P&P inspired novels. Going to go through all the lists and see what books I like and add them to my wishlist.

  5. The Brothers by Jane Austen and Another Lady
    by Helen Baker
    Miss Austen wrote ten chapters of a novel she called The Brothers before illness stilled her pen. Now, her entire draft has been incorporated into the complete story.
    The Watsons by Jane Austen and Another Lady
    Miss Austen, at the height of her powers, wrote eighteen thousand words of a delightful story and then abandoned her attempt. Now, every word has been incorporated into a complete novel which, it is to be hoped, should give pleasure to many.
    by Helen Baker (A continuation of ‘Mansfield Park’)
    Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park chronicles the mutual attachment of Mary Crawford and Edmund Bertram until he abandons his love, claiming that she has forfeited even his respect. Can our flawed heroine, with her beauty, her charm and her twenty thousand pounds ever find a worthy gentleman who will appreciate her for those very qualities that Edmund deplored?
    The Book Of Ruth
    by Helen Baker (A continuation of ‘Pride and Prejudice’)

    Longbourn House in Hertfordshire remains the home of the Bennet family but, five years after the conclusion of Pride and Prejudice, find Kitty and Mary still unwed and discontent. Then Mary’s deep reading leads her to a plan. Her guide in husband-hunting is no less than the Biblical Book of Ruth..

    Precipitation A Continuation of Miss Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
    by Helen Baker
    Are you, dear Jane Austen enthusiast, as well acquainted with Miss Caroline Bingley as you ever wish to be? Do you deplore her duplicity from which the Bennet family suffered for so long? In reality, you will discover that she struggled again difficulties which make Lizzie Bennet’s vulgar relations appear trivial.
    Note – this book is completely compatible with the other Helen Baker continuation of Pride and Prejudice called The Book of Ruth.
    by Helen Baker (A continuation of ‘Persuasion’)
    Miss Austen finished Persuasion with an enigma. Was the deceitful widow Mrs Clay so lost to all honour, decency and – yes – self-interest as to live installed in town under the capricious protection of that equal dissembler Mr Elliot? Or was the lady, as Lady Russell proclaimed her, a very dangerous companion?
    Now a Jane Austen First!
    Miss Jane Austen,penned ‘Lady Susan’ at nineteen. It was never submitted for publication. Yet twenty-three thousand words sparkle. As the lady presented her novel in the form of letters, and reflects the immorality of a debauched era, it might not find favour with the modern reader. So, the present authoress has dared to present the story as one of Miss Austen’s mature works. To her knowledge, no one else has attempted such a scholarly feat.
    Miss Jane Austen’s Lady Susan – Revived
    by Helen Baker
    Lady Susan is the most beautiful, beguiling schemer in Regency England. She must subjugate every gentleman who crosses her path, conducting multiple flirtations and extracting herself deviously from all the complications. When her husband dies, leaving her destitute with a pretty, innocent daughter on her hands, she uses all her wiles to find them both convenient husbands. Convenient to herself, that is.
    Maria – Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey Continued
    by Helen Baker
    The machinations of the Thorpe family dominate Northanger Abbey. Read now how John Thorpe’s extravagance brought his family to the brink of ruin and enabled Captain Tilney to master that proud beauty Isabella Thorpe. Nor would he stop there when she had two lovely sisters, one barely sixteen.
    Written and published between 2006 and 2011, most are available on Amazon.com as well as Lulu.com.

  6. lovely to see all the #Austenesque Extravaganza authors and their books now that we’ve met via the Sociable Sunday twitter parties! seems a closer connxn and desire to find their reads “”) my wishlist is grooowwwinng…!

    1. Hi Shannon! The 2011 list went up at the beginning of this month actually! I had to wait to the very close of 2011! So many P&P novels being published every other week it seems! Here is the link:


      Since your site seems like more of a blog than a website, I put it in my blogroll instead of on the list of websites. If you have a website I don’t know about, please let me know the address and I’ll be sure to add you to the list of websites as well!

    2. Thanks, Meredith! Don’t know why I didn’t see the 2011 list before. I combined my website and blog into one, something I can operate myself. So I count it as both, but you can list it as you see fit. Much obliged!

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