Interview + Giveaway with Author Cheryl Cory


I am exceedingly delighted to welcome, Cheryl Cory, author of Must’ve Done Something Good, to Austenesque Reviews. Cheryl, it is such a pleasure and honor to be interviewing you, Must’ve Done Something Good is one of my favorite novels, I selected it as my favorite Modern Adaption of a Jane Austen Novel in 2009! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some of my questions, Cheryl!

Thank you, Meredith! It’s always a pleasure to chat with you and truly and honor to be featured on Austenesque Reviews.

How long have you been writing? What inspired you to start writing?

My serious fiction writing began in elementary school, with a small first run (one copy) of my Choose Your Own Adventure rip-off, The Vontley Emerald. I’m pretty sure it consisted of way too many dead ends with a lot of blank pages stuffed in between them. From there, I moved swiftly to the Encyclopedia Brown rip-off, “The Mrs. Sugarpuff Mystery,” which I must say, at one page long, I found infinitely more suited to my budding literary talents. Skipping ahead a couple of decades, I started to gravitate more toward non-fiction writing, studying literature and working as a correspondent for a local newspaper. I’d never attempted to write a novel until I began Must’ve Done Something Good.

What genre of books do you enjoy reading? Who are some of your favorite authors? Do you have a favorite Jane Austen novel?

I love light romantic comedies along with books about why our country and our lives have gotten completely out of hand. I love reading a good jeremiad, but then I need to lift my mood with something much lighter and more optimistic. On the lighter side, I love Lani Diane Rich (her novel A Little Ray of Sunshine is excellent) and Sophie Kinsella. Right now, I’m reading a fun book called Sorta Like a Rock Star, by Matthew Quick. On the more serious side, I loved the books The Two-Income Trap, Freakonomics, Outliers, Perfectly Legal, Hostile Takeover, The Beauty Myth, and Affleunza. Oh, and Your Money or Your Life is probably the best personal-finance book ever written. OK, I am officially a book-title rambler. As for Jane Austen, although I love Pride and Prejudice with all my heart, I think I may love Persuasion even more…maybe throw in a kidney, or something.

Please share with us your relationship with Jane Austen. When did you first become an admirer of her novels?

It’s astonishing to think of it, but I made it through my entire formal education without once running into a Jane Austen novel. In late 2004, I happened to rent an interesting-sounding little mini-series called Pride and Prejudice, and from there I was hooked. I pretty much immediately read the book…then watched the series a few dozen more times. By the time I began writing Must’ve Done Something Good in March 2005, the Pride and Prejudice story line was all but super-glued to my brain. I’m not sure I had a choice but to include it somehow in my novel.

What prompted you to write Must’ve Done Something Good? When did you begin working on it and how long did take for your to complete it?

At the end of February, 2005, I happened to be browsing in the book store and came across a book called No Plot, No Problem! It was the written accompaniment for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which I’d never heard of. The title, though, sounded promising—I had no clue what kind of plot would make a good novel, but apparently, this was no problem! I told my sister about the book and she insisted we not only go back to the store and buy it, but we actually take part in this seemingly doomed adventure in 30-day noveling. We both spent March 2005 writing the first drafts of our novels (50K words), drinking entire pots of coffee and swearing like sailors (this might just’ve been me). We both finished our drafts by the end of the month (though mine may have included an extended cut-and-paste dream sequence toward the end…I can’t quite recall). After putting my draft away for a few months while I came off my caffeine addiction, I continued to work on it off and on for another couple of years. The whole plane ride/doing good angle (and obviously the title) of Must’ve Done Something Good didn’t even emerge until well after the first draft was done.

A lot of your characters parallel characters from Pride and Prejudice some more obvious then others, can you explain which Pride and Prejudice characters were represented and why?

Well, given that Must’ve Done Something Good is a very loose take on P&P, many of the characters match up pretty loosely, as well (though I think Austen fans will be able to pick up on most of the connections!). The character match-ups I planned include Sylvie/Elizabeth, Evan/Mr. Darcy, and Ben/Mr. Wickham. Sylvie’s sisters, Kate and Meg, don’t match up exactly to Elizabeth’s sisters, and I think I may have had a bit of Sense & Sensibility on the brain here (I’m quite sure that Austen mash-ups are the next big thing…). Jared, though, definitely has a Mr. Bingley vibe about him and I think the somewhat pompous silliness of Mr. Collins comes through in Mr. Taft. Other than that, it’s a completely different story…haha!

Your novel has elements of and references to both Pride and Prejudice and The Sound of Music in it. What prompted you to combine the two? Did you find any similarities between Pride and Prejudice and The Sound of Music?

Well, I had Pride and Prejudice fresh on the brain as I started to write, but I’d loved The Sound of Music for ages and wanted to somehow include it in the story, as well. As far as I knew, no one had ever written anything about a family of TSOM addicts, and I loved the idea of reflecting this part of my own life in my book. To me, it seemed like the perfect obsession for Sylvie–fun, romantic and decidedly wholesome. And, yes, there are a lot of similarities between the two works, I think, beginning with the idea that sometimes love blossoms slowly after a decidedly rough start.

Clearly you are fan of The Sound of Music. When did you first see The Sound of Music? What about it inspired your novel?

You know, I don’t remember exactly when it was, but I had to have been in elementary school…probably working on The Vontley Emerald. I used to watch the movie with my family when they showed it on TV around Christmas time—and just like the O’Rourkes, we used to mock it ruthlessly and love it without question at the same time. Since that time, I’ve made my way through both the VHS and DVD editions, but I have to say there’s still something magical about watching it on TV, knowing that millions of other people are watching it and loving it too, some for the first time—it gives a nice sense of connectedness, something I think we could all use a bit more of. And, seriously, what is there not to love? The music will have you singing along, there’s romance, comedy, gorgeous scenery, and a great escape at the end. And a puppet show. TSOM truly has everything.

[Meredith: You are absolutely right, it does have everything! The Sound of Music is one of my all-time favorite movies!]

In Must’ve Done Something Good, Sylvie O’Rourke is about to experience her first year teaching tenth grade English. I understand you have spent some time as teacher as well. Can you share with us some of your experiences? Was it in any way similar to Sylvie’s?

I did teach tenth-grade English for one year, almost ten years ago now. I’m still recovering. My experience was possibly as much like Trudy’s as it was Sylvie’s, minus the grand exit (my version of after-the-fact wish fulfillment). What Trudy did was what I wished I could do every day, but I ended up slogging through the entire year. I’m glad I gave teaching a shot (especially given that there would be no Must’ve Done Something Good without it), but it was very clear to me from the first week on that I wouldn’t be going back, so I just tried to do the best I could and make it through the year, much like Sylvie.

Your characters are very likable, unique, and amusing; do you have particular favorite?

Sylvie is, of course, near to my heart as the viewpoint character of Must’ve Done Something Good, but I loved writing her sisters, Kate and Meg, as well. Meg, especially, I think, has this unabashed goofiness about her, and it was so much fun to create her dialogue. She’s upbeat and really not one to hold back with what she’s thinking. Kate is clearly more reserved and serious, but finds herself getting roped into the craziness when Sylvie and Meg are around, which I think she enjoys. I loved creating what I hope is a believable sisterly bond between the three of them.

What scene did you have the most fun writing? What scene was the most challenging?

I loved writing the scene at the museum in which Sylvie and Elise get into their word war, ostensibly about the merits of modern art. That was one that just flowed so easily from the keyboard, like it was happening in real time. Now, on the challenging side, I had a real problem deciding what would be a proper punishment for Ben. I’m still not sure he got his just deserts, but I guess that’s what happens in real life sometimes too.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?

I love spending time with my husband Matt and our family and friends. One of my favorite things is going for a long walk with Matt to get coffee or breakfast. We have regular get-togethers with our family for trivia/games and snacks (just like the O’Rourkes!), which I love. I also like tutoring, reading, baking cookies, organizing, rooting for the Boston Celtics, biking on the rail trail, watching Monk reruns and Clean House, and–strangely enough–digging up weeds from the yard. Wow, I sound pretty boring. Hmmmm…I am considering taking either hang-gliding or crocodile-wrestling lessons, as well.

[Meredith: You do not sound boring! In fact, we share a lot of the same interest!]

Can you share with us a little about the next project you are working on?

I’m working on a sequel to Must’ve Done Something Good at the moment! In the new book (sorry to be vague, but it’s still a work in progress), Sylvie and Evan have a pretty major question she feels they need to get answered, she and Meg embark together on an entrepreneurial adventure, and Kate and Jared also have some big changes heaped on them. Everything rolled up together creates some pretty comic situations for the lot of them. I hope the sequel captures the fun spirit of the original while, at the same time, taking the characters in some new, possibly unexpected, directions.

[Merdith: Sounds wonderful! I can’t wait to read it!]

If you could ask Jane Austen any question today, what would it be?

If we’re talking about the ability to transport her to our time, I would love to know what examples of comedy in our culture she found amusing—which books, movies and TV shows. Though usually topical on the surface, good comedy, I think, can transcend time and have appeal across the ages (as her own work demonstrates!). I’d love to know what in our modern culture she believes achieves that standard. I expect we might be surprised! Oh, and I’d obviously invite her to join the Jane Austen Ladies Society!

Lastly, Mr. Darcy or Captain von Trapp?

Wow, no one has ever asked me this before, and you’re really making me think here! Hmmmmm….I guess it would be a cop out to say Captain von Darcy? Well, since I have to choose, and as much as I love Mr. Darcy, I’m going with the Captain. Well, today anyway…

Thank you so much for participating in this interview, Cheryl! It has been a real treat to have you answer my questions!!  

Must've Done Something Good


Sylvie O’Rourke, “The Sound of Music” devotee and born procrastinator, is about to die. Well, she thinks she is, anyway, and so attempts a last-ditch bargain with God for her life. “You guys are my witnesses,” she tells her sisters somewhere over Connecticut. “If we get out of this plane alive, I promise to do something good with my life.”

Back on firm ground, Kate and Meg won’t let their sister forget her promise, and with their years of practice hitting just the right chords of guilt (“What kind of person lies to God?” Meg wants to know), Sylvie finally caves.

A teaching position at the broken-down St. Matthew’s High School appears to be Sylvie’s perfect opportunity to do some good. That is, until she’s snubbed by a fellow teacher on the first day of school.

Whether she’s becoming a bit too invested in the students’ fall fundraiser or directing the school’s sure-fire musical disaster, Sylvie’s charmingly irreverent style gets her called down to the principal more often than her students. Can Sylvie keep her promise and make it through the year, dignity and sanity intact?


GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!  Today Cheryl brings with her one lovely copy of Must’ve Done Something Good to give away to one of my amazing followers! 

You can enter this international giveaway by leaving a comment/question for Cheryl on this post WITH your email address.

*To have your name entered twice, become a follower of my blog (if you are already a follower, please let me know)

**To have your name entered three times, post, sidebar, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway (please provide a link to let me know if you did this).

This giveaway will end July 17th. Thank you for entering and best of luck!!!


  1. Thanks for all your comments so far, everyone! I’m really getting a kick out of MDSG being Tweeted about…

    Enbrethiliel, thanks for your question! Sylvie teaches at a parochial school in MDSG (I did too), so there are references to Catholic things, such as crucifixes and priests, but there are far fewer singing nuns in MDSG than there were in TSOM. In fact, as far as I can recall, there are none.

    And, Meredith, thank you for the interview and for such great questions–this was so much fun! 😀

  2. Fun interview. I already had this book on my Goodreads list but have now asked my library to order a copy. Good luck with the sequel, Cheryl.

  3. Great interview! Cheryl, do you have any other projects in the works besides your sequel?

    I am a follower on GFC.

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks for the good wishes! 🙂

    Meredith, aside from the pending croc-wrestling lessons, the sequel is it at the moment. Hmmm…maybe I’ll add a scene where the sisters O’Rourke get themselves into an Everglades adventure that demands a certain reptile-wrangling skill…

  5. Thank you everyone for visiting/commenting/tweeting! Thank you so much, Cheryl, for participating in this interview! I was wondering if I could add one more question??? Does your sequel have any Jane Austen or TSOM in it?

  6. Based on the cover art, I wouldn’t have guessed that the story would be anything about P&P or Sound of Music. It’s more Twilight-y with the apples ;-D However, based on this interview I’m curious to read this one too for the Sound of Music element mentioned.

    vvb32 at

  7. (OK, I apologize if this comment is listed multiple times, but I can’t seem to get it to take…)

    It was my pleasure, Meredith! And, yes, there will be at least a bit of Austen and a good deal of TSOM in the sequel!

    vvb32 reads, the apples are a kind of subtle reference to Sylvie’s job as a teacher, but if you look *very* closely, you can see what book she is reading… 😀

  8. +JMJ+

    Thanks for answering my question, Cheryl! I also used to teach in a Catholic school, so I already find it easy to identify with Sylvie. No romance for me there, though: the administration frowned on teachers dating other teachers; and there was a policy against hiring married couples, so if two teachers did get married, one of them would have to resign!

  9. Haha! Wow, I guess I am inadvertently on a comment-deletion rampage…

    Huh, Enbrethiliel, that policy sounds a bit loony to me. You’d think they’d want to be encouraging marriage, not discouraging it! And, yeah, there was no romance for me there either. 🙂

    Mary, not only can Mr. Darcy sing–he can sail!

  10. I love Clean House too, but Neecy’s voice drives my partner insane, he can’t stand her! lol 🙂 What’s your favourite cookie recipe? I love to bake, my favourite recipe is chewy choc chip cookies.

    Kate1485 at

  11. Luthien84, thank you for looking for my book (and sorry you couldn’t find it)! It’s currently only widely available on Amazon.

    Jasmine, haha! I love her voice, but I can see how it may be an acquired taste. Mayhem & Foolishness, you’ve met your match!!
    As for cookies, I like the classics–Toll House chocolate chip cookie dough is my favorite. Chewy chocolate chip sounds scrumptious.

    Kaya, tough choice, huh? Lucky for us, we can have both! 😉

    Thanks for all your comments, everyone & good luck to you all!

  12. Ah! I’ve been wanting to get my hands on this book for ages! Just wanted to say that I think it is fantastic that this started out as a Nano novel. Looove it!

    And yes, I’d love to be entered into the contest. Here’s the info.
    1) Been a follower for a while.
    2) I’ve posted a link to the giveaway on the sidebar of my blog, here:

  13. I’d love to be entered also for this book. I’ve had it on my wishlist at home since it first came out. I have loved the “Sound of Music” since I can remember. It was required watching for my daughters as they grew up and then their fiancees. Only one grandchild so far is old enough to enjoy it. The other 5 are up and coming. That same one grandchild can only get into the modern P&P type things. I’m so disappointed. She says they speak too fast in the movies, granted sometimes. That’s what subtitles are for..smiles. And books well she’s a little behind in that but I’m encouraging her. I love the whole premise behind Cheryl’s book. My e-mail is

  14. I agree, Kinsey–can’t say enough good things about NaNo! And it really seems to be taking off lately…

    Suzan, what fun to get to introduce a whole new generation to TSOM! I bet your oldest granddaughter will love it eventually. And good for you for encouraging her with reading–we can all use a little encouragement here & there!

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