For You Alone (Frederick Wentworth Captain; Book 2) – Susan Kaye

Captain Wentworth’s Character Unfolds!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Purchased

In Ms. Kaye’s first book, None But You, one of Jane Austen’s most romantic and passionate heroes is reintroduced and the story of Persuasion is told from his eyes. This book, For You Alone, begins half way through the original story of Persuasion, it is necessary to read None But You prior to reading this book. The story begins with Louisa Musgrove recovering from her impetuous leap from the Cobb…

Our hero, Captain Wentworth, is experiencing the acute agony of being held accountable for his actions and the realization that his dreams of a relationship with Anne Elliot may never come to fruition. It dawns on Captain Wentworth that his bitterness and injured pride led him to behave in a careless and unforgiving manner. He realizes that Anne has always been the woman that he has measured all other women against and that being married to any other woman, including Louisa Musgrove, would be a farce for him. This portrayal of Wentworth’s character was in-depth, accurate, and complete. I especially loved his resolve to win Anne back and his insecurities over Mr. Elliot.

When Wentworth visits his brother Edward their relationship is expanded and the reader learns much about their childhood and family history. Spending time with Edward and his new wife torments and depresses Captain Wentworth, yet at the same time makes him hopeful that one day such happiness can be his. I took great pleasure in this part of the book, I delighted in seeing Edward (who usually is serious and stern) happy and youthful with his new wife. I loved how Wentworth was quite shocked at his older brother lightheartedness and romantic behavior!

I enjoyed experiencing one of my favorite novels from the male perspective. I appreciated that Susan Kaye wrote in a reverent and respectful way and that she did not attempt to alter the original path the story took. The reason I am giving it four stars instead of five is because the last chapter and a half, in my opinion, felt abrupt and unsettled. I know that another sequel is in the works, and that is why, I assume, Ms. Kaye left some loose ends. But what disappointed me was that Ms. Kaye had the freedom to portray the wedding scene and ending of this book any way she desired and I feel that the path she chose did not coincide with the characters and tone she had already established.

This poignant tale of losing love and finding hope is sure to be admired by many fans of Persuasion, Captain Wentworth, and Jane Austen sequels. I am looking forward to reading other works by Susan Kaye and I am pleased to have these two lovely novels in my collection!



  1. Thanks for checking out the review Laura and Lori! I really enjoyed this mature and detailed account of “Persuasion.”

    Hope you like it as much as I did!

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