Austenesque Agenda for January 2013

Austenesque Agenda for January 2013

I am very excited for the start of 2013!  Are you?  I love the feeling of turning over a new leaf, beginning anew, starting new goals…such a fun time of year for an organizational-goal-oriented-geek like me! I hope you all […]

Austenesque of Agenda for November 2012

Austenesque of Agenda for November 2012

Whew!  October was a busy month!  Full of new schedules, new projects, and new adjustments!  My Mr. Bingley and I have greatly enjoyed our first month in our new roles/jobs.  Life has just been a little less stressful for us and […]

Austenesque Agenda for October 2012

Austenesque Agenda for October 2012

And so a new month begins here at Austenesque Reviews!  The fun and festivities of Austenesque Extravaganza have come to an end and I will soon return to my regular posts, reviews, featured authors, giveaways, etc. This month is a […]