Austenesque Agenda for May 2013

Austenesque Agenda

Hi there, dear readers!  Happy May Day to you!

Whew!  April was a busy month for me!  Our students had their music recital last month and there was a lot of work and preparation needed to pull that all off!  It was such a special day for all of us teachers, I think we all felt more nervous than the students did!  But all our kiddos did fantastic, and all the parents had such kind words of encouragement to say to us.  I’m so very blessed to have such wonderful, students, parents, and co-workers in my studio!

But now that the recital has passed, I look forward to spending more of my free time working on my blog and reading!

Speaking of reading, here is what’s on this month’s
Austenesque Agenda:




Maria Grace – May 6th

Karalynne Mackrory – May 20th

What do you think…sounds like a great month, right?  

What books do you hope to read this month?  




  1. Lots, hopefully! One that I have been saving is 1932 by Karen Cox. She said a lot of it takes place near where my mother’s family is from in Kentucky. I thought it would be fun to read next to the pool during our family reunion over Memorial Day weekend!

  2. It sounds like a wonderful reading month. Congrats on you’re recital.

    I had so many review requests and guest posts requests that this month is the crazy one for me. I will read oh so many books this month for that, but I hope to get in a few ‘my choice’ reads too. I hope to read at least 2 P&P books for the challenge, but I haven’t worked out which ones yet. I want to read some that you have up there, but I need to read the ones waiting in my TBR pile first. ;D

    Happy May Reading to you!

    1. Thank you, Sophia Rose! Big events like that always stress me out a little, so in away, I’m kind of feeling relieved that it is all done!

      I hope you are able to read all you want to (and need to) this month! Sounds like you have a lot going on! 🙂

  3. I’ve had a lot of review requests also! For May to read and review, I have: Bluebells in the Mourning by KaraLynne Mackrory, …to end all wars by Gail McEwen, and Always the Baker Finally the Bride by Sandra D Bricker. I just finished If I Fall by Kate Noble (my choice), and I still need to write a review. And I just received a couple more, but I probably won’t get to them until June. I can’t seem to be able to read more than one book a week. Hopefully, when schools finished I’ll have more time! 🙂 There are so many on my TBR pile!

    1. That’s awesome, Candy!!! How exciting! I can’t wait to compare thoughts with you on Bluebells! I seem to be reading so much faster than I do write reviews. I just finished All My Tomorrows this morning, so that makes 3 books that need review. But what do I want to do today? Pick up a fourth!

      Wishing you the best of luck with your ambitious month!

  4. Congrats on your recital! Sounds like a lot of fun and that you were encouraged and appreciated for your hard work (and the kids of course). I hope you love “The Tutor’s Daughter”. It was very interesting. I enjoyed it tremendously. It wasn’t my favorite Klassen but it was right up there. I love Maria Grace’s works also. She’s amazing. Her blog is wonderful also. I really enjoy Mary Lydon Simonsen’s books as well. I’m so glad you acknowledged all of them.

    1. Thank you, Suzan! I did love The Tutor’s Daughter! Sooo much better than The Apothecary’s Daughter. 🙂 Now I can’t wait to read more by Julie Klassen! I’m so happy to reading another book by Maria Grace and Mary Simonsen again this month, I love their books too!

  5. I hope I can get Bluebells in the mourning soon, it sounds very interesting, but it’s not available yet at the European Amazons.

    1. I just started it this morning, and it is indeed very interesting and unique! I love Karalynne’s writing! Hope it becomes available to you soon!

  6. I’ve just seen your ” when they fall in love” and it’s about Darcy and Elizabeth in Italy! What more can we ask for?. In my case I’m reading “these three remain” the third part of Darcy’s trilogy by Pamela Aidan and it’s very interesting. Congratulations on your success at the concert. Teresa.

    1. Right, Teresa! An Austenesque novel that takes place in Italy! Love the sound of it too! I hope you are enjoying These Three Remain! I read that trilogy a couple years ago and loved it!

  7. I’m so pleased to hear that your recital was such a success!

    It looks like May will be an excellent month! I look forward to comparing notes on All the Appearance of Goodness and the Tutor’s Daughter.

    Bluebells in Mourning is on my to read list, but that might be a June read the rate I’m going. Right now I’m reading A Dance with Jane Austen and Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor. Plus, I’m reading Emma. Do actual Jane Austen novels count or just Austenesque ones, I wonder? 🙂

    1. Thank you, Heather! I am greatly enjoyed Bluebells in the Mourning – such a unique twist on the story!

      I hope you are enjoying your reads at the moment! JA novels most definitely count! I wish I could reread all of them once a year – but I seem to only be able to fit in one or two at the most! Emma is one of my most favorite!! Happy reading to you Heather!! 🙂

  8. Congratulations on the recital and thank you for all your hard work on this wonderful blog. I have just finished “When They Fall in Love” and thought it was fabulous! Darcy and Lizzy were perfect and I loved the Italian location. I could not put it down. I have ordered “Bluebells in the Mourning” and can’t wait to start.

    1. Thank you, Joy! You are so kind! Oh! I can’t wait to read When They Fall in Love – everyone has been saying such great things about it!

      Happy reading this month, Joy!

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