Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard – Belinda Roberts

Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard – Belinda Roberts

More of a Lampoon Than a Retelling Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Publisher Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard, originally published as Prawn and Prejudice in 2009, is a diverting seaside retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and […]

Jane Austen: A Life Revealed – Catherine Reef

Jane Austen: A Life Revealed – Catherine Reef

A Marvelous Biography for Young Adult Readers Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source:  Amazon Vine With teen novels such as Prom and Prejudice, Scones and Sensibility, and I Was Jane Austen’s Best Friend, it would seem that Jane Austen has […]

Austenesue Novel Finds #8

Austenesue Novel Finds #8

A Modern Day Persuasion Author – Kaitlin Saunders Type of Austenesque Novel – Modern Adaptation, Contemporary Fiction Release Date – March 23, 2011 Pages – 256 Available in – trade paperback Available at –,, and       from Nearly eight years […]

The Dashwood Sisters Tell All – Beth Pattillo

The Dashwood Sisters Tell All – Beth Pattillo

A Beautiful Homage to Sense and Sensibility Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Mom Ellen and Mimi Dodge are two sisters with personalities that do not mesh well together. Separated by several states, they’ve grown apart and […]