Letters from the Heart – Rose Fairbanks

Letters from the Heart – Rose Fairbanks

You’ve Got Mail! Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Source: Review Copy from Author What if Darcy, after spending two miserable weeks in London trying to forget Elizabeth Bennet, decides he needs a stern reminder of why he should not […]

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Anji

Ardent Austenesque Admirer – Anji

Everyone welcome avid Austenesque reader, Anji!  It was just about a year ago that Anji found her way to Austenesque Reviews and started to participate in our conversation!  So happy to know Anji through our mutual love of Austenesque literature! […]

The Houseguest – Elizabeth Adams

The Houseguest – Elizabeth Adams

What if Georgiana Came to Netherfield and Befriended Elizabeth Bennet? Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Source: Gift from Mom 🙂 TYPE OF AUSTENESQUE NOVEL: Variation TIME FRAME: Before the Netherfield Ball to ten months later + Epilogue MAIN CHARACTERS: […]

Austenesque Agenda for February 2015

Austenesque Agenda for February 2015

Hello dear friends!  I know I usually share with you a little bit of the fun Mr. Bingley and I have had in the last month, but I’m afraid I really don’t have anything interesting to report! 🙁  We’ve had […]