A Winter by the Sea – Julie Klassen

When Royalty Comes to Stay Next Door…

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Blog Tour

TYPE OF NOVEL: Regency Romance, Historical Fiction

SERIES: On Devonshire Shores #2

THE PREMISE: To stave off genteel poverty, the Summers family – which consists of 5 daughters (one of them absent) and their ailing mother – open up their home in Sidmouth to traveling guests. Now that it is the winter season they fully expect business to quiet down a bit, but then royalty comes to stay next door! The Duke and Duchess of Kent, their newborn child, and their full retinue of staff and servants take up lodging all over Sidmouth including Sea View!


  • The Summers Sisters: Like the Marchs, Bennets, and Dashwoods – the Summers sisters are an endearing group, and every time I see them together – all cozy and confiding – I wish to be amongst them. The Summers sisters are everything admirable – they are loving, kind-hearted, and independent-minded. But they also have their differences – Viola is more reserved, Sarah is responsible and loyal, Emily is romantic and lively, and Georgiana is adventurous. Their relationships with each other is so heartwarming to witness – I loved how they all support one another. And I especially enjoyed the spotlight on Viola’s and Emily’s closeness and how they miss each other now that Viola is married.
  • Crossed In Love: Aspiring writer and broken hearted Emily is in the forefront in this novel and she experiences her very own Sense and Sensibility love triangle. She has loved her childhood friend and neighbor her whole life. But when her family experienced some disgrace a year ago he kept his distance and charmingly apologized if he led her to believe his “intentions were more than they are.” Such a Willoughby line, right? Emily has had plenty of heartache over Charles Parker and has desperately held out hope for him to return to her, but when he finally does her feelings are all jumbled.
  • James Thomson: Secretary to the Duke of Kent and current guest at Sea View, James is hardworking and honorable. He has a Colonel Brandon thing going for him – he is helpful, generous, respectful, and longing to act on his romantic inclinations. I was longing for that too! He is such a worthy and admirable character – one readers will utterly lose their hearts to.
  • Historical Weaving In: This is where Julie Klassen’s talents shine like no other. This story contains so many factual events, historical tie-ins, and specific incidents that were documented about the royal family. And they are woven into the fabric of this story and fictional world so seamlessly and deftly. I loved learning about the Duke of Kent and his life – how exciting to see glimpses of his daughter, who will one day be Queen Victoria. It truly is impressive how much of this story is based on real history. The copious amount of hours Ms.Klassen spent researching and weaving in every possible incident is greatly appreciated.
  • Life at Sea View and Sidmouth: I feel like Sea View and the charming coastal village of Sidmouth is high on my list of places I want to visit in 2024. It completely charms me. I love learning about the day-to-day life there – the social calls to friends, the local functions, the drop ins at local businesses. In addition, I love seeing the hustle and bustle at the guest house too – especially amongst dear friends Mr. Hornbeam and Mr. Gwilt.
  • Selfless Acts of Kindness: I love that this is a central theme for this series so far. So many characters find ways to give their time, share their talents, and give gifts – whether it be to their friends, coworkers, or the needy. It warmed my heart every time the characters visited the local poor house or performed an act of kindness of someone in need.


  • Small Quibbles: Some secondary storylines felt a little hurried, maybe they needed some more page time and development. And I personally felt some lack of understanding when it came to why Emily loved Charles Parker – but maybe that tracks because she was in a state of confusion and conflicting emotions about him herself.


💜  A beautiful story about growing, letting go, and not being afraid to seek what you desire.

👑  An intuitive inside look at the excitement and activity royal visitors can create when they journey to a seaside village.

🖋 With Sea View and the Summers family, Julie Klassen creates a vivid, wam, and inviting world that I cannot help but wish to be a part of.

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Book 1 –  The Sisters at Sea View



My sincere gratitude to Laurel Ann of Austenprose PR for inviting me to take part in this tour.


  1. This story sounds exciting and reminds me about the state of agitation and nerves that Lord Crowley and his family feel when Royalty pays a visit to Downton Abbey in one of the movies. I also like Julie Klassen provides us with historical references because it´s an easy and fun way to learn History 😉
    The cover, as always, is so evocative…
    Thanks, Meredith, for your beautiful review.

  2. This sounds like a book I would like to read. It definitely will go on my list. Thank you, Meredith, for reviewing it so positively. It will be fun to catch glimpses of the future Queen.

  3. Ooo, good observation that James was like Colonel Brandon. It didn’t occur to me when I read it, but yes, he is.

    I enjoyed this one, too.

  4. Thank you for this review, Meredith. I haven’t started this series yet. I still have to finish up Ivy Hill–have you read that series? Loved it. And I want to read on on my TBR first, A Castaway in Cornwall first. This series of which your review is of book two looks so good and I’m looking forward to reading it too. Sigh. So many great authors.

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