Austenesque Agenda – August 2022

Hiya, friends! Happy August!

How was your July?

Mine was a little quiet – I was pup-sitting for a few weeks and I think we’ve been having more rainy days than sunny days here. 🌧

There weren’t many outdoor adventures to be had this month. 😕

So I thought I’d share about Fezzik’s adventures instead! 🐶

Fezzik got a new carseat. 🚗

He had tons of play and cuddle time with his “cousins.” 🐕‍🦺

He enjoyed a boat day. 🚤

And he had a bath. 🛁
What fun and adventures did you enjoy with your July?


Want to know what Austenesque fun I’m getting into this month?

…here is what’s on this month’s

Austenesque Agenda:




Lyndsay Constable – August 6th

Jan Ashton – August 15th

Heather Moll – August 29th

Might not be as many author visits this month…I’ll have to come up with some more posts to share!
What are you looking forward to this month?


  1. Love your adorable little dog! I didn’t do too much last month but I did get to see my gorgeous twins so that made it a great month.
    As for your August plans? I’ve read Twists of Fate, Frederica and Dance The Tide several times. Love them all! I have In Essentials on my kindle but haven’t read it yet so I look forward to your review very much. I’m also anticipating your other posts.
    I have a couple of appointments this month but I do hope to be able to visit my Mum (her care home has had a Covid outbreak) I’m also hoping to go to my grandsons 6th birthday later this month. They were so excited to bring me the invitation 🙂

  2. After moving into our new house a year ago I have been VERY impatiently waiting for Ikea to get their shelves back in stock for my new library. Sitting here with all my real books stacked up in boxes has been so frustrating. Finally got them in stock, ordered, assembled and installed and now unpacking has begun. Of course once they are all unpacked then they have to be resorted and organized on the shelves but hey it’s progress.

  3. Oh, Meredith, I love Fezzik in his doggie car-seat with his paw on your shoulder. That was simply adorable. But you had to top that with the bathtub scene. OMG! That was hilarious. He is all hair. You don’t realize how tiny he is until he is neked. LOL! His expression was so cute. thanks for sharing the photos and the book list. Blessings.

  4. Hi Meredith! I didn’t have many outdoors adventures yet in July but not for rainy days ( I wish we had had rainy days) but very hot days: July has been so hot that it was really awful to be outdoors.
    I love Fezzik’s pictures: the one in the car is so cute with he putting his leg over your shoulder 😉
    Your August agenda is plenty of readings! I want to know your opinion of “The true confessions of a london spy” as well as “Twists of fate” and, of course, “Frederica”.
    Happy August: I “send” you some of my sunny days in return of some of “your” rainy days LOL

  5. Oh my gosh, that adorable dog. I wanted to attach little hearts and hugs and smileys on every picture like I can when I get a Grandkitty photo texted to me. Dang, he’s cute. The car seat though. Well, they all gave me a smile, that one!!! Uh, adorable.

    I don’t know where July went. After the 4th it’s kind of a blur. We needed to do some yard work but kept waiting until it wasn’t so hot to do it. Ack, at our age it’s not good to try and get it all done on one day. Nope!

    We did one extremely fun thing this past month. We went to the immersive Van Gogh experience in a nearby city. Oh wow, was that amazing. It was wonderful. When we walked into the moving pictures exhibit I choked up, because when we started we happened to catch it during one of the most beautiful parts. I recommend it if it comes close enough for you to go, and if you love art.

    I’m looking forward to your entire agenda. Can’t wait to hear what you think of Frederica. That is in the top three Heyer faves of mine and have to read it one or two years. I read the first Mary book and like it. So I’m eager to hear how you liked book two. Of course Joana Starnes!!! <3 <3 I haven't read the others you are reviewing yet, so eager for them too!

    Yay guest authors! A new to me author. 🙂 And two faves. double 🙂

  6. We are on our ” I don’t know how many” days of 100+ heat here in Texas so we are trying to stay cool. I lost my “Bubba” on 7/13, he was 73 yrs old.and he was the oldest of us 5 kids so that was very tough.

    We have also been dealing with a propane leak with my cook stove and have finally decided to just buy a new stove and it will be delivered today!!

    Your dog is absolutely adorable!

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