Cover Reveal + Giveaway for Jane Austen Lied to Me (rerelease)

Hi friends! I’m happy to welcome back author Jeanette Watts to Austenesque Reviews today.  As you might recall, Jeanette was here a few months back with the cover reveal for her release titled – My Dearest Miss Jane Fairfax!

Today, Jeanette has some exciting news to share about one of her previously releases and a new cover reveal! We hope you enjoy! 🙌🏼

~ From the Author ~

Thank you so much for having me back on Austenesque Reviews!

Instead of taking a breather after the release of My Dearest Miss Fairfax, I have elected to give a fresh makeover to my first Jane Austen novel, Jane Austen Lied to Me.

Somehow, the first edition of JAL2M made it to print, past all my editors and beta readers and proofreaders without ANYONE noticing that I had spelled Lizzy’s name wrong! There was someone on my Reddit group who commented on her pet peeve – that so many people spell it Lizzie Bennet, when in fact it’s Lizzy.

Of course, I am one of those people who did it wrong! I couldn’t stand leaving it, once I realized it. And then to make it worse, I realized I ALSO had Knightley’s name spelled wrong! I obviously have a problem with proper names. This is mortifying!

While I was fixing my spelling, I figured I might as well improve the internal formatting in other ways. And while I’m at it, I needed a new cover!

Things have changed since I first released JAL2M in 2017. It’s only been five years, but there’s been a shift in cover art for the romantic comedy genre. Covers today are cartoons, usually with the faces not drawn in. Presumably with the idea that readers should feel like they are filling in their features, and imagining they are the ones living through this romance.

Well, my husband is a great graphic artist, and this gave him a chance to play with a lot more graphics than the previous cover. The art he came up with is terribly delightful, and filled with fun small details. It isn’t precisely the faceless cartoons that are popular but I’m sure readers will realize from my cover that this book will meet their requirements for a fun read with several giggles, some horrifying moments, and a happy ending.

The re-release of Jane Austen Lied to Me began on June 8th. The price for both ebook and paperback will be reduced for two weeks; please consider buying a discounted copy and going back to write a review when you’ve read it!

~ Excerpt from Jane Austen Lied to Me ~

Aug 24

This is going to be fun! I’ve got an apartment close to campus with Tiffany and Allie. I’ve known them both since our freshman year, we’re all part of the library sweet spot crowd. I’m carrying in a box of kitchen essentials Allie’s mom gave us (the problem with apartments instead of dorms is that now you have to move cooking equipment as well as bedding and clothing), and who should be holding the door open for me, but – Lon!

“Well, hello!” he said when he saw my face.

“Wow, hi,” I said. Then neither one of us knew what else to say.

“I’ll chat with you when your arms aren’t quite so full,” he gave me this sort of courteous little bow.

“That will be great,” I answered. “See you around!”

I suppose if he was really being a gentleman he would have offered to carry my box for me. But then, he was probably in the process of moving himself in, too. I was standing in front of my door when I realized I should have asked him what apartment he’s in.

That’s when I remembered my vow. I’ve sworn off men this year. It doesn’t matter if I regret saying no when he’d asked me out two years ago. He is NOT Captain Wentworth, I am NOT living in a Jane Austen novel, and I won’t distract myself with men when I need to focus on school.

“Hey, stop standing there and open the door!” Allie appeared in the hallway with her arms full of bedding. Her mother and sister were right behind her, carrying laundry baskets with towels in three colors, so all three of us girls will have color coded towels.

“Sorry.” I put down the box and fished around in my pocket for the keys.

“I should have used smaller boxes. This thing is heavy,” I said. I decided I wasn’t going to tell Allie or Tiffany about Lon. If I’m swearing off men, what good will come of gossiping about them?

And without further ado….here is the big reveal!!!

(Available Now!)

It looks so fun!! What amazing detail and design on all the characters! 🖋

I think it will be so fun to meet the characters in this story and then try to figure out which character image on the cover belongs to them. 📕

I wonder how long the heroine will succeed with her plan to “swear off men…” 😏

I love stories about heroines and characters that love Jane Austen. 🎩

What do you think, friends? 🤔


~ Book Description ~

Dear Diary,

 In three years of college, there are seven times my life seemed to suddenly turn into a Jane Austen novel; seven times my life, instead of becoming a romance, turned into a made-for-TV drama.

What am I doing wrong?


~ Connect with Jeanette ~

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~ About with Jeanette ~

Jeanette Watts has written television commercials, marketing newspapers, stage melodramas, screenplays, novels, and a textbook on waltzing.  When she isn’t writing, she teaches social ballroom dances and belly dancing, refinishes various parts of her house, creates Japanese Gardens and raised beds for herb gardens, and sews historical costumes and the occasionally useful thing, like face masks for all her dancers. She is a very poor housekeeper.

She was happily writing historical fiction when she got the idea for her first Jane Austen-inspired novel, Jane Austen Lied to Me. That lead to another work of JAFF, which has now led to a third – although, this time, it is a combination of both her favorite genres.



Today Jeanette is offering  3️⃣ ebook copies of Jane Austen Lied to Me to  3️⃣ lucky readers who comment on today’s post!

To enter this giveaway leave a question, comment, or some love for Jeanette!

  • This giveaway is open worldwide. Thank you, Jeanette!
  • This giveaway ends June 20th.



  1. I have not yet read this one and I do enjoy modern adaptations so count me in for the giveaway and thanks for the chance to win.

    1. I’m sorry your name wasn’t chosen in the drawing! Just so you know, the ebook will be available for 99 cents until July 15th, if you want to grab a copy before the price goes back up!

  2. Great cover! I see there are 7 men on the cover representing her 7 TV dramas! I like contemporary Jane Austen books, and especially P&P contemporary. Thank you for the giveaway and congrats on this revised (very revised and with correct spellings) book.

  3. I love that cover and went to Amazon to order it and received an error message. Hopefully they get it fixed for you. Sorry that they are giving you trouble right as you are promoting it. Tell you husband he did it up right. Kuddos on the graphic pictures. They made me laugh and I WANT that book. Congratulations on the rerelease of this work. I hate it when editing misses things. I will read, read again, and, once more, read something and still have errors. GRRR! However, look at this as a chance to correct and rework this and it will feel fresh and new. I look forward to reading it. Well… as soon as Amazon fixes that glitch. Blessings. Thanks to Meredith for the reveal and sharing your new cover and excerpt with us.

    1. Hey, Garrett! Have you tried Amazon again? Thanks for letting me know about the error message – would you let me know if it happens again, and exactly what the error message says? Amazon wasn’t very helpful since I couldn’t tell them exactly what was wrong. Everyone ALWAYS wants to blame the server, or the router, or something else… PLEASE let me know if you are able to get a copy!

  4. The cover makes me think there will be a lot of laughs in this book but the kind of laughs where we go, “hey, that’s a valid point. Miss Austen has lied to me!” While I can’t wait to read this one but I will keep my fingers crossed that some of our crazier ideas and expectations are not put in full view or we might all be sent to court ordered therapy. 🙂

    1. I would love to hear what you think once you’ve read it – did I meet your expectations? I tried to keep it light and funny. The first two drafts were a satire, and much darker. It only turned into a romantic comedy later!

  5. I love the cover! Your husband did a good job. The premise of the story is amusing and I look forward to reading it.

    1. When you’ve read it, please consider going back and leaving a review! Just 2 or 3 sentences with your honest opinion is SOOOO valuable!

    1. I am thrilled that you noticed the character diversity! I’ve actually been already second-guessing myself: if I didn’t think my husband would kill me, I think I’d switch around some of the characters’ ethnic backgrounds. But then, when I finally get this book turned into a Broadway musical, ALL the characters will be cast colorblind…

  6. The premise of the novel sounds exciting and the cover is kind of cute. I guess it is just okay cos I have seen more beautiful book covers on romcom genre. I think it is a step better than your old cover.

    1. I was going for unique more than beautiful on the cover – and I’m so pleased it registered with you immediately as romcom, which is what I was going for! I hope you will go back and write a review once you’ve read the book!

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