Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway #26!!!

Hi friends! It is time for an Austenesque Quarterly Giveaway! 🤗❤️

If you are new to this blog, I shall explain. ☺️ I sometimes acquire duplicate copies of Austenesque books and then host a giveaway to find them some new homes! 📚🏡

And sometimes generous readers of this blog send me a box of books they’d like to share with others as well! (Thank you, Jean!!) 🤗

Included in this month’s giveaway I have some donated books and Audible codes from the lovely people at Quills and Quartos, Don Jacobson, and Jennifer Redlarczyk!) Thank you so much for making this giveaway even more special! 🎧

For the international readers of this blog, I am including an additional paperback copy of one of the books featured in this post (from Book Depository) to the giveaway prizes.

There are 12 prizes in this giveaway – 7️⃣ paperbacks, 3️⃣ Audible codes, 1️⃣ ebook, 1️⃣ winner’s choice paperback from Book Depository 😃🙌🏼😮

A Mother’s Touch by Jennifer Redlarczyk (ebook open to international readers)
A Very Merry Mix-Up by Jennifer Redlarczyk (Audible audiobook code – open to US and UK readers)
An Arranged Marriage by Jan Hahn
Being Mrs. Darcy by Lucy Marin (paperback open to international readers)
From This Day Forward by Joana Starnes
In Plain Sight by Don Jacobson (Audible audiobook code – open to US and UK readers)
Love Unsought by Kay Bea (paperback open to international readers)
Mr. Darcy’s Diary by Amanda Grange
Mr. Darcy’s Obsession by Abigail Reynolds
Pride and Prometheus by John Kessel
The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Lucy Marin (Audible audiobook code – open to US and UK readers)



If you are interested in winning one of these lovely books for yourself, just leave a comment indicating which book(s) you’d prefer to win!  

If you are an international reader, let me know in your comment.

I will randomly select a winner for each book/Audible audiobook code + 1 international winner for a winner’s choice paperback.

(You can enter this giveaway for more than one book, just make sure you leave only ONE comment.)

  • This giveaway will end June 4th.
  • Please enter this contest with just one name and one entry, multiple entries will be disqualified.


  1. These are some of my favorites that I don’t own…”An Arranged Marriage,” “Being Mrs. Darcy,” and “From This Day Forward.”

  2. This is such a generous offer Meredith!
    I would be delighted to read Mr Darcy’s Obsession by Abigail Reynolds or receive a UK Audible code for Lucy Marin’s The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  3. They look so good; my preference would be Mr Darcy’s Diary, Mr Darcy’s Obsession, or Pride and Prometheus. Thank you for the chance to win those prizes.

  4. Hi Meredith!
    That’s very kind of you and the authors to offer this wonderful collection of books! As an international reader I appreciate a lot that you think about us 😉
    I would like to own either “Love unsought ” or “Being Mrs Darcy”.
    Enjoy the weekend amiga mía 🙂

  5. What a wonderful Austenesque giveaway! With some authors whose works I have not had a chance to get to know yet. Jan Hahn’s “An Arranged Marriage” is sitting on my bedside table for my third – or is it forth? – read. I have long been a fan of Abigail Reynolds and recently finished my copy of Mr. Darcy’s Obsession. And if I am not mistaken Amanda Grange’s Mr. Darcy’s Diary was one of my first purchases – I now have two copies with different cover art. I would love to read Lucy Marin’s Being Mrs. Darcy, Joanna Starnes’ From This Day Forward, Jennifer’s A Mother’s Touch and Kay’s Love Unsought. I would probably love them all but I am partial to actual books in my hand at this moment 😉

  6. Thanks Meredith for your generous offer. I’m interested either in a paperback of Being Mrs Darcy or an US audio code for the Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy, both by Lucy Marin. Thank you

  7. I would be interested in Pride and Prometheus or A Mother’s Touch. Thanks for a chance to win.

  8. One of the great side benefits of reading is sharing – thank you, Meredith, for making this happen – hoping that all of the “winners” enjoy their reads!

  9. I already have all but two and I don’t have audiobooks so count me out but thank you fir the generosity, and good luck to all!

  10. So many books and so many I haven’t read! Very generous of you to pass on extras ❤️ The ones I would love to read are A Mother’s Touch, A Very Merry Mix-Up, An arranged Marriage, In Plain Sight, Pride and Prometheus, and The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy! Thanks again from all your readers.

  11. Thank you for the giveaway! I am interested in The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy and In Plain Sight. Good luck to all!

  12. I would love to have a copy of Abigail Reynalds’ “Mr Darcy’s Obsession.” I love all of her books.

  13. I’d love “A Mother’s Touch” or “The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy”. Thank you for your generosity, Meredith! I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend.

  14. So many great choices! Thank you for the chance to win. I would love Mr. Darcy’s Diary, Mr Darcy’s Obsession or Love Unsought.

  15. Thanks for the giveaway chance. I’d love to try for the audiobooks- In Plain Sight or The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy, or the copy of Love Unsought.
    Thanks again for hosting another giveaway!

  16. Such awesome prizes!!! I’ve already got a paperback copy of Being Mrs Darcy and I don’t do audiobooks (my house is too noisy, lolz), but any of the others would be lovely

  17. Thank you for your attention to readers from other countries. I would be very pleased if I received any of the books but I confess that I loved it immensely Being Mrs. Darcy, by Lucy Marin, that I read a few weeks ago.

  18. Book give aways are my favorite! I would like the opportunity to win either “An Arranged Marriage” or “This Day Forward.” I have “Mr. Darcy’s Diary” and recommend it. I enjoyed seeing it through Darcy’s eyes.

  19. Thanks Meredith did not some of these titles so know I do. Most ood them already reside in my library for my reading pleasure I highly recommend all of them anyone would be a great addion to anyone library. Good luck all who have participated.

  20. What a nice selection, I would like Being Mrs. Darcy or Love Unsought. I’m from Costa Rica

  21. What a great selection of books & many I’ve been keen to read but haven’t got to. I’m an international fan and would love to be entered for a paperback book. As nothing beats the actual flipping of a page for me 🙂

    Being Mrs. Darcy by Lucy Marin
    Love Unsought by Kay Bea

    & As a choice of book from bookdeposotiory,

    An Arranged Marriage by Jan Hahn
    From This Day Forward by Joana Starnes

  22. Wonderful and generous giveaway. I would enjoy Pride and Prometheus, A Mother’s Touch, or From This Day Forward.

  23. Thank you for your generous give-away. I would enjoy Being Mrs. Darcy, In Plain Sight, Love Unsought, or The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy. I already own most of the other books.

  24. What a grand quarterly giveaway you’ve got going and thank you to you and all who contributed.

    I would be interested in A Mother’s Touch by Jennifer Redlarczyk, An Arranged Marriage by Jan Hahn, Being Mrs. Darcy by Lucy Marin, Love Unsought by Kay Bea, Pride & Prometheus by John Kessel, and The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Lucy Marin.

  25. Thank you very much for the generous giveaway, Meredith. As you know, I am an international reader. I would love to win one of the following books in order of preference:

    1) Love Unsought
    2) The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy
    3) Being Mrs Darcy
    4) Pride and Prometheus
    5) From this Day Forward

  26. I’d love to win any of the paperbacks except Darcy’s Obsession and Diary as I own those already. Suddenly Mrs Darcy was such a great story and the other picks this month are all awesome too.

  27. I would love to read any one of the following: Being Mrs. Darcy, Love Unsought, or Mr. Darcy’s Obsession.

  28. Such a generous giveaway. If you can add me to the drawing of A Mother’s Touch, Being Mrs.Darcy, Diary of mr. Darcy, Mr. Darcy’s Obsession & Pride & Prometheus.

    Thank you for this chance

  29. Hi, am glad to know about this great and generous giveaway.
    I would love Being Mrs Darcy, I reside in Lima, Perú.

  30. Hi, Meredith, thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
    I´d love to be entered for A Mother´s touch, Being Mrs. Darcy or Love Unsought!
    I´m an international entry!

  31. This is such a lovely thing that you do! You can practically toss a book out your back window and I’ll catch it, being here in South Carolina. If I am blessed to win, I should mention that I do not like audio books, I would be delighted with any of the “real” books except JenRed’s and Jan Hahn’s, as I have already read and enjoyed these. Many thanks and best regards.

  32. Thank you for the generous donations from you and other readers. I would like to be entered for the following:
    A Mother’s Touch
    Love Unsought
    In Plain Sight (audio)
    The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy (audio)
    A Very Merry Mix Up (audio)

    Thank you!

    1. I’m international, so I’d love to win the book from book depository!
      Twitter contact: @WordsThatStay1

  33. Books I’d like to win: either one by Jennifer Redlarczyk (the e-book or audiobook), Joana Starnes, Kay Bea, or The Recovery of Fitzwilliam Darcy by Lucy Marin. I’m in the U.S.

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