Dear Clara – Shelly E. Powell + GIVEAWAY!!!

Secret Letters Lead to More than One Mix-Up!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Author

TYPE OF NOVEL: Regency Romance

THE PREMISE: Clara Everton receives a letter from an undistinguishable admirer she met during her first London season, and daringly decides to continue the exchange. An enchanting friendship begins to form and hearts become more engaged, but when Clara and her correspondent finally meet again in person painful revelations are made…


A Regency romance that centers around exchanging letters is definitely my cup of tea! It is a most improper thing for this pair to do when they are not engaged to each other, but that of course just added to the fun and romance of it all! I loved the reasons why James Thayne was so bold as to write Clara and take the risk of pursuing what he wants. In addition, I loved Clara’s situation of having a precarious future full of unknowns, yet still hoping to marry for love. And I loved how Ms. Powell took this innocent exchange of letters and blossoming friendship and completely turned it all on its ear when you least expected it.

I completely adored Clara and James in this story! Clara is gentle, playful, trusting, and a sincere friend. And James is honorable, earnest, cautious, and incredibly sweet with children. Both are incurable romantics. I very much enjoyed witnessing the evolution of Clara’s and James’s relationship with each other. Their letters were so endearing, and it was lovely to see the leisurely progression of their attachment and feelings. Not only did I enjoy their secretive and frank letters to each other, I also enjoyed witnessing each one of their in-person exchanges as well. These encounters were at times incredibly awkward and painful, and at other times enchantingly sweet and heartwarming.

Along with Clara and James, readers are introduced to several other unmarried men and women, a few of Clara’s relations, and several guests at a holiday house party. These characters were well-drawn and intriguing, and I enjoyed witnessing their interactions with Clara and James. Some of these characters are given even more page time with some secondary storylines and conflicts of their own. While I appreciated the inclusion of these interesting additional subplots, it did sometimes feel like they were interjected a little disjointedly and transiently – sometimes feeling little abrupt and underdeveloped. However, the main storyline arc of Dear Clara progresses smoothly and seamlessly.

What a charming debut for Shelly E. Powell!! Dear Clara is a diverting and engaging story about taking risks and learning to open your heart again. Regency romance fans who love stories that feature letters, house parties, elopements, and a most captivating couple will find plenty to delight in with this tale!

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I was actually sent 2️⃣ copies of Dear Clara for review! And since I only need one for myself, I’m happy to help the other lovely copy find a new home!

To enter this giveaway, please leave a comment about my review.
  • This giveaway is open to US residents.
  • This giveaway will end April 5th.



  1. Congratulations to Shelly on her debut! I love the idea of falling in love through letters. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  2. Intriguing that letter exchange even began as it was against the rules of propriety. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here and for a chance to win a copy. Stay safe, everyone. Good luck to this new author.

  3. Sounds intriguing! Falling in love via letter is romantic enough by itself, but add to it the scandal…sigh. I’d love to read it 🙂

  4. I love love letters! Or letters that lead to love! I suppose it’s no surprise that we readers and writers believe in the power of words — until, of course, words are just not enough. Thanks for this review, Meredith, and congrats to Shelly on the debut!

  5. Lovely review Meredith and it sounds wonderful. I’m not eligible for the competition but I’ll definitely add it to the TBR.

  6. Thank you for the lovely review, Meredith and congrats, Shelly, on your new book!

    The cover is absolutely beautiful and I adore epistolary novels so this one seems right up my alley.

    Thank you, ladies, for the giveaway opportunity!

  7. Intriguing story, I wonder what transpired when they met after all those correspondence. The cover is eye-catching,. Thank you for the review and the chance to win a copy.

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