A Captain for Caroline Gray – Julie Wright

Find Love But Don’t Lose Yourself

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Source: Review Copy from Blog Tour

TYPE OF NOVEL: Regency Romance

SETTING: London, England ➡️ Mumbai, India, 1820

THE PREMISE: Carolina Gray spent her seasons engaging in stimulating debates of politics and the state of the world instead of enticing flirtations, and now she is out of options. Sailing to India and meeting a virtual stranger in an arranged marriage-like situation is the only hope for a future that includes marriage and children of her own, or is it…?


  • The Adventure: Yes!!! A bluestocking heroine that travels with other unmarred women on board a ship to India where she meets a disdainful yet compassionate sea captain promises to be an exhilarating adventure! And I am here for it! I am thrilled to read another Proper Romance story about a sea voyage and journey to a foreign land. (Talk about the right time to read books that take you to faraway places!) And I am continuing to love any book that takes place on board a ship (I am enamored with all things related to the sea – the beach, pirates, travel, navy-life!), and unlike other sea-related stories I’ve read it is a merchant ship that has nothing to do with the Royal Navy or the Napoleonic Wars.
  • The Education: I thoroughly enjoyed witnessing what this voyage meant for these women – how they were hopeful yet uncertain and bravely seizing their futures in a strange new land. I also loved that this story illustrated some unpleasant truths about Regency attitudes towards other cultures and the realities of life for those living in India (both natives and settlers). I appreciated the authenticity of representing both the good and the bad.
  • The Heroine: I want to be Caroline Gray when I grow up! I admire her so very much! I am inspired by her curiosity with the world around her and her thirst to learn more. I especially admired her progressive interest in subjects not commonly taught to young Regency ladies such as science and politics. I loved that she was low-maintenance and ready for life’s adventures, but also romantic and loyal to those she loves. And I love that she was happy to make friends with laborers and people of all walks of life and share her talent for drawing with them.
  • The Hero: Captain Thomas Scott is indeed swoon-worthy! I loved his combatting feelings of disapproval and concern for the women on board his ship. And I thoroughly enjoyed every encounter he had with Caroline – their debates, their banters, and their quiet stolen moments alone. I loved being inside Captain Scott’s head to witness him feeling flustered, captivated, challenged, and confused by Caroline. And I loved that he was so attentive to her habits and behaviors and that he appreciated the qualities in her that no one else did.
  • The Important Takeaways: Both Caroline and Captain Scott grow and learn as individuals in this story. And I appreciated how Julie Wright wove some pertinent lessons about being true to yourself and the importance of forgiveness and trust into the rich fabric of her story. I think these lessons are timeless and apt reminders to us all.


  • Just that it felt like a perfect situation for an epilogue and there wasn’t one.


A Captain for Caroline Gray is a stirring and captivating Regency romance that is sure to delight readers who adore stories with progressive heroines, conflicted heroes, and adventure! Julie Wright delivers a sweeping romance full of tension and action that will take you on a most thrilling sojourn! I highly recommend!

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My sincere thanks to Laurel Ann of Austenprose for inviting us to take part in this lovely blog tour!


  1. WOW Meredith, I can´t wait to read this one. I also have begun to be fond of naval stories and, some weeks ago, I went to the Naval Museum in Madrid and I was captivated by the designs of the ships, the instruments sailors used to navigate through the seas and the battles between awesome ships so, I´m thrilled with your story and Caroline´s character, bravo for the lady!
    Thanks for your beautiful and exciting review 😉

    1. I’m so glad you like the sound of this one, Teresa! And that sounds like such a fun visit to the Naval Museum! I know it wouldn’t be comfortable and have its hardships, but I would really love to experience a sea voyage like this myself!

      Thank you for reading my review!

  2. This review was amazing Meredith! Congratulations! I loved this book for the same reasons you did, and I’ve got to say it was even one of my favorite reads this year! I am looking forward to read more books from this author 🙂

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