Austenesque Novel Finds – February 2020

Hi readers, did you enjoy a lovely February? 💝

It definitely went faster than January, didn’t it? 💨

Shall we look at what books were released recently? 😍

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for February 2020 for your perusing pleasure! 📚


Austenesque Novel Finds – February 2020

1932: Pride and Prejudice Revisited by Karen M. Cox (2nd edition)

A Bitter Engagement: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate by Petra Belmonte

A Courtship at Pemberley: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Elizabeth M. Bridges

A Different Kind of Woman (Mansfield Trilogy Book 3) by Lona Manning

A Simple Floral Bonnet by Melanie Schertz

Bluebells in the Mourning by KaraLynne Mackrory (rerelease)

Building Mr. Darcy by Ashlinn Craven

Dinner with Mr Darcy: Recipes inspired by the novels and letters of Jane Austen by Pen Vogler (rerelease)

Directed by Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation, Set in the Golden Age of Hollywood by Lesley T. Franklin

Dirty Petticoats: Pride and Prejudice continues in a romantic comedy-mystery tale by Moira Bianchi

Elizabeth & Darcy 1900: Jane Austen Revisited by Florence Gold

Elizabeth: Obstinate Headstrong Girl (The Quill Collective Book 5) by Christina Boyd

Flight to Gretna Green by Jann Rowland

Forgiven by Sharon Garrison

It’s a Duke’s Life: Sequel to ‘Don’t flatter yourself’ – A P&P Variation (The Denton Connection Book 3) by Sydney Salier

Mendacity & Mourning by Jan Ashton (rerelease)

Moments of Moments Future (The Memory Series Book 3) by Ney Mitch

Mr. Darcy and the Lost Slipper: a Pride and Prejudice variation (The Happily Ever Collection Book 2) by Valerie Lennox

Mr Darcy and the Murder at Rosings: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lin Mei Wei

Mr. Darcy’s Deception: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Kate Speck

Mr. Darcy’s Redemption: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Juliana Abbott

Only The Deepest Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Ameila Wood

Overhearings Less to the Purpose: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story by Timothy Underwood

Return to Pemberley: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Lane Cossett

Sunken Treasure: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Tiffany Ward

The Gift of Love: An alternative Pride & Prejudice story by Amy Ines Robertson

The Jane Austen Dating Agency: an uplifting romantic comedy by Fiona Woodifield

The Most Interesting Man in the World by Jan Ashton and Justine Rivard (rerelease)

The Parson’s Rescue by Colin Rowland

The Pocket Book Series, Volume 1: Rumors & Revelations, A Collection of Pride & Prejudice Short Story Variations by Aubrey Anderson and Marion Kay Hill

The Rushing Waters of Pemberley by Melanie Schertz

The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne

Yours Forevermore, Darcy by Kara Lynne Mackrory (rerelease)

Austenesque Boxsets

A Dollop of Pride and a Dash of Prejudice: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Collection by Renata McMann and Summer Hanford

A Month To Love: Compilation: A Sweet Pride & Prejudice Variation by Abbey North

An Eternity with Darcy – The Collection: A Paranormal Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation by Camilla Barlowe

Desiring Darcy: A Collection of Sensual Variations of Pride & Prejudice by Carla Bency

I Dream of Darcy—The Complete Novel: A Regency Pride and Prejudice Variation by Andrea David

Austenesque Audiobooks

A Scandalous Proposition: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Abbey North

Falling for Mr Darcy by KaraLynne Mackrory

Netherfield: Rogue Dragon: A Pride and Prejudice Variation: Jane Austen’s Dragons, Book 3 by Maria Grace

Austenesque Works Under 100 Pages

A Love Threatened: A Paranormal Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation (An Eternity with Darcy Book 5) by Camilla Barlowe

A Month To Love, Part Three: A Sweet Pride & Prejudice Variation by Abbey North

A Secret Admirer: A Sweet Pride & Prejudice Variation by Abbey North

An Enchanted Love: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (A Courtship of Roses Book 1) by Jane Hunter

An Unending Romance: A Paranormal Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation (An Eternity with Darcy Book 6) by Camilla Barlowe

Danger by Moonlight: A Paranormal Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation (An Eternity with Darcy Book 4) by Camilla Barlowe

Darcy and Elizabeth The Wedding : A short contemporary variation by Barbara Silkstone

Darcy’s Winter Delight: A Steamy Pride and Prejudice Variation by V. L. King

Lizzy’s Second Chance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Claire Hastings

Mend My Broken Heart, Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Emma Berkley

Mr. Darcy – Behind Closed Doors: The Complete Pemberley Estate Series (The Pemberley Estate Book 6) by Josie de Vere

Mr. Darcy’s Christmas Surprise by Debra-Ann Kummoung

Mr. Darcy’s Favor (The Pemberley Estate Book 5) by Josie de Vere

Mr. Darcy’s Naughty Little Words (The Pemberley Estate Book 7) by Josie de Vere

Mr. Darcy’s Valentine Baby: a Pride and Prejudice Variation by April Floyd

Their Secret Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novelette by Renata McMann and Summer Hanford

Two Gentlemen Callers: A ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Variation Vignette by Margaret Lynette Sharp

Very Much Like Her Brother: A Pride and Prejudice Novella by JT Hunt


There are 59 new Austenesque releases for the month of February!

What a busy month for Austenesque authors!

❣️ Okay, not counting rereleases or other formats I have read 1️⃣- 1932: Pride and Prejudice Revisited .

❣️Also, I have the fabulous Elizabeth: Obstinate Headstrong Girl (The Quill Collective Book 5) in my TBR pile… #OMGItsOHG! 😍

❣️ And I’m very interested in adding lots of the other books on this list to my wishlist, like The Stars We Steal, A Different Kind of Woman (Mansfield Trilogy Book 3), and The Jane Austen Dating Agency: an uplifting romantic comedy.

Which books do you want to read?


  1. Goodness! Thank you, Meredith, for assembling this manifold listing. Your time in research and organizing all this every month is not unappreciated. So helpful!

    I’ve read the rereleases and, of course, my own anthology but so far the rest are on my TBR list. What a month!

  2. I’m currently reading The Most Interesting Man in the World, and I’ve read a few others on the list. My goodness, it is long! I haven’t decided what is next yet. There are so many great choices!

  3. Good Grief, Meredith [hello to your Mr. Bingley], look at that list of books. Man, our JAFF authors certainly have been busy. I’ve read the rerelease books of KaraLynne, and I have Karen Cox books on my TBR pile. I recently won a copy and wanted to read them in order. Whew! This has been a busy month… and it’s over? Where did the time go? Well, guess I need to grab my reader and get started. I have a lot of catching up to do. LOL!! Blessings to everyone in the new month. Thanks so much for compiling this list for us, Meredith.

    1. It has been a busy month, hasn’t it? Oh I am so glad you will read Karen’s books – they are so terrific. I know you will love them!

      Happy reading, my friend! Thanks for checking out this list and sharing your thoughts.

  4. I am looking forward to Yours Forevermore, Darcy, Bluebells in the Mourning, and 1932. I also find my curiosity piqued by Darcy and Elizabeth 1900 as I love the Edwardian era.

    Thank you for doing these lists for us every month, Meredith! I keep them in a file for easy reference! 😀

    Susanne 🙂

  5. Wow- Feb is a short month but not short on books this year! I’ve been swamped with my re-releases, and helping to spread the word about our upcoming anthology, Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl. But it’s time to do some reading, I see! Thanks for the list 🙂

    1. So true! Which makes it all the more impressive! And yes, it has been a busy two months for you! Hope you get plenty of reading in this month!

  6. Wow, that’s a lot of books for February.

    I just finished the ARC of The Wrong Mr. Darcy. Contemporary and not what you’re expecting–basketball theme and co-written with one of the WAGS. It will be out in a few months.


      1. Wive and Girlfriends (of the basketball players).

        The story has some dark moments. Definitely not a lighthearted read. But, I enjoyed it as a book.

  7. Phew! Well I’ve read the originals of both books by KaraLynne Mackrory and by Jan Ashton. I’ve also read the fabulous Elizabeth anthology by Christina Boyd. All highly recommended!
    I’ve read the original 1932 by Karen Cox but intend to buy the re issued version for the extra scenes. I also have the Aubrey Anderson anthology The Pocket Book Series which is my next read.
    Some of the others are already on my list but I will check out the others.
    Thanks so much Meredith. Happy March

    1. I’m thrilled to hear you sing the Elizabeth anthology’s praises! And that you are reading another anthology next!

      Happy reading, my friend!

  8. I read eight of these this month. I really appreciate this monthly post, as it brings any I’ve missed to my attention. It seems Amazon doesn’t provide a complete list of new releases when I do my searches. So a big thanks to you!

    1. That is so impressive, Marie!! Woot! Go you! I know what you mean about Amazon..the weirdest thing is searching with the words ‘Jane Austen’ seems to never include any JAFF anymore! So very happy to help!

  9. Oh you’re in for a real treat when it comes to Elizabeth: Obstinate, Headstrong Girl, Meredith! Ten more fantastic stories from some of our favourite authors, including Christina’s own debut (which is amazing!). Apart from that, I’ve read 1932 (second edition), Bluebells in the Mourning and Yours Forevermore, Darcy (original editions). Thanks for including audiobooks in your list these days. I’ve just finished listening to the first of the Dragon books by Maria Grace and now that Netherfield is available, I’ll go straight through the trilogy, I think. And I hadn’t realised that Falling for Mr. Darcy was now available in that format. There go two more Audible credits!

    I’ve got the original edition of Mendacity and Mourning on my TBR list and a hardback copy of the original version (with the pink cover) of Dinner with Mr. Darcy, which I won in a giveaway back in 2014. It’s fascinating to dip in and out of.

    Many thanks for all the hard work you put in on our behalf.

    1. I’m so thrilled to hear it, Anji! I’ve known about the project for a bit and have eagerly waiting for this day to arrive!! I’m especially excited about Christina’s debut!

      I’m happy to include the Audiobook releases as sometimes I’ve noticed they might make quieter releases and some authors might need some help spreading the word! Glad you have some new ones you are excited about!

      Oh! You are right – for some reason I thought Dinner with Mr. Darcy was different from the one that was released years ago – like a part 2, but I think you are right that it is the same. Will adjust how it is listed above. Thanks!

  10. Hi Meredith! It’s the first time I can recommend you a book: “Netherfield: rogue dragon”. Well, I know the one that appears in your list is the audiobook and I haven’t heard it but I read it last year, in fact I read the whole trilogy and I enjoyed it a lot ;).
    “Netherfield” is the third book and knowing there are so many titles to read, I think it would be a great idea for you enjoying this trilogy in audiobook version because having dragons in the story, I can imagine that the audiobook format must be really thrilling!.
    And, for the others titles, I haven’t read any. It caught my interest “Mr Darcy and the lost slipper” because it sounds kind of “Cinderella” or the fairytale of “The princesses and the red slippers” but it’s only an intuition.
    Anyway, Febraury was a busy month and we have March here…I hope you have a great time of reading and being outdoors!

    1. I am sold! I will definitely read Maria Grace’s Dragon series! There have been so many wonderful recommendations for it, and even though I’m not usually fond of fantasy stories with dragons, I’m determined to give it a try! Thanks so much for sharing your praise!!

      Yes, I like the sound of Cinderella and Jane Austen combining! 😉

      Hope you have a less busy March!! Happy reading!

  11. 59 Austenesque books in one month! Meredith, I remember when I used to dig and hope and pray for one a month! Oh, how the times have changed. Thanks for all of your hard work to assemble all of these titles!

  12. Hi Meredith! Thank you so much for these monthly lists. I have to say though, that when I saw this in my email I thought ‘WHAT? NO!!’ February may have been short but we certainly haven’t suffered a shortened list of new Austenesque books not even counting the rereleases. There are so many on this month’s list that look good. And March looks like it’s going to be another amazing month of releases.

    You are positively going to love Elizabeth: Obstinate Headstrong Girl. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I read it before the cover was revealed, but oh my that cover! I think that alone might intrigue me enough to try it, and I usually do not let covers dictate my purchases (although I love a beautiful cover.) What talent, what a variety of stories. Okay, Meredith. You know me and how I’ve had to be rather dragged into reading contemporary. Well, I adored each and every non-Regency story in this anthology. The Regency stories took place in different places on P&P’s original plot timeline, which is only one reason that they all are so unique.

    I’ll add my thanks too for including the audiobooks in the monthly list. I might not have been informed of some new ones if I didn’t follow certain blogs. I’m just ecstatic over Maria Grace’s Dragon Book 3 audiobook. The voice talent is amazing on these, Benjamin Fife. I was so impressed with his range of voices before reading the interview on Maria’s website, but that just made it more fun to know his background. I’m also excited over Karalynne’s audio book. 🙂

    Thank you again, Meredith for all your hard work on our behalf.

  13. I’m surprised it was only 59 books this month, which is kind of average for lately. I’ve been keeping statistics of the exponential rise in book releases ever since I did a talk on it for my local JASNA two years ago and it doesn’t show any signs of flagging. There were so many re-releases in February, I expected a big number! I treated them as first time releases in my geeky lists, though–too much trouble to try to figure out what’s been out before, and unfair if I miss some.

    I’m glad to see the cool new releases among these, though, with many from fave authors. It’s so fun to see them all together on a page like this. Thanks for it all, Meredith. Best of luck to all the authors!

  14. Received an ARC of The Pocket Book Series, Volume 1: Rumors & Revelations and looking forward to reading A Different Kind of Woman by Lona Manning

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