Austenesque ARC Giveaway #21!!!

Austenesque ARC

Hi friends! It is time for another Austenesque ARC Giveaway!  🤗❤️

If you are new to this blog, I shall explain. ☺️ I sometimes acquire duplicate copies of Austenesque books (either from me buying books I already own or from generous readers who donate from their own collection) and then host a giveaway to find them some new homes! 📚🏡

These books are most often gently used or ARC – Advanced Reader Copies – and will be labeled as such next to the title. *Except for A Matter of Chance which is new and kindly donated by the lovely L.L. Diamond!

*Since the giveaways of these previously owned books are open just for US readers (sorry friends, international shipping costs sometimes 3x the price of the book), I am hosting a Winner’s Choice ebook option for all our international friends! 📱📖

There are 4 ARCs/previously owned books in this giveaway but I’ll choose 5 winners – for the books I’m giving away and 1 who will choose one of the 4 books to receive as an ebook. 🥰

He Taught Me to Hope by P.O. Dixon

A Matter of Chance by L.L. Diamond

Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honorable Man by Brenda Webb

The Lost Memoir of Jane Austen by Syrie James



If you are interested in winning one of these lovely books for yourself, just leave a comment indicating which book(s) you’d prefer to win!  If you are an international reader, let me know in your comment. I will randomly select a winner for each book + 1 international winner for a winner’s choice ebook.

(You can enter this giveaway for more than one book, just make sure you leave only ONE comment.)

  • This giveaway is open to residents US residents (+ 1 ebook – winner’s choice – open internationally!)
  • This giveaway will end August 19th


  1. This is such a generous giveaway. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you so much. ( I don’t have any of these books so I don’t have any preference)

  2. Wow–thanks, Meredith!! I would LOVE any of the four books. I have read Syrie’s book but only a library copy, so I would love to have my own copy. The other four I have not read and do not own.

    I hope that your summer is going along swimmingly!

    Susanne 🙂

  3. So wonderful to have these ARC giveaways esp. when on a fixed income! Fitzwilliam Darcy an Honorable Man is my choice should I win.

  4. What a great opportunity for lovers of JAFF to add to their collection. Since I know Brenda can write a good book, I am definitely interested in Fitzwilliam Darcy, An Honorable Man!Cam

  5. Ooohhh, ooooh, oooooh! I am international but can have things sent to my sister’s address in Wisconsin. My choice is Brenda J Webb’s Fitzwilliam Darcy: An Honourable Man. Thank you for this chance to win!

  6. Thanks so much for running this giveaway. I would be interested in winning the books: The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen, A Matter of Chance and Fitzwilliam Darcy an Honorable Man.

  7. I sincerely appreciate your generosity in giving away these books. Since I already own Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honorable Man, it would be lovely to win one of the other three. Again, thank you.

  8. Wow…another great giveaway…I’d love to win A Matter of Chance or Fitzwilliam Darcy, I already have enjoyed the other two…Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Thanks Meredith for the ARC Giveaway – you are so generous. I would love to win either A Matter of Chance or Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honorable Man. I have the other two books already. Thanks again. –Leslie

  10. Fun giveaway, Meredith!
    I would love to be in the running for all (PO Dixon, LL Diamond, and Brenda Webb) except The Lost Memoir of Jane Austen by Syrie James.

  11. I haven’t read He Taught Me to Hope by P.O. Dixon or The Lost Memoir of Jane Austen by Syrie James. Thank you so much for the giveaway. 🙂

  12. Thanks for doing this giveaway, Meredith. You are truly awesome. Can I have The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen in e-book format if I’m chosen as the international winner?

  13. I would love to win A Matter Of Chance. That’s the only one I haven’t read yet. Thanks for the opportunity.

  14. I do so look forward to these ARC giveaways. The only title I do not already own (and read) is He Taught Me to Hope by P.O. Dixon so please enter me for that one. With kindest regards and many thanks for your continued generosity. JanisB, USA

  15. Please don’t enter me this time, as I have all 4 books. But it’s just fun participating so I can see who does win and wishing everyone good luck and happy reading.

  16. The only one that’s missing in my collection, is the Syrie James book, so if you do have an ebook version for me I would be very happy 🙂

  17. Great giveaway Meredith. I’d love to win either A Matter of Chance or Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honorable Man. Thanks for the chance.

  18. Thanks for the giveaway chance. If chosen – I would prefer either Fitzwilliam Darcy An Honorable Man or He Taught Me to Hope.

    Best wishes

  19. You are always so kind to have these giveaways. I believe today is your birthday, so, Happy Birthday! I have read three of the books, but I have not read (and would love to) A Matter of Chance.

  20. Hi Meredith,

    I already own Syrie’s book (and it’s fabulous!) but I don’t have the others so any of them would be a wonderful addition to my library.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity!

  21. I’d love to win the ebook of The Lost Memoir of Jane Austen by Syrie James! Difficult choice as the other books sound good too.

  22. I’d love to win and read Syrie’s book! It’s on my long long list of want to read it books. I’m an international fan.

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