Austenesque Novel Finds – July 2019

Hi readers, I’d like to lodge a formal complaint that July is over! 😠 This summer is going too fast! I feel like a week ago it was the end of May…now we are looking at the end of July…you have to be kidding!?! 😧 😖 

Were you keeping busy in July or did you have some time to relax? 🏖

Should we find out if Austenesque authors stayed busy in July ? 🤔

Here’s a list of Austenesque Novel Finds for July 2019 for your perusing pleasure! 📚


Austenesque Novel Finds – July 2019

A Baby at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Rosalie Hammond

A Lady’s Choice: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Collection by Jane Hunter

A Lady’s Reputation by A. D’Orazio

A Strange Inheritance: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (The Haunting of Miss Bennet Book 1) by Susannah Barton

Concerto: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Variation by Cora Aston

Courtship and Confusion: An intimate Pride and Prejudice Variation by Laura Maybrick

Cousin Emma: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 16) by Perpetua Langley

Crossing Paths: A Pride & Prejudice Variation Novella (In Different Circumstances Book 1) by Lane Cossett

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Poet: A Pride & Prejudice Variation by Jennifer Joy

Follies and Vices: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Emily Russell

His Choice of a Wife: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Heather Moll

Imagining Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Ardent Love of Fitzwilliam Darcy) by Harriet Knowles

Marriage and Ministry: a Pride and Prejudice Novel by Amanda Kai

Men of Consequence: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Francine Rainey

Mr. Darcy’s Destiny: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lily Bernard

Mr. Darcy’s Seaside Romance: All Go to Brighton: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Violet King

Refusing Mr. Collins: A Pride and Prejudice Possibility by Carrie Mollenkopf

Richard Fitzwilliam’s Plans: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Tiffany Ward

Sudden Acquisitions: A sequel to Pride and Prejudice by Louise Birkett

The Colonel: A Longbourn’s Songbird Novel by Beau North

The Longbourn Unexpected Trilogy: Three beloved stories in one volume! by Elaine Owen

The Miracles of Marriage: A Pride and Prejudice Novel Variation (The Moralities of Marriage Book 5) by Elizabeth Ann West

The Seven Sisters: Arrogance and Attitude by Ronald McGowan

Undeceived: Pride and Prejudice in the Spy Game by Karen M. Cox (re-release)

And here are some shorter Austenesque inspired works for your perusing pleasure!

A Capital Whip: A Pride and Prejudice Sequel by Blake Smith

A gentleman`s mistake: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Marley Fulton

A Highland Escape: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Mr. Darcy’s Highland Fling Book 3) by Jane Hunter

A Highland Rescue: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Mr. Darcy’s Highland Fling Book 4) by Jane Hunter

A Rendezvous at Pemberley: a Steamy Pride & Prejudice Variation (Summer Love Book 2) by JL Pearl

A Shipboard Affair: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (Love Crosses the Atlantic Book 1) by Florence Prescott

Beloved by Mr. Darcy: a steamy Pride & Prejudice variation (Becoming His Book 8) by J.L. Pearl

Darcy, My Hero: The Florence Prescott Collection Vol. 1: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate Collection by Florence Prescott

Her Husband, Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Sensual Variation Duology by Cora Aston

Mr. Collins of Hunsford by Chelsea Fraisse

Mr. Darcy’s Lost Love – The Rescue of Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride & Prejudice Variation Novella Series (Mr. Darcy’s Lost Love Series Book 2) by April Floyd

Mr. Darcy’s Lost Love – The Return of Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride & Prejudice Variation Novella Series (Mr. Darcy’s Lost Love Series Book 3) by April Floyd

The Message: A ‘Pride and Prejudice’ Variation Vignette by Margaret Lynette Sharp

Two Gentlemen of Honor: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Clara Willoughby

With Darcy at Midnight: A Pride and Prejudice Intimate Variation by Hester Rose

With Only a Touch of His Hand: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate (At Mr. Darcy’s Pleasure Book 2) by Rosamund Darling


Yes, it looks like Austenesque authors stayed busy this month!

There are 39 new Austenesque releases for the month of July!

There are so many to choose from!  Which ones do you want to read?

 🏖 I have read 1* technically… I read the first edition of Undeceived: Pride and Prejudice in the Spy Game by Karen M. Cox.

🏖 And I’m planning on starting The Colonel: A Longbourn’s Songbird Novel by Beau North this week and reading His Choice of a Wife: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Heather Moll soon.

🏖 But I’m adding several others to my wishlist…like Amy D’Orazio’sA Lady’s Reputation.

Are there any from this list that you’d recommend I check out?


Click here to see the past month’s Austenesque Novel Finds!


  1. I am not interested in books that say they are “sensual” or “intimate”, but I am hoping that someone will read “A Strange Inheritance” by Susannah Barton, and write an extensive review. It has such a *strange* premise. I’m curious if there is an HEA in it. (But not curious enough to buy it!)

  2. I officially resign from ‘keeping up’ with all the new JAFF books. Sigh. I am back to writing so cannot read much anyway. Looking forward to your reviews so that I will have some idea which to put on my kindle for the future.

    1. It is a blessing to have so many options though! But yes, perhaps becoming more selective does make it a bit more manageable! Hope your writing is going well!!

  3. I’m currently reading the new edition of Undeceived, which I loved the first time around and enjoying it just as much this time, even though I know who the mole is and how things pan out. You’re going to love The Colonel, Meredith. Make sure you have some tissues to hand, though. At times, it’s even more heart-wrenching than Longbourn’s Songbird. Can I also give a shout out for Jennifer Joy’s Fitzwilliam Darcy, Poet? I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the beta stage and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Of the rest, I simply adore the cover of A Lady’s Reputation, especially as the lake scene painting at the bottom is of a real place that’s not far from where I live. I really want to read the book, too. Same goes for Heather Moll’s debut work.

    Many thanks for keeping us all up to date once more.

    1. That’s awesome. Anji! What a terrific book to reread! I’ve been enjoying some rereads this year, more than usual! I am already loving The Colonel – it is just magnificent! And Jennifer’s new book looks wonderful too!

      I hope you enjoy a wonderful month of reading, my friend! I hope your garden is keeping well too!

  4. Goodness, I have read only TWO on your list. Two more are on my TBR list. If it’s any consolation to myself, I have already exceeded my Goodreads book challenge of 51. I do wish I could count number of reads for the books I’ve edited—surely I would be at 100 so far, ha!

  5. 39? 39! Busy release month for us authors, wow! Good for readers, though! Thanks for keeping track of all the new releases for us so we don’t miss anything, Meredith!

  6. Well, I have read zero. I definitely have put more than a handful on my wish list. Most of those are by authors I’m familiar with, like Jennifer Joy, Amy D’Orazio, Beau North, Karen Cox, and April Floyd. I really want to read Heather Moll’s book. And some new authors have caught my eye with titles that are intriguing. But honestly, I cannot keep up. I just can’t read fast enough. I can’t afford all the books I want to read either. I have a Kindle Unlimited subscription and I’m trying to read everything I can while they are still available. Lots of these have been out for some time now, so I am catching up on books everyone was talking about a year or two or five years ago. Ha. But yes, I do get some new reads in too. I liked what Brenda said. And she’s doing something we all will benefit from. 😀

    1. Excellent choices, Michelle. I always love seeing more from authors I’ve loved and read before!

      And, yes! 😉 I am doing the same…I’m forever playing catch up with older reads. How wonderful it would be if we could read 39 books in a month…could you imagine!?

      I hope you enjoy your reads this month, whether they are current or not! 🙂

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